
圍牆文化 -- Wall in Chinese Culture

作者:RidgeWalker  於 2011-9-30 11:58 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村
















Wall in Chinese Culture
The culture of wall rooted deeply inside me. When I went to university, I did not get along with the campus for quite some time.  It  was located right in the middle of the downtown and yet the campus wall was not quite complete. It didn't look right. How could we live in a wall-less place? It felt funny without wall, as if we were naked in the middle of a busy street. Indeed, what was the use to build a gorgeous gate and mammoth buildings inside if there was not a wall to outline our prestigious presence? Even back in the villages, folks build wall first before they build house inside, for crying out loud.

Does any body remember the walls of the Forbidden City? I can never forget the sight that the mighty summer sun dimmed quite a bit the inside of those well-constructed Forbidden City walls. The outside world was, indeed, being forbidden by the walls and gates. But walls are supposed to protect us, right? And yet protection is too simplistic a function for walls in Chinese culture. There is more to the wall than that. Hey, don't ask me why. The Chinese obsession with wall has grown almost out of proportion and has become intellectually complicated, so much so that the intellectual antenna of Franz Kafka has caught it from afar. 

 "During the building of the wall and ever since to this very day I have occupied myself almost exclusively with the comparative history of races--there are certain questions which one can probe to the marrow, as it were, only by this method--and I have discovered that we Chinese possess certain folk and political institutions that are unique in their clarity, others again unique in their obscurity. The desire to trace the cause of these phenomena, especially the latter, has always intrigued me and intrigues me still, and the building of the wall is itself essentially involved with these problems." (Franz, Kafka, The Great Wall of China. Translated by Willa and Edwin Muir. New York: Schocken Books, 1970. p.91).

Mr. Kafka took himself as a member of the Chinese race but I bet he never visited the Great Wall during winter time. Immediately I felt a tremendous silence coming onto me as I descended the train at the foot of Bada Mountain. The winter wind was howling and choking us a few courageous tourists with its bitter and unruly temperament. It was like a thousand whips showering our bodies from head to toe. Life was not allowed to be comfortable there.

Still winter was my choice. My heart told me that only winter with its harshness could give the Great Wall its due dignified and respectable looks that haunted my dreams, and haunt my nights still. As expected, when I saw a gigantic dragon standing before me though looking defeated and still being attacked by the relentless wind from all directions, I was deeply affected by the sheer size and the grief it held to itself. It was ultimate silence, any sound bouncing off that tremendous body turned into a low-pitch moan, hardly audible. It was a powerful silence because it was the silence of thousands or millions of naked men standing and staring into the empty winter sky. I was shaken by these calm and fearless eyes, as if my body and soul were pierced through thousands or millions of times. In fact, it took a great deal of courage to step on those miserable shoulders and backs. They might be too hot and my feet might melt right in front of my eyes in the harsh winter wind.

Power accumulated with each every story buried in the bricks of the wall. Looking at those sorrowful but dignified eyes, though I did not know what they were looking at, The earth? The sky? The ocean? Or simply our universe of great chaos? I seemed to understand how many centuries had passed in utter silence, and started to accept the fact that there would be many centuries of silence ahead for me to endure on. I had no choice, for they were all staring at me. Every eye was like a sharp needle made of steel. I could not stand up to so much blame. The silence only grew, for I dared not to make any noise, nor move a step. Frozen like a statue, I felt that I should embrace the silence. That was my fate. That was our fate. If they could be silent for many centuries, why couldn't I be silent for a day, or a pitiful short life?

Yet I did not want to appear stupid. I could not help telling the story about the torn shoulders and crooked backs of my parents and grandparents. When their eyes cut through mountains, forests and the ocean, they also pierced through my heart. No matter how far I'm away from home, those eyes find me and follow me everywhere. I would be a man some day, a Chinese man. I must stand up to anything just like a gray brick on the wall. This is my fate.

