
解鈴還須繫鈴人 克制黑人之道

作者:fighter8  於 2016-2-17 09:24 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:黑人, 平面

笑 -- 想當初,你們在這裡反黑幕三,反AA,反SCA 2等等的時候,那種根本不把得罪

?黑人實際上是我們的source of the problem,問題的根源。我們必須克制他們的進



梁警官事件,當然是白人體制對華人的種族歧視- 他們居然把這麼愛戴忠誠於他們的華










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回復 fighter8 2016-2-17 09:37
但是,我真正使他們服氣的是讓他們看到了把我們推向他們的主要敵人 - 白人的危險:我們可能被白人利用對他們的鬥爭不利。因為我透露了一個信息 - 劉文建警官葬禮時本來紐約警察局幾次召喚華人社區要我們組織人馬去參加葬禮,而且專門劃下一塊地留給華人,而華人社區本來就為劉警官之死憤憤不平,且本來就對黑人專門針對亞裔的暴力犯罪非常反感,就準備響應NYPD號召,組織了一千人要去參加,同時華人在討論舉標語抗議針對華人暴力。是我勸說他們不要去的因為我不願意看到少數民族被分而克之。現在梁警官事件使我感到我錯了。。。

這是什麼?黑人再傻,也知道了危險!所以他們全都沉默了。我相信會使得不少人開始 second thought。

而且華人不能只說不做。這個遊行就是給他們的一個暗示。我們要打出 All lives matter 口號,讓他們感到現在他們的反種族主義警察暴力的事業又多了一個可能的威脅。這就是震懾。他們唯一顧忌的。
回復 fighter8 2016-2-17 09:42

I'm still in shock. This is a politically motivated trial and conviction. Every one knows that if Peter Liang were White, he would have never even been tried. He has been made a scapegoat of the White officers. The American society no longer even cares about the minimum appearance of social justice.

And I began to realize that I, and the Chinese community have made a mistake a year ago, when the NYPD called upon the Chinese community a couple of times to attend officer Wenjian Liu's funeral. Liu was shot dead with another Latino officer by a Black. The Chinese community had organized over 1000 people to attend that funeral and hold a protest against violence on the Chinese community for most of the Black violence had been directed at the Asians/Chinese. But then it was me who persuaded them online not to attend the funeral as the NYPD asked, speaking about "divide and conquer"...finally there were only few Chinese went there to rally. That must have disappointed the NYPD who already drew a large area for the anticipated Chinese rally. Now look back, if the rolls were exchanged between Chinese and Blacks, what would the Blacks do? From Peter Liang's case we can imagine. I was wrong.

It's really sad and ironic that the Blacks, as the victims of racism themselves, not only have no sympathy for other people of color's suffering of racism, but also perpetrate White racism onto them. Actually this is not the first time. I myself have the painful experience that Black judges in Federal court, Northern California, Judge Hamilton and Armstrong, who so vigorously defended the White racist professor and government officials that I was suing for racism, they dismissed my civil rights cases through ways of criminally fabricating evidences and perjuring themselves, all documented in black and white court documents. I even made criminal complaints against them to the FBI. Of course the FBI and DOJ all harbored them. Despite so, I did not hold grudge against the whole Black community. Now it looks like it's not only those Blacks in the house, but likely most of them in the US, have turned into accomplices of White racism. It's sad and it's something that the Chinese have to prepare themselves for.
回復 fighter8 2016-2-17 09:51



回復 fighter8 2016-2-17 10:01
You need to stop. Black people throughougt this thread and other threads are talking about how if he was white he wouldn't have gotten convicted. It seems like you are falling for the divide and conquer. He did something wrong, and he should be reprimanded in some way. You are emotional about this case and trying to down play the systematic racism towards Blacks because you are now starting to feel a little of it yourself. You have the nerve to convince yourself to blame Blacks when the racist system turns its back on you. It's all good when Black people are doing all the suffering and fighting for all the rights that other minorities get to enjoy, all the while thinking they are better than Blacks. The system that protected some of the white officers did not protect him. Place your blame where it belong.

Tusia DeGraffenried You want me to place the blame only to the White racism? Every body knows it's White racism, but the Blacks also share the blame, since you can't conspire with the Whites to intentionally perpetrate White racism to other minorities, then triumphantly and gleefully tell the minorities, see, don't you think you are White, and then expect the minorities to only blame Whites. And since when the other minorities would think they are White? Me, a Chinese, have been fighting racial persecution on me for over 20 years.
回復 fighter8 2016-2-17 10:52

我: "Black people are doing all the suffering and fighting for all the rights that other minorities get to enjoy"? The victory of the Civil Rights Movement was due to the rise of all people of color around the global. To be more specific, it was the Korean War that the Chinese shaded blood for, force the US government to abolish the racial segregation in US army. That was the first time in US history, 10 years before your civil rights movement. We all benefited from each other's struggle, don't take all the credit and always pose like we other minorities owe you. I will post the story about the Korean War and segregation here that I saw somewhere on the FB. What do you think you alone can just march and then win over the Whites? You can't even win over Ferguson.

黑人不相信我說的朝鮮戰爭一事:I said thank you about the Army. I served in the Army for many years, and the desegregation during that time most likely had more to do with a demand for manpower.

我就把故事簡單講了一遍,把黑人連的照片都貼出來了:the desegregation during that time most likely had more to do with a demand for manpower? No. The US army had had numerous wars before and the lack of man power was never dealt with in way of desegregation. It was all because the Chinese army defeated the Black unites, the Blacks could no longer fight like before in the previous wars, they began to run away from the field. Then a whole large field unite, 123 people, together surrendered themselves to the Chinese army. The Chinese army surrounded them but did not attack, the Blacks tried to break out but could not. Chinese just asked them to surrender, saying they are being used by the White imperialists, we will treat you equally like White soldiers. , then they surrendered. After that a US army general immediately requested desegregation in whole US army, got approved by DOD, and two months later from that battle, the whole US army desegregated. This is what I can remember, I need to go to find that post I saw on Chinese Internet, will post it here. They even have the photos of those Black soldiers who surrendered. Very interesting story.

This was an unintended help on the Chinese side, but it did make the desegregation happen in US for the first time. The US feared really not much about just some marches, they feared some powers that can war with them. So just like you said, the civil rights movement "has benefitted them for sure" (the other minorities), the Korean war has also benefited the Blacks too.

Let me try to post the Black soldiers' photo here. For that battle, the Chinese casualty:1, the Blacks: 23, as I remember. http://blogfile.ifeng.com/.../908583...

Since that battle, the US army could no longer trust the Blacks to fight on their own alone, and they could not exempt the Blacks from fighting the war, like that US general asked before, because Blacks had a big population. So the only solution was to desegregation.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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