
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:加拿大生活成本越來越高的原因可能包括以下幾個方面
sc8808 2024-4-2 04:59
加拿大生活成本越來越高的原因可能包括以下幾個方面:通貨膨脹: 通貨膨脹是導致物價上漲的主要原因之一。當貨幣供應增加或者需求增加時,物價就會上漲,這會導致生活成本增加。房價上漲: 加拿大一些主要城市的房價已經連續多年上漲。供不應求、人口增長以及外國投資等因素都對房價上漲起到了作用。高房價意味著更高的住房 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:貝爾公司根據上個月宣布的一項重組計劃,又進行了一輪員工裁員。
sc8808 2024-3-25 22:13
貝爾公司根據上個月宣布的一項重組計劃,又進行了一輪員工裁員。據代表加拿大三家國家電信提供商之一的一部分工人的工會Unifor表示,裁員是通過虛擬團體會議進行的。據悉,這次裁員發生在周三,就在工會在渥太華舉行抗議上一輪裁員的集會的一天後,那次裁員影響了貝爾公司六周前九成員工。Unifor的全國主席拉娜·佩恩在一份 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Federal Court Denies Bell's Stay Request in Internet Competition Ruling
sc8808 2024-3-7 01:55
The Federal Court of Appeal has rejected BCE Inc.'s plea for a stay on a regulatory decision enabling independent companies to offer internet services to their customers through its fibre network in Ontario and Quebec.The court's ruling, issued on Friday, followed Bell Canada's announcement of cutti [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:如何選擇home internet
sc8808 2023-11-23 05:21
如何選擇home internet選擇家庭網際網路服務時,有幾個因素需要考慮,以確保選擇適合你家庭需求的最佳選項。以下是一些建議:速度需求: 確保你選擇的網際網路服務提供商(ISP)能夠提供足夠的速度以滿足你的需求。如果你家中有多個設備同時連接網際網路,或者你經常進行高帶寬活動(如在線遊戲、高清視頻流等),那麼更高的互聯 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
1 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:The Best Canadian Broadband ISPs
sc8808 2023-9-11 22:36
The Best Canadian Broadband ISPsPC Mag has categorized providers into two divisions for clarity. The first category is "Major ISPs," comprising well-known, nationwide internet providers with broad reach and ownership of their last-mile infrastructure. To be included in this category, an ISP must hav [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:The best free streaming services in Canada
sc8808 2023-9-11 22:19
The best free streaming services in CanadaStreaming has become an integral part of life for Canadians, with a vast majority of adults engaging in video consumption. A recent poll of over 40,000 Canadian adults revealed that 90 percent watch videos, dedicating approximately 21 hours of their weekly s [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:渥太華正在通過投資120萬加拿大元,為新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia)的1600戶家庭提供高速
sc8808 2023-9-7 04:02
渥太華正在通過投資120萬加拿大元,為新斯科舍省(Nova Scotia)的1600戶家庭提供高速網際網路接入服務。Rogers公司負責為該項目建設基礎設施,這也將惠及16個農村和偏遠社區中的440個土著家庭。「高速網際網路服務對於居住和工作在新斯科舍省的每個人的成功都至關重要,」加拿大漁業、海洋和加拿大海岸警衛部部長的國會秘書邁 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:加拿大和安大略政府投資310萬美元在埃塞克斯縣社區提供高速網際網路
sc8808 2023-8-22 01:25
加拿大和安大略政府投資310萬美元在埃塞克斯縣社區提供高速網際網路加拿大和安大略政府將共同投資310萬美元,確保埃塞克斯縣1915個家庭、農場和企業能夠獲得可靠的高速網際網路接入。這一舉措旨在加強基礎設施,促進包容性社區,創造就業機會,增強當地經濟。住房、基礎設施和社區部部長肖恩·弗雷澤閣下強調政府致力於加強加拿 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Canada and Ontario Governments Invest $3.1 Million in High-Speed Internet for Es
sc8808 2023-8-22 01:23
Canada and Ontario Governments Invest $3.1 Million in High-Speed Internet for Essex County CommunitiesThe governments of Canada and Ontario are jointly investing over $3.1 million to ensure reliable high-speed internet access for 1,915 families, farms, and businesses in Essex County. This initiative [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Navigating Internet Speed Tests: Which One Deserves Your Trust?
