

作者:jimx98  於 2010-4-13 02:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



這是中國最早的網路信息. "Across the Great Wall we can reach every corner of the world" .

對中國這是一個時代的開始: 1987年9月14日北京時間21點07分. 網路世界來自於中國的第一份電子郵件是用英文和德文這樣開始的: "越過長城我們能夠到達世界所有的角落".

這是從機械部國家電腦應用研究中心發往德國 Karlsruhe 大學計算機研究中心的一份電子郵件. 由於當時 main frame 和 unix 上採用 uucp 來傳遞電子郵件, 一直到6天後德國方面才收到.

這份電子郵件標誌著一個新時代的開始. 短短的二十來年, 網路為中國社會帶來了翻天覆地的變化. 我們有幸見證了這一科技的奇迹.


科技的創新和生產力的進步才是人類社會進步真正的推手. 今天中國政府對網路施加各種不應該有的限制. 當我們回顧網路的發展和在中國的普及, 我們還記得這一份來自中國最早的網路信息嗎?










發表評論 評論 (11 個評論)

回復 方方頭 2010-4-13 05:30
回復 ww_719 2010-4-13 06:09
回復 jimx98 2010-4-13 06:17
In the old time, emails were saved in a  spool. At the pre-scheduled date and time, the UUCP system would activate the modem to make a long distance phone call and connect to the remote host. Depended on how the system administrator set up the system, and also depended on how many intermediate systems the message needed to traverse through, it could take a long time. Sounds unbelievable right?
回復 jimx98 2010-4-13 06:27
At that time, there was no routing protocols. The sender of the email needed to specify the entire path to reach the destination host. Therefore the mail address could be like this:


回復 snortbsd 2010-4-13 06:59
jimx98: In the old time, emails were saved in a  spool. At the pre-scheduled date and time, the UUCP system would activate the modem to make a long distance
1) in most of scenarios, emails are still saved in spools at the last hop of emails servers until one fetches his.her mails.
2) back then, there were no full scale internet yet. so-called internet was purely point-to-pont:unix servers to unix servers. if no one checks the mail spool, emails would sit there forever...
回復 snortbsd 2010-4-13 07:03
jimx98: At that time, there was no routing protocols. The sender of the email needed to specify the entire path to reach the destination host. Therefore the
routing protocols were born with tcp/ip protocols!!!

the way of emails shows that way gotta nothing to do with routing protocols!!!
回復 snortbsd 2010-4-13 07:04
ww_719: 6days~!
you really believe that?
回復 jimx98 2010-4-13 07:15
snortbsd: you really believe that?
The email header has all the timestamps. You can take a look at it by yourself. Unless, one side's clock was set wrong.
回復 ww_719 2010-4-13 08:05
snortbsd: you really believe that?
回復 snortbsd 2010-4-13 08:37
ww_719: 我無知呀,哈哈..誰知道呀,哈哈..
back then there were very few long haul links and there were no "professional" routers. every thing was hop by hop. if one hop didn't do anything (i.e., didn't relay the email), then that email sat there until someone did something with modem and sent it to next hop...
回復 jimx98 2010-4-13 12:25
I still remember those exciting internet events. The first PC email clients were written by one of my friends; The first oversea chinese input software BYX (下里巴人 by 嚴永欣); The first unix X term chinese input software; The first chinese news group; The first oversea chinese website: CND. I was working at University of Chicago and put together a BOT tool that visits all major chinese web sites in far eastern to grab newspaper articles and forward them to CND.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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