
aging for men and women, an example

作者:oneweek  於 2013-9-21 15:11 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


aging for men and women: not quite the same
CHinese by Feiwudianxin 

the Himalaya bookstore on the corner of the street is a tiny and crowded one. Free tea and free fruit snacks. whether you end up buying a book or leaving without buying, nobody seems to care that much.  How does it survive as a business?

This is my favorite store and I visited seven or eight times in the past five days.  There was one time I saw P's book. I knew she gave me a copy after it was published but I never read through it.  Today, I flip it open and read the anecdote.  P found she was pregnant so she wrote a letter  to the husband who was in another city, asking whether they should keep the child or not.  He could not wait to write a letter so he sent a cable to her immediately with two words: keep. Q

The picture of the yellow cable faithfully recorded what happened about the decision: 

to keep was his promise; Q, the initial of his, was the solemn signature/seal on the promise

there were so many love stories of the couple, warm-hearted and nice

she was not dazzling but she was beautiful. full of grace. two long braids, dark and shiny

he was very skinny but handsome. wild-looking . a typical artist
Then she became old

afterwords, he became old, too

not the same way, though.

other friends told me that she had to keep close eyes on him and was strict with him, as other young girls were always around him 

I smiled when I heard this

if oppression was so effective, why were there so many revolutions?

I've kept some distance with them as I never discussed about their family matters

but I always feel so close to them as all of us understand the human nature so well.

He has always been witty.  He can find the essentials out of murkiness of things and can provide good advice to the most distressed.  ---He made us, the friends around him, happy, but had to be very lonely when we are gone.









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發表評論 評論 (9 個評論)

回復 心隨風舞 2013-9-21 15:43
回復 oneweek 2013-9-21 15:46
心隨風舞: 豬豬翻譯的?
回復 tsueict 2013-9-21 20:45
回復 amassadinho 2013-9-22 01:16
回復 oneweek 2013-9-22 01:45
amassadinho: hao,比中文的好理解
專門為 不能理解中文的人寫的英文
回復 oneweek 2013-9-22 01:45
tsueict: Implicit.
回復 心隨風舞 2013-9-22 03:44
oneweek: sure
回復 一樹繁花 2013-9-24 11:24
回復 oneweek 2013-9-25 07:31
一樹繁花: 油菜
很久不見得 問好

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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