

作者:qwxqwsean  於 2024-1-28 02:33 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村






你們憑常識判斷,我是不是一個合格的拿19元時薪的機場底層客服員,我是不是一個雖然不完美,但還算正派的人? 你們真的公認我是一個壞的基層工作人員,並且是一個壞人,認為我應該立即被開除? 信息公開是不得已的事,我如果把這樣的情況保密,我就成傻子了。 把一大坨屎吞下去而不敢吭聲? 那我還是人嗎?

Weixiong Qiu need discussion with coworkers about reason of being fired. I apologize to the managers about this undesired message.


To all supervisors and ACESes:

I am Weixiong Qiu. I worked as an ACES and many of you know me. I am fired recently because I post my personal journals on backchina.com, which is a small and quiet Chinese online community. I have posted about ten thousands journals for 15 years and rarely received comments because that online community is too small.


Recently possibly someone who has stalked me online for years found something interesting in my journal and filed report to the airport and cause me to be fired immediately.  A stalker means someone paying too much unnecessary attention on other』s personal details.


My webpage is https://big5.backchina.com/home.php?mod=space&uid=260282&do=index, or you may google search backchina and qwxqwsean. This is the full collection of my journals and it is also how I am fired by the management.  I invite my coworkers who want to know why I am fired use google translate and spend at least ten hours to read at least 100 journals that I posted in different times,  and try to get as complete picture as possible about me. And tell me what kind of conclusion you can reach after you make sure you know more facts than the managers. And tell me if you agree with the managers』 decision that I am so bad an ACES on job and I must be fired immediately.


After you spend ten hours reading my journals and if you don』t find significant proof that I am either a bad ACES or a bad person in general, you may ask management why they spent hours searching through my personal affairs just to look for a piece of evidence of my fault? Please keep information open and keep open discussion with me.


If all of my journals were printed out, the paper stack would be as thick as one hundred bibles.  The manager caught a big fish from this equivalent of one hundred bibles that there are two or three sentences are about prostitution. I wrote a text to a female friend I am dating that I suggested pay her money exchange for sex. She rejected my suggestion. But for my information openness habit, I posted that text in my journal. This is the key reason why I am fired. That text is the private conversion between me and that lady. Even though I posted online, it is still my private conversion with that lady, and outsiders can choose to read or not to read. That lady and I don』t mind this kind of content or wording in conversion and we never worry about it. I didn』t pay attention to it because I feel it was just my regular conversion with that lady, until the manager shows me the print out of those translated sentences and said this is soliciting of prostitution and I must be fired.  The manager hates the word prostitution, but this word sounds indifferent to me and that lady. The manager worries about something that I and that lady never worry about.


My question is if you suggest your girlfriend money for sex, and if you post that private conversion as text or audio recording on the internet, should your employer fire you over your conversion with your girlfriend?  These two or three sentences related to prostitution are the big fish the manager caught from a vast volume of one hundred bibles of my journals. Use your common sense to judge if this big fish is really that big, or it is just a small fish that you won't bother to take if you go fishing.


I invite all of you to read full collection of my personal journals. There are plenty of facts I keep open to the public. Don』t make final judgement based on partial facts.


My published journals are meant to be read by anyone in the world, rather than only read by a few stalkers with skewed minds. Stalkers decide that my personal journals prove that I am so bad a person, and I must be reported and must be fired immediately. But you may read at least one hundred of my journals and gather enough facts and tell me what is your conclusion about me. 


Please feel free to forward my message to port authority and CEO and anyone you know. I am just providing information better to know rather than not known. 











發表評論 評論 (6 個評論)

回復 黃笑吾 2024-1-28 21:57
please move on。
回復 qwxqwsean 2024-1-28 22:44


回復 goofegg 2024-1-29 09:54
回復 qwxqwsean 2024-1-29 10:54
goofegg: 因為在貝殼發帖被舉報而解僱?誰這麼無聊啊?哎,看你過的也夠尷尬的,還有人落井下石!

回復 goofegg 2024-1-29 11:52
qwxqwsean: 如果機場能透露那個舉報人的信息,我請網友幫助搜他,肯定會發現他平時就是劣跡無數的人渣。但機場拒絕透露舉報人的信息,我就沒法搜。可以肯定舉報者是一個心理
回復 scripting 2024-1-29 18:56

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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