Barrenness was the main theme forever, visitors scarce, not a trace of green in sight on an enormous stretch of mountainous land. The Wall, earthy and ancient, restored by the contemporary children to its former glory, stood up dangerously on the mountains, facing up to the gusty wind. Once on top of a hill, I could see the wall snake into the dark horizon. By essence the Wall was nothing but a man-made battle trench up ground, as opposed to underground. It was a trench broken. Still under the vast grayness one could see or sense boiling blood once raging here. Gradually, hot blood cooled down and may have become green during the the course of millennia but still hasn't stop running and spreading. The mountains was pounced upon by cannon balls and burned by raging fires. But the Wall had not disappeared. Lifeless, yes, but the naked bricks were forever fearless. Nothing, the cold, the wind, the brutality of time, could really defeat that mighty stance. Dead, yes. Has been so for centuries. But even death has become spectacular there.

The cold was murderous but it did not stop me from throwing myself to the Wall, on all fours, those damp bricks smelt like, well, dead bodies. I knew that each of the over-sized bricks had a pair of penetrating eyes but I was not frightened any more, for I had seen enough deaths in my young life already. It was not a secret that every brick on the wall counts for the life of a man. Millions of Chinese men had died for and been buried in the Wall.

At one of the high points an unbearable heartache assaulted me. From there I could see the north, once outside of the protected world, and also look back to see the south, the once "protected" world. I could not tell the difference. They were all earthy gray and trembling in the howling wind. I was puzzled by the word "protected." What or whom was supposed to be protected here? The Yellow River? Or the Yellow Earth? Or the Forbidden City? And it never crossed my mind that the Wall was built to protect those who built it. The life of the ordinary meant nothing but misery, I knew that from first hand experience.

Protected or not, the Yellow River would flow with mud. But protected, our tears had to drop into the proper branches as we had been ruled in every detail of our behavior for thousands of years. And, what's the meaning of protection, tell me, if we kill each other inside the wall? Slowly I start to understand why Shu Ting writes: I have no way to fight the wall except my desire to fight it.










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回復 小小.. 2011-9-30 12:40
回復 Emansfield 2011-9-30 12:40
回復 瑋哥 2011-9-30 13:08
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:26
小小..: 寫論文    
回復 yuki-1217 2011-9-30 13:27
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:29
Emansfield: 重新認識。。
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:30
瑋哥: 是作文比賽吧
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:30
yuki-1217: 接受沉默~~
回復 銅山 2011-9-30 13:37
德國也有城牆啊!柏林牆~  只不過產生的背景、年代、目的不同,算不上文化~
好文,"黑燈瞎火",  點著蠟燭也要看啊!圖片很美~~  妄想索取呢!
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:40
銅山: 德國也有城牆啊!柏林牆~  只不過產生的背景、年代、目的不同,算不上文化~
好文,"黑燈瞎火",  點著蠟燭也要看啊!圖片很美~~  妄想索取呢!
回復 銅山 2011-9-30 13:45
RidgeWalker: 柏林牆也是一大創舉。如今美國在墨西哥邊境也建長城。
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:50
銅山: 哈哈!圍牆文化是無國界的,而它本身又是國界~~
回復 銅山 2011-9-30 13:54
RidgeWalker: 家,國,天下;人的智慧了必然參雜愚蠢。
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 13:58
銅山: 事物的矛盾性~~
回復 銅山 2011-9-30 14:05
RidgeWalker: 周全了,萬無一失了就出現漏洞了。
回復 RidgeWalker 2011-9-30 14:07
銅山: 漏洞補上了,又周全了~~
回復 銅山 2011-9-30 14:11
RidgeWalker: 可是多少活鮮鮮的生命,或者白花花的銀子沒有了。
回復 xmmx 2011-9-30 14:37
回復 yingyanghuo 2011-9-30 19:44
回復 fanlaifuqu 2011-9-30 20:06

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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