


分享 [ 英文分享 ]:雙語:日本獨一無二的浪漫「櫻花前線」
ccc6 2014-10-1 21:22
日本一到春天,即變成一個櫻花世界。雖說櫻花年年開,沒有多大驚喜,不過當置身在一片粉紅花海之中,載歌載舞又飲又食時,的確是樂趣無窮,難怪日本人對於「花見」(賞櫻)總是樂此不疲。日本是狹長的島國,南北氣候差異很大,櫻花由溫暖的日本列島南端向北方依次開放,櫻花開放猶如鋒面雨,因此形成一條由南向北推進的「櫻花 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:雙語:希拉里之女臨產用奧巴馬總統車隊開路
ccc6 2014-10-1 21:20
美國總統奧巴馬23日在出席「柯林頓全球倡議」年會時開玩笑稱,紐約居民總是抱怨交通擁堵,但自己卻感覺很暢通。此外,他表示欠希拉里許多人情,更提出如果柯林頓女兒切爾西臨產,將獻出總統車隊開路。紐約司機很厭惡奧巴馬來訪,因為每次奧巴馬出行時,紐約警方就不得不封鎖沿途街道為總統車隊開路,有時候時間還很長,使紐 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:李娜的退役告別信:跟娜姐學習英文寫作
ccc6 2014-10-1 21:18
Mydearfriends,  親愛的朋友們:  Forclosetofifteenyears,we'vebeenapartofeachother'slives.AsatennisplayerrepresentingChinaontheglobalstage,I've  [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:4 Nutrition Rules That Generally Work for Everyone
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-27 08:47
The old adage 「do as I say, not as I do」 comes to mind when people posequestions about health; everyone lately seems to be doling out advice: doctors, dietitians, nutritionists, health advocates, bloggers, magazines, your next door neighbor…Who should you listen to?Heed advice from people w [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:諧星不鳥奧巴馬
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-26 02:33
When President Barack Obama comes calling, most people answer -- but not Keegan-Michael Key and Jordan Peele.The comedy duo, who star in the Comedy Central show "Key Peele,"opened up to Entertainment Weeklyabout a time when they had to turn down a big request from the president:The sto [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:英專家狂想:2050年人類能活到120歲
ccc6 2014-9-21 20:19
By2050,acompletelynewtypeofhumanwillevolveasaresultofradicalnewtechnology,behaviour,andnaturalselection。  ThisisaccordingtoCadellLast,a [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:印度一瞥:誰是"Lost Generation"?
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-21 01:40
"lost Generation" 是一個源自美國的說法----Gertrude SteinThis term originated withGertrude Steinwho, after being unimpressed by the skills of a young car mechanic, asked the garage owner where the young man had been trained. The garage owner told her that while young men were easy to [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
37 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:大西洋月刊最新:中國大學建築模仿藤校,迎合崇洋心理
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-21 00:46
Chinese Colleges Are Trying to Look Like the Ivy LeagueCan architecture alone give a campus an air of Western prestige?BIANCA BOSKERSEP 16 2014, 10:35 AM ETWikimedia CommonsOver the next few weeks, American undergraduates flooding back to campus will take part in a university tradition even older th [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
11 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The word of the Buddha (部分內容)
mindfulness 2014-9-19 08:36
The word of the Buddha (部分內容)Compiled, translated, and explained by YanatilokaSuppose a householder, or his son, or someone reborn in a good family, hears the law; and after hearing the law he is filled with confidence in the Perfect One. And filled with this confidence, he thinks: 『Full of hin [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ mindfulness的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:劉德華否認與周星馳不和自稱影迷
ccc6 2014-9-18 21:22
ActorAndyLauhasshotdownrumorshe'sfeudingwithfellowHongKongA-listerStephenChow。  劉德華已經回應他與香港明星周星馳的不和傳聞。  Lauattendedapremierefordocumentary"My [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:英國三大黨承諾對蘇格蘭「放權」
ccc6 2014-9-18 21:20
 蘇格蘭獨立公投在即,英國三大政黨領袖15日簽署了一項保證協議,承諾在蘇格蘭不獨立的前提下,向蘇格蘭下放更多的權力。A"No"campaignplacardandUnionflagareseenoutsideacottageontheIsleofNorthUist,in& [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:奧地利81歲富商迎娶24歲花花公子女郎
ccc6 2014-9-18 21:20
HeriskedthewrathoftheKardashianclanwhenhecalledKim'annoying'afterescortinghertotheViennaOperaBallinFebruary。  ButAustrianbillionaireRichardLu [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:90歲老奶奶18年遊歷100多個國家
ccc6 2014-9-18 21:19
