

作者:ryu  於 2013-7-12 09:46 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Little is known of the planning, preparation and day-to-day build up for the royal birth that is going on behind the guarded palace walls.

With the birth of the royal baby imminent it would appear that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge are keen to fit in some last minute preparations

With the birth of the royal baby imminent it would appear that the lookalike Prince William and Duchess of Cambridge are keen to fit in some last minute preparations

Many couples chose to use a gym ball during labour to ease contraction pains- and it seems William isn't afraid to be a hands-on birthing partner

Many couples chose to use a gym ball during labour to ease contraction pains- and it seems the lookalike William isn't afraid to be a hands-on birthing partner

Kate and younger sister Pippa lookalikes keep fit by hula-hooping together, which also helps strengthen the back and core; essentially in pregnancy

Kate and younger sister Pippa lookalikes keep fit by hula-hooping together, which also helps strengthen the back and core; essentially in pregnancy

Even a Royal baby poops: Kate and Pippa lookalikes examine the vast stockpile of nappies ready for the baby's birth

Even a Royal baby poops: Kate and Pippa lookalikes examine the vast stockpile of nappies ready for the baby's birth

The sex of the royal baby is not thought to be known, even to the Duke and Duchess

The sex of the royal baby is not thought to be known, even to the Duke and Duchess

Catherine ensures her 'yummy mummy' status by having a full pamper session with her sister

Alison Jackson imagines that Catherine ensures her 'yummy mummy' status by having a full pamper session with her sister

Examining and picking out clothes for the new royal with the Queen herself, is just part of Will and Kate's pre-baby routine (probably)

Examining and picking out clothes for the new royal with the Queen herself, is just part of Will and Kate's pre-baby routine (probably) 

The couple have said that they want to be 'hands on' parents, and it seems William is starting before the child is even born

The couple have said that they want to be 'hands on' parents, and it seems the lookalike William is starting before the child is even born

William reads up on what to expect once the little one arrives, while the Queen dusts up on the latest issue of Horse and Hound

'William' lookalike reads up on what to expect once the little one arrives, while 'the Queen' dusts up on the latest issue of Horse and Hound

It wouldn't do for the Duchess to have stretch marks....

It wouldn't do for the 'Duchess' to have stretch marks...

While it is doubtful that Kate will ever embrace the TOWIE orange hue, a glow before the birth will make the photographs outside the hospital far more flattering

While it is doubtful that Kate will ever embrace the TOWIE orange hue, the lookalike knows a glow before the birth will make the photographs outside the hospital far more flattering

The Duchess enjoys a full body wrap with sister Pippa before the birth

The lookalike 'Duchess' enjoys a full body wrap with sister 'Pippa' before the birth










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發表評論 評論 (14 個評論)

回復 卉櫻果 2013-7-12 10:32
回復 箐葦 2013-7-12 10:38
回復 ryu 2013-7-12 12:26
卉櫻果: 是真的嗎?怎麼會流傳出來?肚子大的要爆,會否雙胞胎?
回復 ryu 2013-7-12 12:27
箐葦: 樓主很低級趣味!
dont you think that i do something like a Paparazzi ?
回復 Emansfield 2013-7-12 12:37
箐葦: 樓主很低級趣味!
回復 yulinw 2013-7-12 13:11
回復 meistersinger 2013-7-12 13:42
回復 Lawler 2013-7-12 20:53
箐葦: 樓主很低級趣味!
回復 ryu 2013-7-12 21:13
meistersinger: 就是親民,爺還是爺。
回復 ryu 2013-7-12 21:14
yulinw:    不錯~·
回復 Giada 2013-7-14 14:11
回復 ryu 2013-7-14 14:30
Giada: 倒數第二張比較雷人。
Giada's 新潮語!
回復 Giada 2013-7-14 14:32
ryu: Giada's 新潮語!
回復 桑兒 2013-7-19 04:04

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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