

作者:kylelong  於 2011-4-14 10:14 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





5G.S = 5%的葡萄糖

a = annual每年的,一年一次的

a.c. = Aate cibum = before meals 飯前/餐前

a.m. = Ante meridiem 上午

A/G ratio = albumin-globulin ratio-球蛋白比

aa = Ana = of each

Ab = antibody抗體

abd = abdomen腹部

ABG = arterial blood gas動脈血氣

abn = abnormal異常

ABP = arterial blood pressure動脈壓

Abs = absent

abstr = abstract摘要

Ach = actylcholine乙瘢膽鹼

ACH = adrenal cortical hormone腎上腺皮質激素

ACT = active coagulative time活化凝血時間

ACTH = adrenocorticotripic促腎上腺皮質激素

ad = Right ear右耳

ad effect = ad effectum 直到有效

ad lib = at liesure隨意

ad us est = for external use外用

ad us.ut. = Ad usum internum 內服

Ad.= Adde 加至

ad.(add.) = adde

ADH = antidiuretic hormone抗利尿激素

adm.(admin) = adminstration給葯

af = atrial fibrillation房顫

aF = atrial flutter房撲

agit = shake搖動

AIDS = acquired immune deficiency syndrome愛滋病

al = left ear左耳

alb = albumin白蛋白

amb = ambulance救護車

Amp. = Ampullae 安瓿劑

amp.(ampul) = ampoule安瓿

amt = amount總數

an us.xt = Ad usum externum 外用

ANA = anesthesia麻醉

anal = analgesic鎮痛葯

ante = before之前

ap = before dinner飯前

appr.(approx.) = approximately 大約

Aq. = Aqua

Aq.dest. = Aqua destillata 蒸餾水

AR = aortic regurgitation主閉

as, al = left ear左耳

AS = aortic stenosis主狹

ASA = Aspirin阿斯匹林

ASD = atrial septal defect房缺

AST = aspartate transaminase穀草轉氨酶

atm.(atmos.) = atomsphere大氣壓

ATS = antitetanic serum抗破傷風血清

au = both ears雙耳

av = average平均

B.i.d. (Bid) = Eis in die = twice daily每日2

b.m = basal metabolism基礎代謝

Ba = Barium

BBT = basal body temperature基礎體溫

BCG = bacille Calmette- Guerin卡介苗

biblio = biliography參考文獻

Bp = blood pressure血壓

Bpm = baets per minute/

BS = blood sugar血糖

BW = body weight體重

c = with一起

C = centigrade攝氏溫度計

C.B.C = complete blood count血常規

C.V = curriculum vitae簡歷

c/o = complaint of 不舒服

Ca = calcium

CA = carcinoma

Cal. = calorie

Cal = cancer

Caps. Capsule 膠囊劑,膠囊

CBC = complete blood count 全血球計數

CC. list = critical condition list病危通知單

CC = chief complaint主訴

CCU = Coronary care unit冠心病監護室

CD = caesarean delivered剖腹產

CDC = calculated date of confinement預產期

CEA = carcinoembryonic antigen癌胚抗原

CG = control group對照組

Cit = Cito 急速

CK = creatine kinase肌酸激酶

Cl = chloride

Cl = centilitre毫升

cm = centimetre毫米

CNS = central nervous system中樞神經系統

Co.= Comp. Compositus 復方的

Collyr = Collyrium 洗眼劑

contra = contraindicated禁忌

Crem = Cremor 乳膏劑(冷霜)

