
I hope peace in Ukraine returns soon

作者:goofegg  於 2022-3-24 13:38 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


I hope...


I don't know how long this war will last
How far will it go? How many countries will be scorched
I just wish the war would be over sooner
The displaced refugees could return home sooner
If time could turn back, I hope this war will not happen
I hope Ukraine's NATO-egged government does not defy the dignity of the big powers around
I hope they didn't support the Assyrian camp shelling their own people for years
I also hope the small European countries in NATO had not followed the US over and over again
I hope they will see clearly earlier and cherish peace for their own people
Don't be the pawns of a gloating America watching from the sidelines across the oceans
If you annoy a polar bear, the only way you can do is to implicate yourself and ruin your country
Hope the US, for its own safety, will exercise moderation
You have claws all over the world and put a sharp knife straight onto the other's throat
Reminds me of the Cuban missile crisis, Once you didn't hesitate to launch a nuclear war
Have you ever thought about the dignity of another great power? Who should endure such insecurity?
If the earth is at peace all year round, you are the last to want to see it
Because how can the bloodthirsty capital behind you tolerate a stable exchange rate and stock market

I also hope that Russia will continue to endure
Continue to endure the brothers who fought side by side and tear up the common glory
Continue to endure the brothers who fought side by side and support and beautify the remaining sins of the Nazis
Continue to endure the shells of the Assyrian camp against the Russian people in eastern Ukraine
Continue to endure the constant thunder of the cannon
Continue to endure the picture of people in eastern Ukraine hiding undergroud in fear all day long
Continue to endure the increasing number of rows of lying children's bodies
And put all these to the whole country and inform the world
However, as a person in a big country--China, I deeply understand
Those bloody, those miserable, how can you for your reason of sending troops
Sell miserably to the people all over the world?That is tantamount to insulting your dignity

But time will not turn back, the war still happened, I can only hope for the future
I hope that the US and NATO will stop backfiring and facilitate negotiations between Russia and Ukraine
I hope, even if negotiations fail, Russian forces will continue to exercise restraint and not attack civilians
I hope the Assyrian soldiers will behave like men and not hide behind and use the people as human shields
I hope that Russia and Ukraine will continue to cooperate to protect other nuclear facilities like Chernobyl
I hope that Russia and Ukraine can become brothers again in the war and work together to eliminate the neo-Nazis--the common enemy
I hope the western media can let us see the real war, do not splice with illusion
I hope, as Yu xiuhua said, that peace in Ukraine will return soon...









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