

作者:Giada  於 2012-10-6 12:29 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村







-- 網上瀏覽降低自我控制,並與較高的債務和體重相關聯


當她轉貼了一篇報紙上的文章時,麻煩開始了。該文章聲稱去年在紐約市鬥牛型狗是最危險的類型。她在貼文章時同時寫道:「請談談你的看法... 833件鬥牛型小狗狗的事件,」布里斯托爾女士是一位40歲在曼哈頓的公關和動物福利倡導者。


布里斯托爾女士的朋友們 -- 其中的許多人也活躍於動物福利界 -- 迅速跟進。一位指出,「鬥牛犬」不是一個單一的官方品種; 另一位說:當狗變得暴力呈進攻性時,「不負責任的狗主人」經常要負責任。黑色的拉布拉多型狗實際上可能更會咬人 – 另外一位則如此說。








「你可以把它理解為合格證效應:你自我感覺良好因此你感到你有擁有優越感的權利,」 哥倫比亞大學商學院市場營銷助理教授和此項研究的合著者基思•威爾科克斯說:「你要保護那個粉飾過的形象,這可能是為什麼人們如此強烈抨擊那些不同意他們的意見的人。」酗酒的人通常會顯示這些類缺乏自我控制,自我「膨脹感」的行為,他補充說。

研究人員進行了一系列的五個研究。在一個研究中,他們詢問541 名臉書用戶在網站上花費多少時間和在臉書的好友圈裡有多少個親密的朋友。他們還詢問了他們的網下生活,包括他們的債務和信用卡的使用情況,他們的體重和飲食習慣的問題,以及他們每星期花了多少時間和真實的人社交。





特克爾博士說,令人吃驚的是,當人們在線溝通時,許多人依舊忘記他們在網上的發帖有著像大聲說話那樣的效果。特別是從智能手機發帖,其實你是在發表講話,但你並不覺得你是在發表,」她說。 「所以,如果你在這個小玩藝兒上說『我恨你』呢?這小玩藝兒就像一個玩具,它不會給你要付什麼後果的感覺。」

對於臉書而言,它的名字是問題的一部分。 「它承諾我們可以看到真人的臉,我們要去的地方是有朋友的地方,」特克爾博士說,她是《單獨在一起:為什麼我們從高科技那裡期待更多和從真實對方那裡期待更少》這本書的作者, 「如果你在那兒遭到什麼傷害,但你並沒有做好這個準備,你會覺得受到雙重侮辱,所以你會狠狠反擊。」

現在是網上政治爭吵的高發季節,切普•博斯克深有體會。 博斯克先生54歲,是加利福尼亞州千橡樹市的電視播音員和註冊的獨立選民,他喜歡在他的臉書頁面提出政治問題。 「我對那些跟我政見不同的人是如何思考的這件事有興趣,」他說。 「有時我會寫一個挑釁性的問題,以看雙方互相叫罵為娛樂目的。」

在過去的幾個月里,因為網上的政治爭吵,博斯克先生失去了兩個現實生活中的朋友。第一個朋友在他網頁更新時提出要求人們辯論是否摩門教徒是基督徒這個問題后對他大為光火。 (「你簡直胡來得沒邊兒了,你不知道你在說什麼,」她在他的網頁上寫道,隨後又跟上一句:「你是個白痴。」)博斯克先生把她拉黑了。 「我將允許自由討論,直到你激怒我,」他說。有時候,他會刪除整條討論線。

第二個朋友的友誼結束得更加突然,博斯克的一位老朋友不停地反覆地發表自己的政見因而得罪了博斯克的幾個臉書好友,甚至於博斯克本人,「他雨後春筍般地發帖大談特談政治,而不是在和別人討論,」博克斯先生說。博克斯先生給他的朋友寫貼告訴他,如果他不停止的話,博克斯就要把他從自己的網頁上拉黑。他的朋友對此回應是用了非常粗鄙的語言讓博克斯滾一邊去並與他解除好友。 「我當時非常生氣懊惱,」博克斯先生說。

不過,他有時還是不能約束自己的煽風點火。當政治話題白熱化后並向著他不喜歡的方向發展,「向右或向左,」他說,他會私下裡給他的「攻擊狗」的朋友寫悄悄話,並建議他或她參加討論。 「我會說,哎呀,這種討論我看起來不那麼對勁,你說呢?」 他說。 「然後,他們將會到那裡和讓我感到特煩的人較勁,這讓我看起來像好人。」

伊麗莎白•伯恩斯坦(Elizabeth Bernstein)在Bonds@wsj.com



 October 1, 2012, 7:09 p.m. ET

Why We Are So Rude Online
Online Browsing Lowers Self-Control and Is Linked To Higher Debt, Weight

Jennifer Bristol recently lost one of her oldest friends—thanks to a Facebook fight about pit bulls.

