

作者:fibonnachi  於 2017-8-3 08:25 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:人民幣, 美元

人民幣疾風勁草,從51號從6.9逆勢一路漲至6.71。 死卡嚴防的堵住外匯外流奏效了嗎當然。













作者簡介:Sen Zhang 張森,正確資本資產投資管理公司(Corrigit Capital Group)管理合伙人。具備多年美元資產投資和管理經驗,長期為客戶提供專業的風險評估和投資策略,包括股票,債券,房地產和外匯等熱門投資領域。











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回復 SecondThought 2017-8-3 22:23
"別忘了,美元現在一個30年長期下降通道中。" ............ USD is in a secular bull market that started in 2011. The current down leg is only a part of the consolidations after a leg up since 2014. Chart wise, the range building may still have some months to go before the completion. The next top will be 122 on the dollar index, which was the top in 2001. The previous secular bear market for the dollar started in 1985 (the Plaza Accord) and ended in 2011 after America went through two asset bubbles, one for technology and internet in late 1990s and the other for the housing market that triggered the subprime mortgage crisis.
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-3 23:31
"席勒是真正的大師,他關於人心理和社會因素如何影響股市的見解深邃精闢。" ........... Robert Shiller's work may only be a masterpiece in academic world but offer very little predictability in the real world. The valuations of most asset classes are well above their historical means because of historically low interest rates. The stock is only one of them but cheaper than the bond at least. If inflation does not go back to its long-term mean around 4% a year, say, within next 20 years, the valuation of equity will likely stay well above the average of the Shiller P/E ratio for many years.
回復 fibonnachi 2017-8-4 01:30
thank you for your thoughtful comments , Dr Second Thought    !
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-4 06:12
You are very welcome. Actually Fibonnachi ratios are much more useful than the Shiller's ratio.
回復 fibonnachi 2017-8-4 06:46
SecondThought: You are very welcome. Actually Fibonnachi ratios are much more useful than the Shiller's ratio.
you mean Fibonacci ?
回復 SecondThought 2017-8-4 08:28
Yes, that was my typo. The correct spelling should be Fibonacci. The most useful ratios are 0.382, 0.500 and 0.618. These are the levels of the retracements (or called counter-trend pullbacks or corrections) that traders focus on. If we apply the Fibonacci ratio on the USD index. The recent leg up started at 91.88 in 2014 and topped out at 103.82 in 2016. The 0.500 retracement should bring the dollar index back to 91.38. The dollar correction in the first half of 2016 ended at 91.88. So the current correction may end in the 91.38-91.88 zone (But TA is not an accurate math). USD index closed today at 92.71 and is oversold on the weekly chart so that it may bottom soon although the base building may have further to go. The current dollar weakness is a good news to investors. The global economy is in good shape and there are profitable opportunities in many other countries. However money will flow back to U.S. once global economy starts slowing down because both U.S. treasuries and U.S. large-cap stocks are the safe havens. By that time, the financial market will be volatile for some time. As with RMB, the Chinese currency will still be significantly overvalued even with a 10:1 against USD, provided that RMB is traded in a free market. With a 16%-17% share in global economy, almost half of the money (if all converted to USD at the current exchange rates) in the world is Chinese RMB. Chinese central bank will continue to manipulate the exchange rate until its reserve dries up, which may take quite long time.
回復 fibonnachi 2017-8-5 01:09
SecondThought: Yes, that was my typo. The correct spelling should be Fibonacci. The most useful ratios are 0.382, 0.500 and 0.618. These are the levels of the retrac
nice input, I should buy you a lunch (:

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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