
法官來到我們班- 溫哥華高中(14)

作者:卉櫻果  於 2011-12-11 04:31 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


關鍵詞:, , 政府部門, 司法部長, 委員會



能夠成為一個法官,就意味著進入了高收入一族。本尼特法官先生自報年收入為二十五萬兩千,再加上五千加元的書報費。這個數字那與加拿大2006年 家庭平均收入六萬五加元的比較,那不是一般的可觀。給與法官高薪的原 因,據說是為了避免他們受賄,另一方面也是對他們十年寒窗苦讀和長期辛勤工作的回報。想象一下我們國內法官的收入,甚至少於國內外企銷售員,那就無語了。

另一個保障司法獨立的政策就是法官的職位是終身制的。法官的任命程序是這樣的,有一個獨立的委員會根據律師或者司法工作人員的優秀品德給出一個名單。名單中的候選人年齡,女性在三十歲以上,男性在四十歲以上,相信比較成熟的年齡也就比較能獨立思考不受干擾的能力。然後省首席檢察官從名單中選任省法院的法官, 聯邦司法部長或者總理從名單中選任聯邦法院或省高級法院的法官。一旦被任命為法官,省法院工作的七十歲才退休,省高級法院和聯邦法院的到七十五歲。這樣, 因為他們的位置是穩固的,法官在法庭上將無畏地做出判決。


在加拿大,最重要的政策是司法、執法、立法是完全分開的。執法是內閣和公務人員,稱為服務員(servants), 不是領導也不是上司。立法人員是被選出來的法律制定者,司法是在法院工作的人員。司法部門與另外兩個毫無關聯,完全獨立;這樣,就保證了司法的基本原則。 雖然不少國家標榜自己也是三角鼎力的制度,可是真正做到就比較困難。因為這樣的話,每個人(包括國家主席總統總理)在法律面前和條款下真正的平等了。







Report of Judge』s Visit on 26 March 2008

On 26th March, Mr. Justice Burnyeat, a judge from Provincial Supreme Court gave our class a lecture of Judicial Independence in Canada, after that he answered students question.

Mr. Justice Burnyeat says the system of Canada ensures Judicial Independence by the following ways: Security of salary for Judges, security position of Judges, security of separation between Judges and his/her familiar environment of cases. And the last and most important policy is that Judiciary is independent of the executive, legislature and government.

Being a judge, which means he/she can have high salary. Mr. Justice Burnyeat gave his own example that his annual income is around 252,000 CAD, plus 5000 CAD of stationery fee. Comparing to the average income – 65,000 CAD – this job is very good paid.  The reasons to let Judges make much higher salary are preventing them from bribery, and the reward to their longer terms study and hard work. This is very important and great policy. I have known some Judges were not impartial in China because they were lured by palm grease. Just imagine that the income for a judge in China is much less than a sales people in the foreigner-owned company in China.

Security position of Judges is one of the issues to protect independence of the judiciary. Mr. Justice Burnyeat says that Judges are selected by committee based on their merits, and appointed by attorney general (for Provincial) or federal minister of justice or Prime minister. Once Judges appointed, it is a life term career until reach 75 (appointed by Federal) or 70 (appointed by Provincial). In this case, Judge will not have any fear to make decision in the court because their positions are not easily moved. Another regulation is that only those reach a certain age will be selected as Judge, for woman, it will be above 30, and for man will be above 40. People believe that a mature person will be more difficult to be influenced by other people』s opinion or worldview.

Moreover, Judges must be separated from the cases that any one involved in the case that Judges are familiar with. This is like a discipline, Judges must withdraw the cases if they thinks that they are not capable to be impartial. On the other hand, in Canada, any politician or party member is not allowed to be a judge, which prevents one from influence of any political orientation.

The most significant policy in Canada is that three branches of government are completely separated. The executive are the cabinet and civil servants (not bosses!!!), the legislature are the elected law makers, and the judiciary are the people work in  the courts. The Judiciary is independent of the other two; therefor, it ensures the principle of fundamental justice. It is very hard to do so than to claim so. Then every one is equal in front of or under law no matter how high the person』s position is.

After the speech give by Mr. Justice Burnyeat, students became to raise questions. I asked Mr. Justice Burnyeat two question; however, none of the answers satisfied me.

My first question is how can judges keep their merits all their business life; and what will be done if they made mistakes. Mr. Justice Burnyeat』s reply it from the physical side only. He says in case a judge falling asleep during court, or does not think clearly, or absent due to healthy problem, he/she can ask sick leave or early retire.

Never the less, from the handout information and our law 12 class, we know that if a judge made a decision with mistake in the courts, the complainant can contact a lawyer, legal aid office or community legal clinic to determine whether or not they can appeal the decision. Also if the complainant does not satisfied with Judge』s conduct, he/she can check with court staff where the judges sits, to determine whether to bring the compliant to the Canada Judicial Council or to provincial officials.

My another question was that if Mr. Justice Burnyeat had ever excluded evidence because it was obtained by improper way. Mr. Justice Burnyeat said yes, but his examples were not related with 「improper」 way. He said hearsay could not be used as evidence, what you tell your sponsor can not be used in the court. He seems avoid telling any negative examples that police or Crown would possibly do.

Apart from the issues listed above, Mr. Justice Burnyeat』s visit, anyway, helps us student to summarize and understanding the terms of Judicial Independence in Canada. The Judicial Independence is a keystone to distinguish systems of a democracy country or a dictatorship country. I respect the Judicial Independence from the bottom of my heart, because I was come from China. I wish it can be executed all the countries so that bring the democracy to the whole world.









剛表態過的朋友 (26 人)

發表評論 評論 (46 個評論)

回復 fanlaifuqu 2011-12-11 04:47
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 04:49
fanlaifuqu: 有很多要學的地方!
回復 wcat 2011-12-11 04:49
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 04:50
fanlaifuqu: 有很多要學的地方!
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 04:57
wcat: 美國有的法官是任命的,有的(不記得是哪種)是選的。法官高薪,但有的也照樣犯法。
回復 wcat 2011-12-11 04:59
卉櫻果: 概率要小一些吧
回復 人間的盒子 2011-12-11 05:19
回復 fanlaifuqu 2011-12-11 05:20
卉櫻果: 你到底說是誰要學呀?
回復 mosville 2011-12-11 05:26
回復 專治蛋疼2 2011-12-11 06:56
回復 活水湧泉 2011-12-11 06:57
回復 putongren10 2011-12-11 07:24
回復 無為村姑 2011-12-11 08:36
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 09:51
人間的盒子: 中國的法制就是缺少這種公正獨立,但也不是件容易解決的事情,很多相應的東西也不健全。
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 09:51
fanlaifuqu: 象我們的祖國呀!
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 09:52
mosville: 聯邦法官是經過總統任命,國會批准,終身制;但是年薪沒有加拿大的高,所以不少法官過幾年辭職,去做律師和合伙人。
回復 dwqdaniel 2011-12-11 09:55
無為村姑: 法官真有權。可我們加拿大有的法官太獨斷啦,對罪犯太有容忍度啦~~~
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 09:56
專治蛋疼2: 不要奢望我天朝朝廷會自己放棄一部分權力,我襠是靠槍杆子奪取政權的,同理要它放棄一點也要靠同樣的方式方法。這就是維穩費高居不下的根本理由。
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 09:56
活水湧泉: 你寫得真實,有說服力。
回復 卉櫻果 2011-12-11 09:58
putongren10: 過去,中國的居委會也不錯

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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