The trouble started when she posted a newspaper article asserting that pit bulls were the most dangerous type of dog in New York City last year. "Please share thoughts… 833 incidents with pitties," wrote Ms. Bristol, a 40-year-old publicist and animal-welfare advocate in Manhattan.

A recent study looks at rates of overweight and credit-card debt among heavy users of Facebook and concludes this group tends to have less impulse control. 

Her friends, many of whom also work in the animal-welfare world, quickly weighed in. One noted that "pit bull" isn't a single official breed; another said "irresponsible ownership" is often involved when dogs turn violent. Black Labs may actually bite more, someone else offered.

Then a childhood pal of Ms. Bristol piped up with this: "Take it from an ER doctor… In 15 years of doing this I have yet to see a golden retriever bite that had to go to the operating room or killed its target."

That unleashed a torrent. One person demanded to see the doctor's "scientific research." Another accused him of not bothering to confirm whether his patients were actually bitten by pit bulls. Someone else suggested he should "venture out of the ER" to see what was really going on.

"It was ridiculous," says Ms. Bristol, who stayed out of the fight. Her old buddy, the ER doctor, unfriended her the next morning. That was eight months ago. She hasn't heard from him since.

Why are we so nasty to each other online? Whether on Facebook, Twitter, message boards or websites, we say things to each other that we would never say face to face. Shouldn't we know better by now?

Anonymity is a powerful force. Hiding behind a fake screen name makes us feel invincible, as well as invisible. Never mind that, on many websites, we're not as anonymous as we think—and we're not anonymous at all on Facebook. Even when we reveal our real identities, we still misbehave.

According to soon-to-be-published research from professors at Columbia University and the University of Pittsburgh, browsing Facebook lowers our self control. The effect is most pronounced with people whose Facebook networks were made up of close friends, the researchers say.

Most of us present an enhanced image of ourselves on Facebook. This positive image—and the encouragement we get, in the form of "likes"—boosts our self-esteem. And when we have an inflated sense of self, we tend to exhibit poor self-control.

"Think of it as a licensing effect: You feel good about yourself so you feel a sense of entitlement," says Keith Wilcox, assistant professor of marketing at Columbia Business School and co-author of the study. "And you want to protect that enhanced view, which might be why people are lashing out so strongly at others who don't share their opinions." These types of behavior—poor self control, 『inflated sense of self—『are often displayed by people impaired by alcohol," he adds.

The researchers conducted a series of five studies. In one, they asked 541 Facebook users how much time they spent on the site and how many close friends they had in their Facebook networks. They also asked about their offline lives, including questions about their debt and credit-card usage, their weight and eating habits and how much time they spent socializing in person each week.

People who spent more time online and who had a high percentage of close ties in their network were more likely to engage in binge eating and to have a greater body mass index, as well as to have more credit-card debt and a lower credit score, the research found. Another study found that people who browsed Facebook for five minutes and had strong network ties were more likely to choose a chocolate-chip cookie than a granola bar as a snack.

In a third study, the professors gave participants a set of anagrams that were impossible to solve, as well as timed IQ tests, then measured how long it took them to give up trying to solve the problems. They found people who spent more time on Facebook were more likely to give up on difficult tasks more quickly. A Facebook spokesman declined to comment.

Why are we often so aggressive online? Consider this recent post to this column's Facebook page, from someone I don't know: "Why should I even bother writing you? You won't respond."

We're less inhibited online because we don't have to see the reaction of the person we're addressing, says Sherry Turkle, psychologist and Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor of the social studies of science and technology. Because it's harder to see and focus on what we have in common, we tend to dehumanize each other, she says.

Astoundingly, Dr. Turkle says, many people still forget that they're speaking out loud when they communicate online. Especially when posting from a smartphone, "you are publishing but you don't feel like you are," she says. "So what if you say 'I hate you' on this tiny little thing? It's like a toy. It doesn't feel consequential."

And for Facebook, its very name is part of the problem. "It promises us a face and a place where we are going to have friends," says Dr. Turkle, author of the book "Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other." "If you get something hurtful there, you're not prepared. You feel doubly affronted, so you strike back."