sc8808 2023-8-14 22:39
There are several variables that can impact your internet speeds, including the use of Wi-Fi, the time of day, and the number of active devices on your network. Utilizing a reliable speed test can help you ascertain your actual speeds, including download and upload rates, as well as the latency (or [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:TekSavvy Solutions Inc., a Canadian independent internet service provider (ISP)
sc8808 2023-8-8 22:30
TekSavvy Solutions Inc., a Canadian independent internet service provider (ISP) based in Chatham, Ontario, is reportedly seeking a new owner as part of a formal sale process. The company has hired bankers and is currently accepting bids from potential buyers. This move comes in the wake of a series [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Canadian and Ontario governments have jointly announced an investment of C$22 mi
sc8808 2023-7-31 21:59
Canadian and Ontario governments have jointly announced an investment of C$22 million in the Regional Municipality of Durham to provide high-speed internet access to over 1,400 homes in ten communities in Ontario. The communities benefiting from this initiative are Ashburn, Columbus, Courtice, Green [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Canadian Frustrations: The Fight for Competition and Fairness in the Economy
sc8808 2023-7-31 21:45
In Canada, the cost of cell phone and internet plans is notoriously high compared to many other countries, leading to frustration among Canadian consumers. One notable player in the market, TekSavvy, is reportedly looking for a buyer. Additionally, the price of essential goods like bread is fixed, b [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:The Canadian telecommunications landscape was hit by a significant outage affect
sc8808 2023-7-24 22:06
The Canadian telecommunications landscape was hit by a significant outage affecting both wireless and wireline customers, leading to disruptions in phone calls, text messages, and internet usage. Even emergency services were impacted, and businesses faced challenges in accepting electronic payments, [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has decid
sc8808 2023-7-17 23:00
The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) has decided to maintain its current approach to setting prices for smaller companies that purchase access to larger carriers' internet networks. The regulator's review concluded that the best way to promote competition is by sett [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:安大略省主要的網際網路服務提供商之一做出了艱難的決定
sc8808 2023-7-10 23:14
安大略省主要的網際網路服務提供商之一——也是為數不多的獨立網際網路服務提供商之一——做出了艱難的決定,將自己出售,這一消息剛剛被披露,全國各cikhttps://www.ciktel.com/地的居民都充滿了沮喪和恐懼,擔心這一消息對消費者和行業意味著什麼。總部位於查塔姆(Chatham)的Teksavvy是為數不多的幾家公司之一,它們提供了一 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:TekSavvy exploring potential sale: Employee rights
sc8808 2023-7-10 23:09
TekSavvy exploring potential sale: Employee rights
Independent internet service provider (ISP)TekSavvy is putting itself up for sale amidst ongoing industry turmoiland a surge in acquisitions of independent ISPs by larger telecom companies.The Globe and Mail reportsthat the Chatham, Ontario-based company has engaged the services of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:TekSavvy Solutions Inc.正在尋找新的買家
sc8808 2023-6-26 22:38
TekSavvy Solutions Inc.(TekSavvy Solutions公司)是一家位於加拿大安大略省查塔姆市的獨立網際網路服務提供商,據報道,由於較大電信公司收購了類似的提供商,該公司正在尋找新的買家。據三位知情人士透露,該公司已經聘請了銀行家,並啟動了正式的出售流程,目前正在接受競標。這一舉動發生在TekSavvy成為最後一家剩餘的 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:加拿大與安大略合作推動全省農村地區高速網際網路接入
sc8808 2023-6-19 21:51
加拿大和安大略省政府正在採取行動,為安大略省各個未充分服務的社區提供可靠且價格合理的高速網際網路接入,這對於所有加拿大人而言都是必需的。今天,農村經濟發展部長Gudie Hutchings,安大略省基礎設施部長Kinga Surma以及卡爾頓選區的省議會議員Goldie Ghamari宣布,聯邦和省政府將為貝爾加拿大(Bell Canada)和Cogeco [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:The Rogers-Shaw Merger: Transforming Canada's Telecommunications Landscape
sc8808 2023-6-13 04:13
In a landmark deal that sent shockwaves through Canada's telecommunications industry, Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. announced their plans to merge in early 2023. This merger has the potential to reshape the Canadian telecom landscape and bring about significant changes for [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 網路文摘 ]:Starlink has once again been recognized as Canada's fastest satellite internet s
sc8808 2023-5-15 22:23
Starlink has once again been recognized as Canada's fastest satellite internet service in the latest speed tests conducted by Ookla. The tests revealed that Starlink's download speeds in Canada have increased by 28 Mbps over the last two quarters, reaching an average of 93.97 Mbps. This speed is 40% [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:2022年,聯邦政府為超過944,000條固定電話和手機線路花費了超過1.65億美元
sc8808 2023-5-8 21:38
在2023年的聯邦預算中,特魯多政府承諾在四年內找到超過150億美元的節省。或許他們應該從電話賬單開始著手。2022年,聯邦政府為超過944,000條固定電話和手機線路花費了超過1.65億美元。然而,根據在預算前幾天悄悄提交給下議院的數據,其中超過290,000條線路是「休眠」的——三個月或更長時間沒有被使用過。這些數據是由保 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:本周,加拿大下議院通過了一項私人法案,加拿大人可能期望網際網路服務提供商提供更透明
sc8808 2023-5-1 21:42
本周,加拿大下議院通過了一項私人法案,加拿大人可能期望網際網路服務提供商提供更透明、更準確的信息。去年,保守黨議員丹·馬齊爾(Dan Mazier)提出了C-288法案,該法案對《電信法》進行了修訂,要求寬頻提供商為其服務提供更現實的廣告。馬齊爾在接受《太陽報》採訪時表示,缺乏高質量的網際網路服務對加拿大農村地區造成了 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:加拿大擁有世界上最昂貴的網際網路服務之一
sc8808 2023-4-24 21:42
眾所周知,加拿大擁有世界上最昂貴的網際網路服務之一。然而,由於最近的一次收購,加拿大人可能會有一些好消息。4月3日,Freedom Mobile正式被Quebecor Inc.旗下的Videotron Ltd.收購。如果你想知道這一切意味著什麼,那就是自由移動公司現在正式歸魁北克所有。CIK SuperFibre Internet「第四個主要的無線運營商在加拿大成立 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How the Rogers-Shaw merger could have a negative impact on consumers
sc8808 2023-3-28 05:34
Souce: Cannet Blog ArticleHow the Rogers-Shaw merger could have a negative impact on consumersThe highlights of the Rogers-Shaw mergerThe proposed merger between Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. in Canada has faced criticism and scrutiny over concerns that it could lead to les [ ...閱讀全文 ]

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