
司氏姐妹: 尾聲

作者:Wuwuyu  於 2012-12-30 22:50 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:童話小說, 學英語, 中國女孩, 移民生活, 哈利波特


這些年來塔瑪尼弄的那棟房子得越來越不那可怕司氏姐妹們也得越來越不那神秘。最大的姐姐,瑪拉,那長著一頭黑色飄逸麗姑娘,嫁給了前市的兒子格雷厄姆而我的兒子們只能嫉妒地一口氣把注意力轉向那對孿生姐妹摩根和瑪麗的身上。當然,奇怪的事件曾生在婚禮期——們還記得當非常害怕。由於某些原因我們當時那麼肯定地認為是司氏姐妹害死了格雷厄姆。也對她們還夠了解,但事實證明拉是可以想象到的最善良的女人在以後我有對她更多的了解后我們發現她甚至不會去害一隻蒼蠅是一個極大的——婚禮束后一個星期左右格雷厄姆又出毫髮無損然有人架了他試圖嫁禍於司氏姐妹...在那個故事在我們頭腦里已非常模糊。 他那可憐的父母 在這次事件的繁重力下似乎變盡了我們最大的努力的來展示我的同情心。 亨特先生那位發現在那座被一場奇怪地震震塌的拘留所的廢墟上,喋喋不休地說著廢話而亨特夫人可憐的女人似乎一夜之間蒼老了20歲。他們都退休了市長接管了市長的職位奇怪的是,在格雷厄姆的重新出現后的幾天里像有一個沉重的負擔卸除了我的肩膀。我都喜悅萬分的心感到輕鬆和自由們舉辦了一個巨大的晚會迎格雷厄姆回家法媽食店在現場提供食物並服務。可憐的亨特父母坐在角落裡生不管我如何努力,他們似乎不能得到安慰。





Over the years, the house on Tamany Lane grew less frightening and the Switch sisters grew less mysterious. The oldest one, Mara, a beautiful girl with long flowing black hair married the former mayor』s son, Graham, while all of our sons sighed a breath of jealousy, turning their attentions to the twin sisters, Morgan and Marie. There was that strange event that happened around the time of the wedding, of course—and we remember at that time being very afraid. We had been sure, for some reason, that the Switch sisters were guilty of killing Graham. Perhaps we did not know them well enough then, for it turned out that Mara was the kindest woman imaginable, and after we got to know her we understood that she wouldn』t be capable of harming a fly. It was all a giant misunderstanding—a week or so after the wedding, Graham reappeared, completely unharmed. Apparently someone had kidnapped him and try to frame the Switch sisters for it…the story is fuzzy in our heads now. His poor parents seemed to have gone crazy through the stress of the incident, and we all did our best to show our sympathy. Mr. Hunter, the mayor, was found babbling nonsense under the rubble of a house that had fallen in a freak earthquake, and Mrs. Hunter, poor woman, she seemed to have aged twenty years overnight. They retired, and the deputy mayor took over governing the town. It was strange. In the days after Graham』s reappearance, it was like a heavy weight had been lifted from all of our shoulders. We were all so overjoyed, our minds felt light and free, and we threw a giant party to welcome Graham home, catered by Fa』s Foods. The poor Hunter parents sat in the corner, sulking, and couldn』t be comforted no matter how hard we tried.

Time passes, people go and people come back, and sometimes new folks come to town. Sometimes we』ll shy away, being naturally wary of strange things, but always time will stand the test. The Switch Sisters and their mother Fa were once those strange new folk, but now they』re a fixture here, almost one of us. 










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回復 秋收冬藏 2012-12-31 00:46
回復 mayimayi 2012-12-31 05:52
哎呀, 小說的最後一帖啦 ?
謝謝 女兒的英文作品 和您的中文譯作 !

新年好 !
回復 Wuwuyu 2012-12-31 11:00
秋收冬藏: 恭喜結文,您的一番苦心不會白費的。
回復 Wuwuyu 2012-12-31 11:02
mayimayi: 哎呀, 小說的最後一帖啦 ?
謝謝 女兒的英文作品 和您的中文譯作 !

新年好 !
感謝鼓勵。 終於完成了一件大事。

回復 mayimayi 2012-12-31 23:30
Wuwuyu: 感謝鼓勵。 終於完成了一件大事。

女兒 會上 文學系嗎 ? 女兒有寫作的才華, 應該得到鼓勵

如果能把全文 連起來,放在一個貼里,讀起來就會方便許多,

新年好 !!!

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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