

作者:redbud  於 2011-10-1 03:06 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



就在你痛苦絕望以為找不到房子的時候,有好消息突然進入眼睛。我去Gumtree上面轉了轉,看到一個房子,完美豪華無比,一流裝修品位。市中心的位置,非常方便。只要480鎊,所有的bill全包,council tax, broadband, TV, 等等,我對這些不感興趣,倒是對於他貼的那個房子的裝修感興趣,那就是我理想中的高品位裝修。我一下子就心動了,說,如果是真的,我想簽合同。然後他說,他在丹麥,過來必須訂機票,為了確保我是誠心的,他需要我從western union轉錢到一個熟人的賬戶上面,然後提供給他一些轉錢的照片什麼的,確認我有錢付款。最後呢,我們見面談合同的時候,我要用現金付錢,從western union裡面取錢出來,這是他的信。

         We could meet and maybe sign the tenancy agreement on Sunday but you see these is due to previous predicament that I have gone through in the past trying to rent the property to some students,I have got to realize so many people are not really in need of an apartment all they do is secure a place in advance, My last experience in trying to rent the property to a particular lady had got me to predicate on these,she made me believe she was willing and ready to get the apartment she even went to the extend of showing me her statement of account,which made me took her for the viewing but after taking her for the viewing,she saw the apartment and got to love it and never wanted to loose it,so she kept pleading i retain it for her because she is not financially composed at the moment,which i did but end up disastrously. 
        So basically for me to be sure of you been willing and ready to get the apartment I will employ you walk into any Western Union agency and send the total bill cash £1440(two months rent and one month refundable deposit) to one of your friend's name, to whoever you want, whoever you trust (NOT to ME) with location of any other city in UK,All I need is for you to get back to me with the receipt issued to you after making the transaction so I can confirm it!  When we will meet in person to sign the papers we will go together to Western Union and you will withdraw the cash and pay me in hand or you can pay me on Monday by bank transfer!  I just need to see that you do have the money available and you do have serious intentions in renting the flat! If the Western Union agent will ask you about the receiver you should tell him that is a relative of yours because the transfer fees will be cheaper! If you will tell them the reason they might consider this a commercial transaction and charge you more. Anyway I will pay for it either you take the flat or not! I will book the flight for Sunday as soon as I have your positive answer !         
         I do apologise for that but as I told you last time when I arrived to ×××× to show the flat to a person everything was a stupid joke and I hope you understand me because I don`t want to waste my time and money on plane tickets.. 

我一聽到western union就感覺這有點不靠譜,想起以前收到的詐騙郵件,因為所有的騙子發的電子郵件都是提到從western union轉錢的。不過當時我還沒懷疑。早上我親自跑到了他說的那個區去看了一下,跟他描述的很不一樣,比如他提到專門的停車位,根本就沒有,我跟周圍住在那裡的人聊了聊。另外,他提到那個公寓是公共管理的花園,也根本就沒有。當時我就覺得有點疑心,但是還是覺得可以試試。於是我就去找western union,偏偏我查到了好幾個這個城市裡的western union點,跑了一上午,一個也沒找到,累的我半死。當時就覺得可能這房子不該讓我租吧。不過,我還是取了3個月房租的現金帶著,準備去轉錢,我想,通過western union轉給我自己總是可以的。

我下午看完房子,找到最後一個可能的western union點,也是死活找不到,不過,我禱告了一下,有一個想法,為什麼不給我那位閨蜜打電話呢,就是那位大美女閨蜜,在工作上教了我很多,我們生日就差一天的,她接到我的電話就笑了一番,說,虧你還記得給我打個電話,要不然錢又被騙走了吧。我一聽這個就是騙子,她這麼一說,我也突然清醒過來了,可不是么,我那些早期的懷疑突然都清醒過來了。這就是個騙子,我昨天問他要照片,要背景信息,他都沒有回應,就單單對轉錢這件事情感興趣。還有他的一些反映也比較奇怪,對於自己的房子不在意,對於其他的也不在意,就是在意錢。當然,房子的那些細節都對不上。

另外,這麼好的房子,為什麼不讓中介管理呢?以後就注意了,something too good to be true,一般都有騙局在裡面。為什麼他描述說,自己的房子很好,看過的人都是臨時就反悔呢?說明他的房子的確有問題。

晚上回來,我告訴那人,他的房子我不看了,western union找不到,我真的很努力地去找了,我建議他要將自己的房子租出去,還是交給中介好了。他馬上回信說我是騙子,playing in the beginning,騙子就是這麼沒風度啊,這是他的信。

Yea right, all the western union has vanished, I knew from the beginning that you were only playing and that you are not serious about it. That is why I ask for this receipt, for people like you, I don't know why you do such things, if you don't have the money just say so


然後我打電話給同事,她說我看房走了之後,她將我描述的這個故事跟她爸爸說了一下,他爸爸對這樣的事情很關注,BBC Watchdog報到過以房東的名義騙錢的事情。所以以後遇到的奇怪的事情,都要關注和搜索一下。

吃飯的時候,我用手機查了一下BBC watchdog, Landlord Scam,果然,下面BBC Watchdog那裡就有描述,騙子讓你把錢轉給自己,把收據發給他們,然後他們根據你發給他們的收據,偽造一張提錢的單子,然後將錢提走。一身冷汗,跟這個自稱的丹麥人的招式太像了。
Flat-hunter's transfer trap

Every year thousands of people search the classified adverts looking for a place to rent, but Watchdog has received lots of complaints from viewers who've been scammed out of hundreds, even thousands of pounds while looking for a new home.

