

作者:綠色的海灣  於 2011-4-17 01:45 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



每周一,三,五有三個航班從首都盧薩卡,玉上以為須田最快可以在周三,可是到了周四見須田在公司里上班,在公司的人出差划白板上,發現須田將在下周三才會去,「怎麼回事啊? 道他忙得脫不了身?, 正好田要向玉上彙報,就一起到了會室。






「那麼,下周一也不行? 機,天氣都是很晴朗的啊。」


















你破了,謝謝,明子(玉上太太) 如果知道有朋友得我念日的,她有多高啊」。






















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回復 小城春秋 2011-4-18 10:23
回復 綠色的海灣 2011-4-18 11:58
小城春秋: 俺躺在沙發上想啊想,坐什麼飛機好呢,最安全就是哪兒都不去,俺就在這兒安家落戶了!
回復 世外閑人 2011-4-19 21:51
回復 smartman 2011-4-22 10:52
i take 40 flights each year and have never had accidents or witnesses accidents.  US pilots are highly skillful.  unless terrorists attack, US planes are almost 100% safe in saving passengers' lives.
回復 snortbsd 2011-5-18 12:33
smartman: i take 40 flights each year and have never had accidents or witnesses accidents.  US pilots are highly skillful.  unless terrorists attack, US planes  ...
well, most of times, landing is controlled by auto piloting systems of planes...
回復 smartman 2011-5-18 22:59
世外閑人: 其實飛機出事遠沒有汽車多。
many people said that.  it is misled in purpose by airplane companies.

if you compare the number of cars and the amount of time you spent on airplane and the number of planes and the time you spent on car, i. e., statistically,

the car ratio = total # of accidents worldwide in 1 year / (total numbers of cars and mileage all cars in this world ran in 1 year),
the plane ratio = total # of accidents worldwide in 1 year / (total numbers of planes and mileage all planes in this world ran in 1 year),

then airplanes are much more dangerous than cars.
回復 smartman 2011-5-18 23:03
snortbsd: well, most of times, landing is controlled by auto piloting systems of planes...
yes, by default, they are.

however, the pilot is sitting and staring besides, ready to stop the automation and step in anytime once he finds anything abnormal.  in this sense, you/we can still claim the airplen landing is still controlled by man.

the point, if the landing process ever goes astray, man will step in to take it back under control.
回復 smartman 2011-5-18 23:05
綠色的海灣: 我在上海有一客戶就是怕坐飛機,寧可坐火車的。
when i choose trains over airplanes, the most important reason is, trains let you sit comfortably with leg room.  the room is as comfortable as first class room in airplane.  that means, unless i know for sure i can get upgraded into a first class, i prefer trains.
回復 smartman 2011-5-18 23:08
小城春秋: 俺躺在沙發上想啊想,坐什麼飛機好呢,最安全就是哪兒都不去,俺就在這兒安家落戶了!
ancient chinese (I think, Meng Zi?) said, read 10,000 books while traveling 10,000 miles.

traveling is part of human life and valuable experience you might find in lack, once you begin to enjoy the beauty and benefits of traveling around nationwide or worldwide.
回復 snortbsd 2011-5-18 23:36
smartman: yes, by default, they are.

however, the pilot is sitting and staring besides, ready to stop the automation and step in anytime once he finds anything ...
well, if landing gone wrong, the only thing left you can do is to pray...
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-18 23:43
smartman: many people said that.  it is misled in purpose by airplane companies.

if you compare the number of cars and the amount of time you spent on airplane ...
How smart you are.
回復 smartman 2011-5-19 04:45
snortbsd: well, if landing gone wrong, the only thing left you can do is to pray...
well, if the auto landing goes wrong and the pilot steps in but still could get it straight, then you could either pray or jump out of the plane ^_^
回復 smartman 2011-5-19 05:24
世外閑人: How smart you are.
i am just as smart as being able to figure out the airliners advertisements' tricks. no more, no less. ^_^
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-19 20:46
smartman: i am just as smart as being able to figure out the airliners advertisements' tricks. no more, no less. ^_^
回復 smartman 2011-5-20 00:07
世外閑人:         Thanks!
thanks to you!  if/when I have some time, i will lay out my computation on Plane Vs Car safety ratios.
回復 世外閑人 2011-5-20 20:32
smartman: thanks to you!  if/when I have some time, i will lay out my computation on Plane Vs Car safety ratios.
Look forward to your article。

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