


分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How the Rogers-Shaw merger could have a negative impact on consumers
sc8808 2023-3-28 05:34
Souce: Cannet Blog ArticleHow the Rogers-Shaw merger could have a negative impact on consumersThe highlights of the Rogers-Shaw mergerThe proposed merger between Rogers Communications Inc. and Shaw Communications Inc. in Canada has faced criticism and scrutiny over concerns that it could lead to les [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ sc8808的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:小心許願,可能實現
溫哥華張三 2023-3-18 10:46
英國文學史上最經典懸疑故事--「猴爪」, 一隻猴爪引發的家庭悲劇。 ... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:金錢焦慮會説話
溫哥華張三 2023-2-10 09:43
在閃閃發光的木馬後面,在玩具屋裏,有個聲音輕輕說:「家裡需要錢! 必須有更多錢!」孩子們停止玩耍,留心傾聽了一會兒。 他們從彼此的眼神知道,確實有這個聲音: 「家裡需要錢! 必須有更多錢!」... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:賴皮狗耍廢
溫哥華張三 2023-1-6 12:06
兩個在冰天雪地打拚的男子漢,卻被一隻賴皮狗追的抓狂。 這隻狗被載入美國中學生教科書中,仍舊鮮活在許多人記憶中。... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:2022-12-21
sc8808 2022-12-21 00:39
We've all been there: you're watching your favourite show, and suddenly, the internet cuts out. You want to be able to stream, but your provider only offers the fastest internet in Canada.It's a problem for everyone, but we have a solution.We've teamed up with one of Canada's largest internet servic [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ sc8808的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Why is internet so expensive in Canada?
sc8808 2022-12-10 02:10
Source:Why is internet so expensive in Canada?Canada currently has the 2nd most expensive internet (only behind the United States) of the G7 countries for speeds over 41 Mbps and has consistently been the 2nd or 3rd most expensive for at least the past 5 years. There is no 「cheap」 internet in Cana [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ sc8808的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:沒人要的獎賞
溫哥華張三 2022-11-26 21:01
太太看他走進來,立刻心生怒火。她氣呼呼問他:」你懷裡抱著什麼?「... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
1 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:揭秘之夜,人生大翻盤
溫哥華張三 2022-7-8 10:30
「這個年輕人素來不輕易相信別人。這晚他卻願意和樸實的這家人分享他最深的秘密。」... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:俄羅斯算盤,失去是一種獲利
溫哥華張三 2022-6-17 13:05
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:A sea of romance and warmth
goofegg 2022-6-6 23:08
A sea of romance and warmthgoofeggLet's leisure in the ocean of romance and warmthBuild our own happy paradise togetherThere thou art like the delicate seaweedClinging to my drowning bodyI can't breathe and I'm going to die happy and miserableTo die in your warm, stirring wavesThe dream that haunts [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The joy of fish and water series of poems
goofegg 2022-6-6 07:00
呵呵,使用有道翻譯,一通騷操作把自己的魚水之歡組詩弄成了英文,再反翻譯回來發現和自己原意還比較貼切,現在有翻譯工具好爽,英文好的歡迎來幫我潤色,提交你翻譯的版本,呵呵,沒錢付給你哦:The joy of fish and water series of poemsgoofegg1Every time your fingers slip across my bodyLike a shooting star with [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:貂皮大衣里的狐狸
溫哥華張三 2022-6-3 08:49
... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:雞蛋打敗硬漢
溫哥華張三 2022-5-27 05:20
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:凌晨四點打電話的朋友。。。
溫哥華張三 2022-5-20 08:24
... [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 溫哥華張三的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:影響一生的摸彩
溫哥華張三 2022-5-13 11:52
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:六十年前的預言,部分正在應驗
溫哥華張三 2022-5-6 13:31
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分享 [ 英文分享 ]:I hope peace in Ukraine returns soon
goofegg 2022-3-24 13:38
I hope...goofeggI don't know how long this war will lastHow far will it go? How many countries will be scorchedI just wish the war would be over soonerThe displaced refugees could return home soonerIf time could turn back, I hope this war will not happenI hope Ukraine's NATO-egged government does no [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ goofegg的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Happy New Year
大偉直言2013 2021-12-31 07:36
Happy New Year With happiness I welcome the New Year With warmth I meet people here and there Sun is shining bright over the ground Like baby face happy and round The sun warms your body and soul with grace Delighted even find the cloud around sun like lace Moon is half month s [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 大偉直言2013的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Nomadland 不是「無依之地」
楊立勇 2021-3-11 15:38
(楊老師英語翻譯筆記)Nomadland不是「無依之地」電影「Nomadland」被翻譯成「無依之地」,無論從語法上或者從修辭上都經不起推敲。譯者顯然急於想傳遞電影中這群nomads(漂泊客)老無所依的那種rootlessness(身世飄零)而用力過猛,硬生生地給比較中性的Nomadland平添了幾分悲情愁緒,以圖喚起觀眾的共情或同 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 楊立勇的博文列表 ]
1 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Here Is How You Can Buy Fake Diplomas in Canada
保安 2020-11-27 17:43
Here Is How You Can Buy Fake Diplomas in Canada With a very high level of technology, teaching methodology, and learning strategies, Canada is the home to quality education. There is a high scope of Canadian diplomas, degrees, and trans**ts in the entire world. People come from all over the wo [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 保安的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Poll: 53 percent of lower-income US households won』t be able to pay all of Apri
xufengnian 2020-4-24 16:54
Just over half of lower-income adults in the US reported that someone in their household had either lost a job or lost hours due to the coronavirus pandemic, according to a new Pew Research Center survey.The survey, of 4,917 US adults in April, revealed that, overall, 43 percent of Americans had som [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ xufengnian的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Tracking Down the Origin of the Wuhan Coronavirus
有點咸 2020-4-14 02:55
...祝您一切安好請看鏈接:http://ulvis.net/odSpC [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 有點鹹的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:意態由來譯不成
楊立勇 2019-12-16 16:48
(楊老師英語翻譯筆記)意態由來譯不成野史傳聞:漢代美女王昭君自恃天生麗質,不肯行賄打點宮廷畫師毛延壽。畫師就故意醜化她的畫像,以致她入不了按圖索妃子的皇上的法眼。等到王昭君後來奉旨出塞和番,臨行前皇帝才一睹芳容,驚為天人。可外交睦鄰友好事體重大,反悔不得。惱羞成怒的皇上怪罪下來,腐敗的御用畫師毛延壽 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 楊立勇的博文列表 ]
瘋瘋顛顛 2019-9-20 01:43
SUBACUTE SCLEROSING PANENCEPHALITIS (A Report on Two Cases)Med J Armed Forces India. 1994 Oct; 50(4): 298–300.Published online 2017 Jun 27.doi:10.1016/S0377-1237(17)31092-4MKK RAO,*RK GUPTA,+VC OHRI,#S NARAYAN,**andSANGEETA JOSHI, Dr++Author information&nbs [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 瘋瘋顛顛的博文列表 ]
6 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:我在 Fort Jackson服役
naturelover 2019-9-18 20:30
今天是1月21日。我真有點百感交集。因為兩年前的今天,我真是生活在水深火熱之中。聰明的讀者肯定猜到了,是的,我那時還在服役。在我2006年參軍的時候,幾位好友都很驚訝。38歲的高齡,幹嗎從軍呢?或許是想為自己開劈一條新河,還是挑戰一下已經多年朝9晚5的枯燥乏味的辦公室生涯? 我至今無從得知。書歸正傳,兩年前此時 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ naturelover的博文列表 ]

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