Lazaros Kesoglou came to the UK from Greece three weeks ago. He thought he'd secured a rented room in a shared flat in London's Holborn from a woman called Emily Brown. As soon as he arrived in the UK he went to the flat. It was only then that Lazaros learned Emily didn't live there and the flat was actually owned by someone else. It wasn't for rent at all and the Emily Brown he thought he was dealing with probably doesn't even exist.

It gets worse. Before he arrived in the UK, Emily had asked Lazaros to prove he had the funds to pay for the flat. To do this, she asked him to use Western Union to transfer the first month's rent and the deposit to someone he knew - even to himself if he wanted. All Emily wanted to see was the receipt for the transfer which would show Lazaros did actually have enough money. So Lazoros transferred £660 to himself and sent Emily the receipt as she requested. When Lazaros discovered that his flat wasn't for rent, and that Emily Brown didn't exist, he went back to Western Union to retrieve his £660. But it had gone. Someone had already withdrawn the money.

Western Union is the biggest money transfer company in the UK and therefore most of our case studies have used Western Union to transfer money.

Nineteen-year-old Alexandra Sheppard saw a flat on the internet site Gumtree. She too was asked for proof of funds and sent £1,350 to her sister via Western Union. When they went to retrieve the money four days later it had gone.

Andrea Crookes and her daughter Nicola Mason were taken in too, after Nicola got a new job in London. When Nicola arrived at the flat she thought she'd rented in Islington, there was no one to meet her. She asked at the shop downstairs but they were sure that somebody else lived there.

As usual, Nicola had been asked for proof she'd be able to pay the rent. So her mum had transferred £1,100 to her via Western Union. When she went to get it back, that money had already been collected.

So how is the scam working?
It's thought scammers use the details on the receipt sent to them to create a fake ID in order to pick up the money. The scammers' email addresses were traced back to Nigeria so they may even be receiving the money from one of the 320,000 Western Union branches around the world and not even from the UK.

Tom Craig is a counter fraud expert. He's not surprised that the scammers have taken advantage of Western Union as the scammers can't be traced: "Basically it's moving cash. You can't really identify the end receiver. Although you should but you can't. It's just like giving cash away."

Western Union told Watchdog that it's important that customers "observe the clear guidance and don't share private information such as transaction numbers or copies of the documentation related to a person to person money transfer with any other party".

Western Union stresses that although it does, with police, investigate all reported cases of fraud, it can't refund any money that's been stolen. It's confident it has a "robust fraud prevention programme" in place, but points out that consumers "are and always will be the first and best line of defence against consumer fraud, especially when it comes to protecting and safeguarding their personal data and identity information".

When we contacted Gumtree about the scam it told us that it's an "industry-wide problem that affects a small number of our users". It says that "Gumtree is meant for connecting local people to then trade face-to-face" and that it has "boosted the prominence of our safety messages in the rentals section". Gumtree told us that it has "systems in place to prevent known fraudsters from using the site and also to identify potentially fraudulent activity".









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回復 wcat 2011-10-1 03:26
回復 人間的盒子 2011-10-1 03:27
回復 cartoonyang 2011-10-1 03:34
回復 xqw63 2011-10-1 03:48
回復 喬雨風 2011-10-1 04:08
If you transfer the money to a friend you trust (i.e., me ), how would he get the money?
回復 fuji 2011-10-1 04:18
回復 紅妹子 2011-10-1 04:36
回復 hu18 2011-10-1 05:11
回復 redbud 2011-10-1 05:15
喬雨風: If you transfer the money to a friend you trust (i.e., me ), how would he get the money?
回復 redbud 2011-10-1 05:16
hu18: 沒上當就好
回復 redbud 2011-10-1 05:16
cartoonyang: 早2個月發就好了!!!!
回復 redbud 2011-10-1 05:16
人間的盒子: 也沒完全確信,但疑點是很多。
回復 人間的盒子 2011-10-1 05:18
redbud: 我補充了BBC的報道,是慣犯的做法。
回復 redbud 2011-10-1 05:20
人間的盒子: 那就對了,周末快樂哈!
太驚險了,幸虧我沒找到western union,要是找到了,還不是被騙了。
回復 在美一方 2011-10-1 05:59
回復 丹奇 2011-10-1 06:10
回復 cartoonyang 2011-10-1 06:32
redbud: 卡通遇到類似的了嗎?
回復 xmmx 2011-10-1 07:41
被騙子罵成騙子也太丟人了 !這種事情發現以後要麼就不再理他,要麼回信時先罵他一頓。
回復 pragueman 2011-10-1 07:47
我一直用西聯的  交易號碼是關鍵 。  你不能泄露給對方的  是Money Transfer Control Number  你可以把 receipt 傳給對方看  只要把上述號碼塗黑了。 只要對方在簽合同之前 拿不到錢就可以 。這種騙術 只是那些太粗心的人 上當。  但也 樓主 不能這類人
回復 gyl 2011-10-1 07:59
Western Union should be responsible for this, too. Can people get the money back from  Western Union?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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