MeetMaryLouMahaney,a90-year-oldretireefromSilverSpring,Maryland,whoisprobablythecoolestgrandmaever。  馬里蘭州銀泉市90歲的退休老太瑪麗·盧·馬哈尼估計可以稱得上是最酷炫奶奶了。  She』strav [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:廣播公司鬧烏龍致祖馬兩妻子見面互掐
ccc6 2014-9-18 21:18
據南非《郵政衛報》9月15日報道,南非廣播公司因烏龍事件得罪了南非總統祖馬的兩位妻子,致使兩人當面「互掐」。  今年8月,為迎接南非女性月,南非廣播公司擬邀請一位第一夫人出席婦女節電視節目,探討女性問題。然而,由於內部溝通不暢,兩個不同的部門分別向祖馬的第三任妻子托貝卡·瑪西佳(TobekaMadiba)和第四 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:NASA tests 『impossible』 no-fuel quantum space engine – and it actually works
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-18 19:19
NASA tests 『impossible』 no-fuel quantum space engine – and it actually works
A study conducted last yearbyNASA scientists hasbecome the latest, and by far the highest profile, piece of evidence in favorof a seemingly impossible space thruster design that』s been evoking worldwide skepticism for some time now. Apparently annoyed by the persistent boost [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:(楊老師教學筆記11)誓將辭藻堆砌進行到底
楊立勇 2014-9-18 12:10
我前段時間寫了一篇《中文也可以美得不寒而慄》貼出之後,聽取「哇」聲一片(新辭彙叫「吐槽「)!部分讀者認為:光是辭藻堆積沒有思想內涵的文字不美。有的讀者則堅稱:樸實的語言才能表達真摯的感情。 不知道是不是我們經歷過了太多政治運動的洗禮,養成了動不動就要內涵,要深度,要感情的慣性? [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 楊立勇的博文列表 ]
1 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:被綁架銬手銬怎麼辦--網售解銬神器TIHK
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-15 21:43
The perfect handcuff key for everyday carry TIHK is a patent pending handcuff key that utilizes an integrated clip for easy attachment to your clothing so it is ready when needed. Its minimal, low-profile design and low-visibility coating ensure that it can be carried inconspicuously [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
2 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:凱特王妃的那些美麗髮型
ccc6 2014-9-14 20:55
 Inastatement,KensingtonPalacesaid:「TheirRoyalHighnessesTheDukeandDuchessofCambridgeareverypleasedtoannouncethatTheDuchessofCambridgeis  [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:奇葩概念建築之懸崖邊的海景房
ccc6 2014-9-14 20:54
Theconcepthome,whichseemstoalmostpropelofftheoverhang,makesthepropertylookasifitisanextensionofthelandscape.Ontheirwebsite,the&nbs [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:適量消極情緒有助提高工作能力
ccc6 2014-9-14 20:53
Surprisingnewresearchsuggestsitcanactuallybegoodtofeelbadatwork,andthatfeelinggoodintheworkplacecanleadtonegativeoutcomes。   Thestudyo [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:蘋果也烏龍:iPhone6發布會變中文課
ccc6 2014-9-14 20:52
AppleInc.』shighlyanticipatediPhone6andiWatchannouncementTuesdaywasmarredbylivestreamproblems,includingaChineseinterpreterandintermittentoutages。  周二,中文同傳和斷 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:巴西「女兒國」向全球單身男徵婚
ccc6 2014-9-14 20:51
巴西有個風景秀麗的小鎮,是一個名副其實的「女兒國」。這裡居住著超過600名女性,絕大多數年齡都在20到35歲之間。現在這個小鎮向全球單身男性發出邀請。但是各位不要急著立刻就整裝出發哦。 It'sliketheopeninggambitofabadHollywoodromance.A  [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ ccc6的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Pickled Cabbage: New Research Reveals it May Help with Allergies, Coughs, Colds
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-11 05:51
We』ve heard about probiotics and how they arebeneficial to our digestive system.Yogurt brands fall all over themselves with labelling, letting you know they』ve got 『em. (All yogurt, because it is fermented, contains billions of probiotics–whether it says so in big letters or not.)But those [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
5 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Could Deep-Brain Stimulation Fortify Soldiers』 Minds?
穿鞋的蜻蜓 2014-9-10 09:37
Could Deep-Brain Stimulation Fortify Soldiers』 Minds?
As many as 20 percent of war veterans return from combat in Afghanistan and Iraq with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) or major depression, according to a2008 reportfrom the RAND Corporation. Many experience constant nightmares and flashbacks and many can』t live normal lives. For s [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 穿鞋的蜻蜓的博文列表 ]
2 個評論

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