Professor Dajiong Lu is not only the first scientist in the world to successfully remotely predict earthquakes in Japan, but also the first scientist in the world to successfully remotely predict the earthquake in the United States! Please watch the video! 呂大炯教 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
LIGO 探測引力波方法的致命弱點! 請參閱 Professor Dajiong Lu , Emeritus of Japan (日本名譽教授) (@dajiongL2024) / X ( [ ...閱讀全文 ]
希望 LIGO 重視呂大炯教授對【探測到引力波】的質疑! 請參閱 Professor Dajiong Lu , Emeritus of Japan (日本名譽教授) (@dajiongL2024) / X ( [ ...閱讀全文 ]
A letter to scientists in the field of earthquake prediction I hope you will comment on the sentence on the cover of this book after reading 【Professor Dajiong Lu elaborates on Accurate Earthquake Prediction】: 【AT ALL TIMES AND ALL OVER THE WORLD, APART FROM PROF [ ...閱讀全文 ]
致地震預報領域中的科學家的一封信 希望你們閱讀【 Professor Dajiong Lu elaborates on Accurate Earthquake Prediction. 】之後,評論一下這一本書封面上的一句話:【 AT ALL TIMES AND ALL OVER THE WORLD, APART FROM PROF DAJIONG LU WHO ELSE IN THE WORLD HAS MADE SUCH [ ...閱讀全文 ]