
The concept of ego boundary in the spiritual growth

作者:redbud  於 2009-3-16 07:03 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





The concept of ego boundary is very important in the human』s spiritual development. Every human has a spirit from the same divine spirit—the God who created our flesh and gave us his spirit. Our spirit longs to be with him and be united with him again even we have this flesh body. So, our life in the earth and in this flesh body is trying to find the way back to be connected to that source spirit again. We try every way to find the way back to God』s spirit. During this process, we firstly found that our ego is bounded by our flesh and we will know our identity and our body limitation. Secondly, we try to extend our ego or spirit by merging ourself into this world. The main reason that we are trying to merge into this world is because the whole world is created by God and we can feel that kind of attachment through merging ourself into this world. The ways to merge into this world are many, for example, developing a hobby like gardening, loving others, friendships with others, raising up a children, go online and chat with others. The kind of bluring and merging with others will let the individual human feel that he is attached with the world or the source of the spirit—God himself. Sometimes, people manifest this kind of merging into the world through loving others. No matter this kind of loving is real or not, they think that they love others.

Real love actually does not limit the other』s spiritual growth but to nurture the other』s spiritual growth. It』s because of this reason that falling into love, romantic love, or purely dependence on others are not real love because they actually limit the loved one』s spiritual growth. True love relationship nurtures the spiritual growth with each other in a mutual way.










發表評論 評論 (79 個評論)

回復 老糊塗 2009-3-16 07:17
回復 伊蘭泓 2009-3-16 07:19
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 07:28
實在寂寞 - 找到真愛就不會寂寞了..哪怕在這村兒里, 這麼多蟀蟈蟈任你挑
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 07:51
marnifan: 實在寂寞 - 找到真愛就不會寂寞了..哪怕在這村兒里, 這麼多蟀蟈蟈任你挑
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 07:52
伊蘭泓: 不能老這麼逼自己!這樣你太苦啦!
回復 伊蘭泓 2009-3-16 07:53
redbud: 沒逼啦,哈哈,我很享受思考和寫作的過程。
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 07:53
redbud: 我說的寂寞是曲高和寡的那種寂寞,就是思想上的,不是靈魂上的,寫出這段東西,我好幸福的!
i'm sorry. 這點上, 我真的沒法和你。 真的, don't be angry
回復 十三大爺 2009-3-16 07:55
marnifan: 實在寂寞 - 找到真愛就不會寂寞了..哪怕在這村兒里, 這麼多蟀蟈蟈任你挑
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 07:56
你十三大爺: 蟈蟈,姥姥。
搗亂啊您? 您就是一個蟀蟈蟈
回復 十三大爺 2009-3-16 07:58
還是那句話,神愛世人更使世人愛世人。BTW, I desire both physical and spiritual love.  Let me offer you my comfort.  And 我真的不是蟈蟈。
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 07:59
你十三大爺: 還是那句話,神愛世人更使世人愛世人。BTW, I desire both physical and spiritual love.  Let me offer you my comfort.  And 我真的不是蟈蟈。
不是蟈蟈, 是蟀蟈蟈
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 08:00
redbud: 我說的寂寞是曲高和寡的那種寂寞,就是思想上的,不是靈魂上的,寫出這段東西,我好幸福的!
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 08:02
你十三大爺: 還是那句話,神愛世人更使世人愛世人。BTW, I desire both physical and spiritual love.  Let me offer you my comfort.  And 我真的不是蟈蟈。
I want to have both spiritual love and physical love too. Haha, I would like to find one who will satisfy my spirit first, then physical.
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 08:02
marnifan: i'm sorry. 這點上, 我真的沒法和你。 真的, don't be angry
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 08:04
marnifan: 思想和靈魂有什麼分別嗎?
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 08:06
redbud: I want to have both spiritual love and physical love too. Haha, I would like to find one who will satisfy my spirit first, then physical.
那怎樣才可以satisfy your spirit? spirit here is 思想還是靈魂?
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 08:07
marnifan: 那怎樣才可以satisfy your spirit? spirit here is 思想還是靈魂?
spirit here是靈魂,我的靈魂在上帝那裡被滿足了。I was satisfied by God' s spirit。至今還沒遇到會讓我靈魂滿足的男人,可能我獨身比較好。
回復 redbud 2009-3-16 08:11
伊蘭泓: 我說的不是文字,是思想!
回復 marnifan 2009-3-16 08:24
redbud: spirit here是靈魂,我的靈魂在上帝那裡被滿足了。I was satisfied by God' s spirit。至今還沒遇到會讓我靈魂滿足的男人,可能我獨身比較好。
我是唯物主義者, 我思故我在, 對我來說思想就是靈魂
回復 十三大爺 2009-3-16 08:45
redbud: I want to have both spiritual love and physical love too. Haha, I would like to find one who will satisfy my spirit first, then physical.
I'll take care of that, promise.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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