
作者:redbud  于 2009-3-14 08:10 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


My dear child, I have prepared rich things for your life. If you follow me and walk with me, you will walk into a deep ocean. However, you must come here along. You can only come here alone. I have prepared rich gifts for you.
I know that it's a quite dark period for you. If you cling to myself and follow me. You can only follow me. You have no other way to follow. You shouldn't turn left or right. I will lead you into my glory that I have prepared for you.
所以,我的easter,计划把手上堆了的8篇文章全部清掉投出去,我想起了研究生的时候,2年快结束了,我还一篇文章都没发表,而那时我们的要求也是发表两篇文章,所以我拼命写,拼命写,写了4篇投出去,很快都发表了,神用这样的故事提醒我,我这次的文章危机,也可以过去吗?如果一切顺利,这样9月份的时候,可以开始做新的虚拟世界的研究,exciting and expecting。
今天的禁食祷告,神的启示就是这样,一个人的生活,可以很美,我们的灵魂,不一定要有soul mate,只要神一个人,就可以让我过得很快乐,像我在香港一样,什么都能做,但是世俗的观念灌输我,你一定要结婚才可以快乐。所以让我自己觉得好像我没结婚的日子,都是在浪费时间,因此最近这段世界不知道该怎么使用自己的时间,工作效率极低。今天圣灵的启示,让我突然明白,原来,一个人的生活,意义非常大,可以非常快乐,那么,我的生命和时间是这样宝贵,为什么不好好珍惜呢?等什么结婚都是白日梦,最重要的是珍惜生命眼前的这一刻时间。所以,我又要开始我一个人的心灵之旅了,虽然外表纤弱,可是我一个人可以过得很美很美。









发表评论 评论 (18 个评论)

1 回复 marnifan 2009-3-14 08:40
回复 酸柚子 2009-3-14 09:05
太深奥了,at least to me.
1 回复 普通一丁 2009-3-14 09:14
回复 rongrongrong 2009-3-14 09:43
回复 homepeace 2009-3-14 09:55
1 回复 十三大爷 2009-3-14 12:38
你看过Jane Eyre吗,里面有一句话,神爱世人,更使世人爱世人。 Obey your desire, sister.  God said yes.
回复 redbud 2009-3-14 17:53
普通一丁: 人生起伏,如潮起潮落,很正常嘛,不是與神同行嗎?
回复 redbud 2009-3-14 17:53
homepeace: 小心钻牛角尖
回复 redbud 2009-3-14 17:55
你十三大爷: 你看过Jane Eyre吗,里面有一句话,神爱世人,更使世人爱世人。 Obey your desire, sister.  God said yes.
the problem is I don't have desire for life before. My desire is to go to heaven earlier so that I may enjoy the life with God.  I now regain my passion for life after I know that my soul and life is a one way road to follow Jesus and fulfill his purpose for me on earth.
1 回复 redbud 2009-3-14 17:56
酸柚子: 太深奥了,at least to me.
hehe, 我可以写得更加直白的,只是没有时间,昨晚睡觉前写的,很匆忙。
1 回复 redbud 2009-3-14 17:56
marnifan: 问好
回复 marnifan 2009-3-15 00:15
redbud: 问好,姐姐玩的好开心啊。
希望你也开心, 真的
1 回复 十三大爷 2009-3-15 00:58
redbud: the problem is I don't have desire for life before. My desire is to go to heaven earlier so that I may enjoy the life with God.  I now regain my pass
How about if there is no such thing called heaven and hell?  Christianity is a great thing in providing comfort and solace to man.  But to follow the Bible verbatim, i.e. word for word will be a biggest sin in my small opinion.   However if this is the case, one surely can argue which part of the Bible shall we choose to believe in.  可能最好的说法便是信则有,不信则无。
1 回复 homepeace 2009-3-15 01:07
redbud: 谢谢,信神的路,是窄路,但是越走越宽。
2 回复 混混儿 2009-3-15 02:31
redbud: the problem is I don't have desire for life before. My desire is to go to heaven earlier so that I may enjoy the life with God.  I now regain my pass
so, just go to heaven and meet your GOD,donot waste time here, hehe
回复 redbud 2009-3-15 07:20
混混儿: so, just go to heaven and meet your GOD,donot waste time here, hehe
I am ready for heaven. However, one reason I am still here is that I need to save people like Hunhuner to know God and bring them to the heaven
回复 redbud 2009-3-15 07:22
你十三大爷: How about if there is no such thing called heaven and hell?  Christianity is a great thing in providing comfort and solace to man.  But to follow the
For me, the heaven is so real and the God is even more real. My whole life is on HIM. You can choose not to believe but I choose to believe firmly.
回复 十三大爷 2009-3-15 09:27
redbud: For me, the heaven is so real and the God is even more real. My whole life is on HIM. You can choose not to believe but I choose to believe firmly.
Bless you, sister

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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