It's high season for online bickering about politics, as Chip Bolcik well knows. Mr. Bolcik, 54, a TV announcer and registered Independent from Thousand Oaks, Calif., likes to pose political questions on his Facebook page. "I am very interested in how people think who have different views than mine," he says. "And sometimes I will write a provocative question for the entertainment purpose of watching people yell at each other."

Over the past few months, Mr. Bolcik lost two real-life friends because of online political spats. The first friend got mad at him after he posted a status update asking people to debate whether Mormons are Christians. ("You are so off base you don't know what you are talking about," she wrote on his page, followed later by: "You're an idiot.") Mr. Bolcik blocked her from his page. "I will allow free discussion until you irritate me," he says. Sometimes, he erases entire conversation threads.

The second friendship ended even more abruptly, after one of Mr. Bolcik's old friends offended several of his Facebook friends, as well as Mr. Bolcik himself, by repeatedly posting his views. "He was spouting about politics, rather than discussing," Mr. Bolcik says. Mr. Bolcik wrote his friend and told him he was going to block him from the page if he didn't pipe down. In response, his friend told him off using vulgar language and unfriended him. "I was pretty upset," Mr. Bolcik says.

Still, he sometimes can't restrain himself from fanning the flames. When a political discussion thread becomes heated and he doesn't like the way it is going—"right or left," he says—he privately messages one of his "attack dog" friends and suggests he or she join the discussion. "I will say, 'Gee, this discussion doesn't seem right to me, what do you think?' " he says. "Then they will go on there and berate the person who is upsetting me, and I will look like the good guy."

Write to Elizabeth Bernstein at Bonds@wsj.com









剛表態過的朋友 (31 人)

發表評論 評論 (79 個評論)

回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 12:36

回復 白露為霜 2012-10-6 12:37
回復 翰山 2012-10-6 12:37
回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 12:38
白露為霜: 政治,宗教是雷區。不碰為好。
回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 12:39
翰山: 看來米國人也大架。不過我的看法,只要不罵人,每個人各抒己見的權利還是應該有,但是(強力)不要求別人同意自己的意見! ...
美國人不是提倡Agree to disagree嗎?看來不容易做到。
回復 翰山 2012-10-6 12:45
白露為霜: 政治,宗教是雷區。不碰為好。
回復 yuki-1217 2012-10-6 12:47
回復 翰山 2012-10-6 12:50
同往錫安: 美國人不是提倡Agree to disagree嗎?看來不容易做到。

回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 12:52
翰山: 不容易。也要提倡。

看到你和賭博客的文章了,你們的觀點我不同意。不過,我同意你們發表自己的看法。好像還有一個網友,Amarantha:,也不同意你們的意見,是吧 ...
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:18
同往錫安: 有趣的觀察,也許有些道理。我覺得把對方非人物化對我來說不是這樣的。我認為電腦被后坐的是一個人,一個靈魂,有理性的人。也許我把人想象得太有理性,有人性。 ...
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:20
白露為霜: 政治,宗教是雷區。不碰為好。
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:22
翰山: 看來米國人也大架。不過我的看法,只要不罵人,每個人各抒己見的權利還是應該有,但是(強力)不要求別人同意自己的意見! ...
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:22
同往錫安: 有道理,也許只能跟完全了解自己的人聊,才是上策。
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:23
同往錫安: 美國人不是提倡Agree to disagree嗎?看來不容易做到。
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:24
翰山: 在公司是,不談政治,不談宗教,不談個人財務,不談性。
回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 13:24
Giada: 有的時候,完全了解也不能聊。
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:25
yuki-1217: 也許也是一種發泄,在現實生活里做不到的發泄~~~
回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 13:26
Giada: 一般是這樣,但在網上就做不到了,這篇文章說的就是這個。
暈,看來我還不清楚這種傾向~ 期望過高,呵~
回復 Giada 2012-10-6 13:49
同往錫安: 哈哈,那是蠻鬱悶滴~還好,我還有能聊得,哪怕政見,信仰不同,是神格外開恩吧~~
回復 同往錫安 2012-10-6 13:51
Giada:    那你要感謝你的神。人總有心情不好的時候,那時候說什麼也不行,所以最好不聊。
哈哈,有道理~~ 總之,你的這個網上不再有agree to disagree,已經讓我徹底泄氣了~ 我得好好記住這點,否則過一段我一忘,又滿懷期望起來~

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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