

作者:亦云  於 2014-12-19 05:21 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:中國留學生, University, 博士生, 考試作弊, 網上

剛剛在網上看到一則報道,本周期末考試中University of Waterloo大一20歲的女中國留學生 Kaiwen Qian出資900刀雇傭York University的在讀男博士生Longhua Wang頂替其參加一門數學期末考試,由於偽造的ID被識破,兩人被以偽造證件和作弊(forgery and impersonation)兩項罪名起訴
女犯罪嫌疑人Kaiwen Qian繳納了3000刀保釋金出獄,護照已經被警方扣押,防止逃回中國,每周必須去當地警方報告自己行蹤。
男犯罪嫌疑人Longhua Wang在保證將來出庭后被警方釋放。
據University of Waterloo的發言人講,女犯罪嫌疑人Kaiwen Qian將會被學校開除。
據稱女男犯罪嫌疑人是通過一個中國留學生有償代考的網站接上頭的(The two suspects allegedly met through a website that matches Chinese students facing exams with other Chinese students willing to fraudulently write them for a fee. )。由此看來,此事件還不是個例。
Alleged cheats arrested over math exam at University of Waterloo
Waterloo Region Record

WATERLOO — Forgery, impersonation and a $900 fee were involved in a "sophisticated" examination scam allegedly uncovered at the University of Waterloo this week.

Facing criminal charges as a result are a UW math student and a PhD candidate from York University who is accused of registering to write a first-year exam for her.

The two suspects allegedly met through a website that matches Chinese students facing exams with other Chinese students willing to fraudulently write them for a fee.

"It's nothing short of criminal and should be treated as such," said UW spokesperson Nick Manning. "That's exactly what we have done.

"These are exceptionally talented and bright students who must be under extreme pressure to perform. It's just a very sad situation."

Manning said UW officials responded after getting a tip that student identification cards were being forged so paid imposters could take exams for students.

Working with the math faculty and campus police, he said, the university increased scrutiny of ID cards at math exams by scanning their magnetic strips with laptop computers.

Manning said that was being done during a first-year math exam for hundreds of students Monday morning when one writer suddenly left before he had been reached.

He was followed and arrested after officials allegedly found him in possession of an altered ID card that had legitimately been issued to a female student.

"The magnetic strip is obviously difficult to forge," Manning said.

The forged card then led to its real holder and she was also arrested for allegedly paying the imposter $900 to write the exam for her.

"The majority of people do uphold our high standards of academic integrity, but a small number succumb to the pressure and cheat," Manning said.

The accused student — Kaiwen Qian, 20 — was held in custody and appeared in Kitchener court Wednesday on two charges related to forgery and impersonation.

She was released after putting up $3,000 to help ensure she doesn't flee to her native China.

Qian must also turn in her passport and other travel documents, remain in Ontario and report weekly to Waterloo Regional Police until her case is dealt with.

The second suspect, Longhua Wang, was previously released by police on similar charges after promising to appear in court at a future date.

Manning said the website at the heart of the case isn't unique to UW, but he couldn't say how well-used or widespread it is.

"Frankly, this is a problem any university or college faces," he said.

Although there has been cheating in exams before, Manning said the sophistication of this alleged scheme is new.

"There is clearly a difference between writing notes on one's hand … and forging documents, impersonation and paying a third party to write your exam," he said.

Manning also said the university's response should send a message that it is vigilant about weeding out cheats and "keeping pace" with new methods.

In addition to criminal charges, the UW student allegedly involved faces likely expulsion.

Manning said cheating by a small minority is unfortunately expected since students, especially international students, are under intense pressure to succeed.

"The stakes for them are very high," he said.









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回復 sissycampbell 2014-12-19 05:27
回復 亦云 2014-12-19 05:29
sissycampbell: 我寫難過不是為作弊者難過,而是為我們華人難過。又出現這樣無恥行為,太丟人。若是還有牽線者,那麼可是極為卑鄙的行為了。
回復 sissycampbell 2014-12-19 05:31
亦云: 此事件讓中國人蒙羞!
回復 xqw63 2014-12-19 05:39
回復 mongoes 2014-12-19 05:44
回復 白露為霜 2014-12-19 05:49
找人帶考至少要找個同性的。   當加拿大人是傻瓜?加拿大人分不出中國人的臉,男女還是分的出的。
回復 亦云 2014-12-19 05:59
回復 亦云 2014-12-19 05:59
mongoes: 唉!
回復 亦云 2014-12-19 05:59
白露為霜: 找人帶考至少要找個同性的。    當加拿大人是傻瓜?加拿大人分不出中國人的臉,男女還是分的出的。
回復 xqw63 2014-12-19 06:01
亦云: 此事件很讓中國人蒙羞
回復 亦云 2014-12-19 06:04
xqw63: 中國孩子做弊,不是獨立現象,咱的朋友是老師,告訴咱來讀書的中國孩子問題很多
難怪評論說 作弊 在中國有很深的文化背景淵源。
回復 mongoes 2014-12-19 06:09
亦云: 很讓華人蒙羞呀!
真的不知道說什麼好 !
回復 總裁判 2014-12-19 06:18
亦云: 此事件讓中國人蒙羞!
回復 亦云 2014-12-19 06:26
總裁判: 我倒不覺得,中國人覺得這點小事,又不是反政府反革命,還要受刑事處分,犯得著嗎,美國人的依法治國大概是針對亞裔的吧?
回復 總裁判 2014-12-19 06:51
亦云: 也許就是因為對於誠信教育和培養的欠缺而導致的
回復 tea2011 2014-12-19 07:21
白露為霜: 找人帶考至少要找個同性的。    當加拿大人是傻瓜?加拿大人分不出中國人的臉,男女還是分的出的。
回復 法道濟 2014-12-19 07:24
回復 newyorker92 2014-12-19 07:44
Forgery and impersonation are two indictable crimes both in Canada and the U.S.  If they are convicted, they need criminal waiver to enter the U.S and Canada in the future.

Their parents need a good lawyer for less serious convictions.
回復 老葉子任飄零 2014-12-19 07:58
回復 ryu 2014-12-19 07:59

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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