CT = computerized tomography計算機斷層掃描

D.O.A = dead on arrival到達時已死亡

D/C = discontinue停止

D-5-W = 5% dextrose in water 5%葡萄糖液

DBp = diastolic blood pressure舒張壓

DD = differential diagnosis鑒別診斷

dept = department

diag, Dx = diagnosis 診斷

diag = diagonsis診斷

DIC = disseminate intravascular coagulation瀰漫性血管內凝血

Dil. = Dilutus, dilute 稀釋

disch = discharge 化開,排除

DIW = dextrose in water葡萄糖液

dl = deciliter分升

DM = diabetic mellitus糖尿病

DM = diastolic murmur舒張期雜音

DOB = date of birth出生日期

dr = dram 一杯,微量

Dr = doctor醫生

DU = duodenal ulcer十二指腸潰瘍

ECG.(EKG.) = electrocardiograph心電圖

ECHO = echogram超聲

EDD.(EDC) = expected date of delivery (confinement)預產期

EMG.= electromyogram肌電圖

Emul = Emulsio 乳劑

Enem = Enema 灌腸劑

ENT.= ears, nose and throat五官科

ER. = emergency room急診室

et, Et = and

et al = and elsewhere等等

etc. = and so forth等等

Etoh = alcohol酒精

exp = expired過期

F = Female女性

F.(Fahr.) = Fahrenheit 華氏

F.B.S = fasting blood sugar空腹血糖

FDP = fibrinogen degradation products纖維蛋白原降解產物

Fe = iron

FFA.= free fatty acid遊離脂肪酸

fl = fluid 流體

Ft. Fiat 配成

FUO. = fever of unknown origin不明原因發熱

FX. = fracture 骨折

g.= Gramma

G.N = 葡萄糖鹽水

Garg. = Gargarisma 含漱劑

GH. = growth hormone生長素

GI = gastrointestinal消化

GITS. = gastrointestinal therapy system胃腸治療系統

gm = gram

gr = grain穀物

gt = drop

gtt = drops 2滴以上

Gtt.tgutt. = Gutta, Guttae 滴、滴眼劑

GU = gastric ulcer胃潰瘍

H, h, hr = hour 小時

h.s. = Hora somni 睡前

H2O = water

Hb. = hemoglobin血紅蛋白

HBp = high blood pressure高血壓

HCG.= human choroionic gonadotropic hormone人絨毛膜促性腺激素

HDL = high density lipoprotein高密度脂蛋白

HR = heart rate心率

hs = bed time睡覺時間

ht = height身高

HTN = hypertension高血壓

Hx = history 病史

Hypo = hypodermic injection皮下注射

i.m = inject muscle肌肉注射

i.v = intravenous injection 靜脈注射

I/O = intake and output 進出量

ia = intra-arterial動脈注射

IABP = intra aortic balloon pacing主動脈內囊反搏

ICU. = intensive care unit重症監護病房

icv = intracerebroventricular injection腦室內注射

ie.= that is

ig = intragastric irrigation 灌胃

Ig. = immunoglobulin免疫球蛋白

ih. = Injectio hypodermaticus 皮下注射

INH = inhalation吸入

INH = isoniazid異煙肼

Inhal = Inhalatio 吸入

inj.= injection 注射劑

Int = intern實習生

ip = intra-peritoneal腹腔注射

IP = in-patient住院病入

Iu = international unit國防單位

IV = intravenous 靜脈

J = joule焦耳

K = potassium

K.U.B = Kidney,ureter and bladder腎、輸尿管和膀胱

Kg = Kilogramma 千克(公斤)

