
Canadian and Ontario governments have jointly announced an investment of C$22 mi

作者:sc8808  於 2023-7-31 21:59 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Canadian and Ontario governments have jointly announced an investment of C$22 million in the Regional Municipality of Durham to provide high-speed internet access to over 1,400 homes in ten communities in Ontario. The communities benefiting from this initiative are Ashburn, Columbus, Courtice, Greenbank, Leaskdale, Manchester, Myrtle Station, Raglan, Sunderland, and Uxbridge.

Vianet will be collaborating with the Regional Municipality of Durham as the internet service provider for these ten communities. The goal is to bridge the broadband gap between rural and urban areas in Canada, as rural regions often face challenges in accessing high-speed internet due to the costly and complex nature of building fiber optic networks.

The investment complements the C$845 million that the Canadian government has already contributed since 2015 to enhance connectivity in Ontario. It aligns with the government's commitment to ensuring that 98 percent of Canadians have access to high-speed internet by 2026, with 100 percent coverage targeted by 2030.

Jennifer O』Connell, the parliamentary secretary to the Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure, and Communities, emphasized the positive impact of the project, improving access to healthcare, online learning services, creating job opportunities, and keeping people connected with their loved ones.

The investment is part of the Canada-Ontario broadband partnership initiated in 2021, aiming to connect over 280,000 homes across the province with a combined federal-provincial investment of more than C$1.2 billion.

Ontario has taken significant steps in enhancing connectivity, finalizing agreements totaling more than C$2.3 billion for nearly 200 high-speed internet and cellular projects across the province as of July 2023.

Residents in the ten communities can now track the progress of provincially funded high-speed internet projects through an interactive online map, which provides details about planned, ongoing, and recently completed initiatives. The project is expected to be completed by December 2025, positively impacting the lives of residents and boosting economic growth in the region.









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