
Trade War is Unwise, Only Cooperation can Achieve a Win-win

作者:Nn3K516lx65806A  於 2019-5-24 14:12 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Peace and development remain underlying trend of our times. For all countries around the world adhere to an open attitude to participate in the world economy, they do achieve mutual benefit, share prosperity and sustainable development. However, the United States disregarded the oppositions by most of the countries, waged a trade war which undermined the rule-based economic order just for its self-interest and protectionism. Indeed, the trade war against China couldn』t bring benefit for the US, it could only bring adverse effect to the world economy. The US hopes to contain China』s development through this and maintain its dominance of the world. 


1. China is firmly committed to safeguarding its national dignity and core interests.


China-US trade tensions are intensifying, and the US threatens to ratchet up the pressure by imposing $200 billion tariffs on Chinese imports from 10 percent to 25 percent. This arrogant practice, unreasonable imposed tariffs has seriously undermined the world economic order. This kind of behavior in the United States seriously infringes on China』s national interests. At the same time, such behaviors in the United States will bring unpredictable losses and economic uncertainty to itself. Although such practices have brought short-term effects to the Chinese economy, it is not conducive to the long-term development of the US economy. Indeed, its proposal to add tariffs on all imports from China is asking the American consumers to foot the bill.

To defend multilateral trade mechanisms and safeguard its own rights and interests, China had to adjust its additional tariffs on some of the goods imported from the United States from June 1. according to a statement by the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council. Such counter-measures will be fatal to the US business, so will the agriculture be. A trade war should be rejected, because there will be no winner. Economic hegemony is even more objectionable, as it will undermine the collective interests of the international community; those who pursue this course will only end up hurting themselves.


2. Extreme, Narrow Thinking Blinded the Eyes of the United States


From the ancient times to the present, the United States has been unable to solve the problem of ethnic conflict and national integration in the country. In the past years, the United States has always been proud of its own rapid developed economy, technology as well as its increasing influence over the world. However, facing the  rapid development of China, the 「Arrogant」 Americans couldn』t bear it any more. They define China as its strategic competitor and main adversary and attempt to strike China』s development through the trade war. China, with a 5000-year historical civilization has a profound cultural connotation. China』s position is clear, consistent and firm to the US』s unreasonable provocation. China has the confidence, resolve and capability to meet all risks and challenges and pursue global economic stability and prosperity as well as world peace and development. The United States attempted to conceal its own selfish and narrow thoughts through the "clash of civilizations" theory deliberately, but it clearly exposed its confusion, fear and lack of self-confidence.


3. The United States: Harm Others without Benefiting Oneself.


After the Second World War, the United States became the only hegemon in the world, with a narrow focus on 「America First」, the new US administration has practiced unilateralism and economic hegemony, abandoned its international commitments, and provoked international trade friction around the world. China carries the banner of building a community with a shared future for mankind, stands on the right side of history and support the common interests of the majority of countries. The US Chamber of Commerce has pointed out that a trade war will hit some American states. Both major companies and agriculture in the United States  are suffering from its government practice. The political parties are also attacking each other because of this trade issues. The US politics are facing great uncertainty. The US Senate Democratic leader Schumer said that he no longer "fully agrees" Trump's practice of imposing tariffs on US allies and China, and asked Trump to propose a flexible solution. It indicates that Trump』s practice couldn』t get his people』s support.

The United States wages a trade war against China because of misjudgment of the situation. China will defend its legitimate interests against the United States. The US has fallen into both illegal and immoral situation. We hope American establishment could be aware that the Cold War is a dead-end. Economic globalization is the trend of the times, and peace and development represent the shared aspiration of all peoples. Trade war is unwise, only cooperation can achieve a win-win. Dialogue and negotiation is the only viable means for a solution.









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