

作者:田園時光美食  於 2016-3-10 19:34 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:田園, 芋頭糕



大芋頭 250克(250 g taro)

廣式臘肉 25克(Cantonese-style cured meat 25g)

蝦干5克(5 g dried shrimp)

蔥花10克(10 g chopped green onion)

紅蔥酥1湯匙(Fried red onion 1 tbsp)

雞湯3/4杯約200mi(3/4 cup chicken broth)

鹽1/4茶匙(1/4 teaspoon salt)

醬油1/2湯匙(1/2 tbsp soy sauce)

李錦記蚝油1茶匙Lee Kum Kee oyster sauce 1 tsp

糖1/2茶匙(1/2 tsp sugar)

粘米粉1/2杯約70克(1/2 cup rice flour about 70 g)

澄粉1/2杯約70克(1/2 cup wheat starch about 70 g)

水1.5杯約375ml(1.5 cups water )


2、同時準備廣式臘肉  25克 切小粒,也可以用廣式臘腸。

3、把5克蝦干 泡軟后 切小粒,再把一根蔥切碎 備用。

4、炒鍋燒熱, 放1.5湯匙油 ,先把臘肉粒 入鍋 炒至出油,再放入前面準備的蝦干粒和蔥花,炒出香味。即可關火,把它們取出一邊備用。

5、留下鍋里的油,把切好的芋頭丁放入,用中高火 翻炒2-3分鐘。然後加入200毫升左右的雞湯。再加入屏幕顯示的調味料,加蓋用中偏小火煮至芋頭熟透后  關火。

6、如果你喜歡做出的芋頭糕能吃到芋頭顆粒,這時你可以留下2-3湯匙熟透的芋頭顆粒備用。鍋里的芋頭用 壓土豆泥的工具 把芋頭壓成泥狀,備用。

7、現在我們做粉漿,把屏幕顯示的 粘米粉  、澄粉 和水 放到一個大碗里,攪拌均勻。 這粉漿里有一半的量我用了澄粉,是為了口感更細膩,你也可以全部都用粘米粉。

8、把裝有粉漿的碗,放入滾水的鍋里,邊煮邊隔水攪拌,直到碗里的漿液開始輕微的變稠,但仍然可以流動,即可關火 。隨即把剛才準備好的芋頭泥拌入,盡量攪勻,再把之前留下的芋頭顆粒和炒過的材料 一起拌入。芋頭糕的漿就做好了。

9、準備合適的容器,在裡面抹油,把芋頭漿倒入,抹平表面,如果你喜歡可以在面上撒一些臘肉、蝦干或蔥花。放入滾水鍋里去蒸。用中高火 蒸30-40分鐘,可以拿筷子測試,取出時沒有生的漿液帶出就說明熟透了。


Cantonese style savoury taro cake is a popular dim sum dish  and today I will show you guys how to make it at home

First we will select this type of large taros, peel them and dice them into cubes, set aside about 250grams

Dice up 25 grams of cantonese style cured meat, you can use cantonese sausage as well

Soak 5 grams of dried prawns and mince 1 scallion and set asideHeat a pan until it's hot and add in 1.5 tablespoon of oil place the meat dice and stir around until the oil from the meat seeps through. add in the dry prawns and minced scallion and stir around until it's fragrant. turn off the heat and set it aside 

Use the remaining oil in the pan, add in the diced taro and stir fry on 2-3 minutes on medium high heat and add in 200 ml of chicken stock, season with the ingredients shown and add on a cover and steam on medium low heat until the taro is totally cooked through, turn off the heat 

Mash the taro up with a potato masher, if you prefer a more texture style, save 2-3 tablespoon of whole taro pieces to add back in later 

Add the rice flour the wheat starch and water into a bowl and mix well, the reason for why we use wheat starch is to give the cake a very smooth texture, but if you can use just rice flour if you'd like

Place this bowl it to a pot of boiling water and stir while the water is boiling until the paste becomes thicker in texture but still remaining a liquid, turn off the heat and add in the mashed taro, mix well. if you had saved some taro chunks, add them in here too 

Find a suitable container and oil the sides, pour the taro paste in and smooth off the top, if you like you can decorate the top with some cured meat, prawn or scallion, steam in a boiling steamer  on medium high heat for 30-40 minutes, test with a chopstick if you can insert it in with no wet paste coming out it's ready 

Remove the container and let it chill, make sure you slice it after it's cooled or else it will be sticky, you can eat it the way it is or panfry the slices 











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回復 fanlaifuqu 2016-3-10 21:52
回復 田園時光美食 2016-3-10 22:16
fanlaifuqu: 喜歡吃,樓主很體貼!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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