L.= Litrum

LBp = low blood pressure 低血壓

LC. = laparoscopic cholecystectomy腹腔鏡膽囊切除術

LDL = Low density lipoprotein低密度脂蛋白

Linim = Linimentum 擦劑

liq = liquid 液體

Liq.= Liquor 溶液劑

LMP = last menstrual period未次月經

Lot. = Lotio 洗劑

LP. = lumbar puncture腰穿

M. = male男性

M.D.S.= Misce da signa 混合后給予

MCD = mean corpuscular diameter平均紅細胞直徑

MCH = mean corpuscular hemoglobin平均紅細胞血紅蛋白量

MCHC = mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration平均紅細胞血紅蛋白濃度

MCV = mean corpuscular volume平均紅細胞體積

MDI = meter dose inhaler吸入計量型

Mg = magnesium

mg = milligram 毫克

MgSO4 = magnesium Sulfate 硫酸鎂

MI = myocardial infarction心梗

min = minute

Mist. = Mistura 合劑

Mixt = mixture合劑

ml. = Millilitra 毫升

mm = millimeter 毫米

mmHg = millimeters of mercury毫米汞柱

MOM = Milk of Magnesia 鎂乳

MRI = magnetic resonance image核磁共振

MS = Morphine Sulfate硫酸嗎啡

MS = mitral stenosis二尖瓣狹窄

N.B = note bene 注意

N.S = 生理鹽水

N/V = nausea and vomiting

Na = sodium

NaCl = sodium chloride氯化鈉

NE = norepinephrine 去甲腎上腺炎

Neb. = Nebula 噴霧劑

neg = negative 陰極,否定

NIDDM = non-insulin-dependent diabetis mellitusII型糖尿病

NKA = no know allergies 未知敏感

NKDA = no know drug allergies 未知藥物敏感

No.N. = Numero 數目、個

norm = normal正常的

NPN = non-protein nitrogen非蛋白氮

NPO = nothing per mouth (oral), non-peros禁食

NS. = normal saline生理鹽水

O.D. Oculus dexter 右眼

O.L. Oculus laevus 左眼

O.S. Oculus sinister 左眼

O.U. Oculus uter 雙眼

OB = obstetrics 產科學

Ocul.= Oculentnm 眼膏

OD = right eye 右眼

OGTT = oral glucose tolerance test口服糖耐量試驗

oint = ointment 藥膏

Ol. = Oleum 油劑

OP = out-patient門診病人

OPC = out-patient clinic門診

OR = operating room手術室

OS, OL = left eye 左眼

OT. = old tuberculin舊結核菌素

OU = each eye 每隻眼

oz = ounce 盎司

P.C = post cibum, after meals飯後

p.m.= Post meridiem 下午

p.o. = Per os 口服

p.r.n. = Pro re nata 必要時

P.S. = postscript附言

Past.= Pasa 糊劑

PB = phenobarbital 鎮靜安眠劑

PE. (Px.) = physical examination體檢

per = by 按照,依據

PG. = prostaglandin前列腺素

PH. = past history 過去史

PHI. = present history illness現病史

Pil. = Pilula 丸劑

PM = post meridiem下午

Post-op = postoperation術后

P = pulse脈搏

pre-op = preoperation術前

priv. = private私人的

prn = pro re nata, as needed視需要,必要時

prog = prognosis預后

Psy = psychiatry精神病學

psychol. = psychology心理學

PT. = physical therapy物理療法

PT = prothrombin time凝血酶原時間

Pulv.= Pulvis 散劑

q = every

q.4h. = Quartus in die 4小時1

q.d. = Quapua die 每日1

q.h. = Quapua hora 每小時

Q.i.d. = Quater in die 每日4

q.n. = Quaqua nocto 每晚

q.s. = Quantum sufficit 適量

Q12hr = 12小時1

q6h = every 6 hours 6小時

Q8hr = 8小時1

qd = quaque die, every day 每天,每日1每日一次

qh = every hour每小時

qhs = at every bed time 每次睡覺時間

qid = 4 times a dayquater in die 每天4

qn = quaque nocte每晚

qod = every other day 隔天

qs = quantity sufficient 適量,足量

R/O = rule out 取消,排除

RBC = red blood count紅細胞計數

ref = reference參考文獻

RHD = Rheumatic heart disease風心病

RI = regular insulin正規胰島素

rout = routin常規

Rp. = Recipe 取、請取

RT = radiotherapy放射治療

Rx = prescription 處方

s.o.s. = Si opus sit 需要時

s.s. = Semis 一半

SBE = subacute bacterial endocarditis亞急性細菌性心內膜炎

sc = Subcutaneous皮下注射

Seq = sequela後遺症

sex = sexual性別的

sig.= S. Signa 用法、指示

Sipp.= Suppositorium 栓劑

SK = streptokinase鏈激酶

SL = sublingual 舌下

SLE = sgstemic lupus erythematosus系統性紅斑狼瘡

SM = systolic murmur收縮期雜音

SOB = shortness of breath 呼吸短促

sol = solution 溶液

sq = subcutaneous 皮下

SR = sinus rhythm竇性節律

ss = one-half 二分之一

SSS = sick sinus syndrome病竇綜合征

st = stat = immediately 立刻

ST = skin test皮試

St.Stat.= Statim 立即、急速

stat = at once立即

Sx = symptom or sign癥狀或體征

Syr = syrup糖漿

Syr.= Syrupus 糖漿劑

T.i.d. = Ter in die 每日3

Tab. = Tabellae 片劑

tabs = tablets 藥片

TAT = toxin-antitoxin毒素抗毒素

TB = tuberculosis結核

tbsp = tablespoon (15mL) 大湯勺

temp = temperature 溫度

tid = three times a day 一天3

tr, tinc = tincture 酊劑

Tr. = Tinctura 酊劑

TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone促甲狀腺激素

tsp = teaspoon (5ml) 茶勺

ung = ointment 藥膏

Ung.= Umguentum 軟膏劑

us = ultrasound超聲

vag = vaginal 陰道

VIP = very important person貴賓

Vit = vitamine維生素

VMA = hydroxymandelic acid香草杏仁酸

vol. = volume 體積

VS = vital signs健康狀況徵兆

VSD = ventricular septal defect室缺

WBC = white blood cell白細胞

Wt = weight體重

x = times 次數

Y/O = years old

μg. = Microgramma (mcg) 微克












剛表態過的朋友 (12 人)

發表評論 評論 (13 個評論)

回復 tea2011 2011-4-15 04:37
thank you!
回復 kylelong 2011-4-15 06:03
tea2011: thank you!
回復 小城春秋 2011-4-15 08:00
回復 kylelong 2011-4-15 08:05
小城春秋: 謝謝!收藏了
回復 老阿姨 2011-4-16 00:03
回復 cartoonyang 2011-4-16 01:14
回復 kylelong 2011-4-16 03:41
老阿姨:       謝謝,很有用,收藏了。
回復 kylelong 2011-4-16 03:41
cartoonyang: 龍老師好博學~~~
回復 cartoonyang 2011-4-16 03:47
kylelong: 周末魚塊
回復 小溪流 2011-4-18 09:30
回復 kylelong 2011-4-18 10:45
小溪流: 謝過,收藏了。
回復 ryu 2011-4-18 10:50
though 用不上,  then i keep it .
回復 kylelong 2011-4-18 11:00
ryu: though 用不上,  then i keep it .

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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