
Don't break the elastic!

作者:千里之外  於 2008-7-11 07:09 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah
on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she
thought of growing older.

And, there on television, she said it was "exciting."
Regarding body changes, she said there were many,
occurring every day...like her breasts. They seem
to be in a race to see which will reach her waist,
first.The audience laughed so hard they cried.
She is such a simple and honest woman,
with so much wisdom in her words!

Maya Angelou said this:

"I've learned that no matter what happens,
or how bad it seems today, life does go on,
and it will be better tomorrow."
"I've learned that you can tell a lot about
a person by the way he/she handles these three
things: a rainy day, lost luggage, and tangled
Christmas tree lights."
"I've learned that regardless of your relationship
with your parents, you'll miss them when they're
gone from your life."
"I've learned that making a "living" is not the same
thing as "making a life."
"I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second
"I've learned that you shouldn't go through life with
a catcher's mitt on both hands; you need to be able
to throw some things back."
"I've learned that whenever I decide something
with an open heart, I usually make the right
"I've learned that even when I have pains,
I don't have to be one."
"I've learned that every day you should reach out
and touch someone. People love a warm hug,
or just a friendly pat on the back."
"I've learned that I still have a lot to learn."
"I've learned that people will forget what you said,
people will forget what you did, but people
will never forget how you made them feel."
Please send this to five phenomenal women today.
If you do, something good will happen:
You will boost another woman's self-esteem.
If you don't...the elastic will break and your
underpants will fall down around your ankles!
Believe me, I didn't take any chances on
MY elastic breaking....










發表評論 評論 (26 個評論)

回復 同往錫安 2008-7-11 07:17
回復 千里之外 2008-7-11 07:19
同往錫安: 很聰明的女人。當一個人慢慢老去的時候,知道最終的去向是比這裡更好的時候,心裡就沒有畏懼。
回復 同往錫安 2008-7-11 07:30
千里之外: 安安真快,為了不斷字,我忙了半天,剛想插把汗,嘿嘿。 我喜歡她的樂觀和豁達。
回復 散落的雪 2008-7-11 07:39
I've learn a true friend always make your heart smiling...just like you!
J'ai découvrez un véritable ami toujours souriant votre coeur ... comme vous!(翻譯機,呵呵)
回復 同往錫安 2008-7-11 08:19
散落的雪: I've learn a true friend always make your heart smiling...just like you! J'ai découvrez un véritable ami toujours souriant votre coeur ... comm
I' ¡VE aprende que un amigo verdadero hace siempre su corazón que sonríe… apenas como usted! (西班牙語,卡卡~:)

I' ve學會一個真實的朋友總是做您的微笑…象您的心臟! (中文,一級棒!最喜歡翻譯器了,想哭的時候,它一定讓你大笑!)
回復 同往錫安 2008-7-11 08:20
回復 綠水潭 2008-7-11 08:36
I am learning...
回復 散落的雪 2008-7-11 08:53
同往錫安: I' ¡VE aprende que un amigo verdadero hace siempre su corazón que sonríe… apenas como usted! (西班牙語,卡卡~:) I' ve學會一個真實的
回復 人間的盒子 2008-7-11 10:26

評論一句吧,making a "living" is not the same
thing as "making a life." ,但願我們都能 make a life 吧,a good
回復 MapleTree 2008-7-11 10:45
回復 千里之外 2008-7-11 10:48
散落的雪: I've learn a true friend always make your heart smiling...just like you! J'ai découvrez un véritable ami toujours souriant votre coeur ... comm
My pleasure ~~~
I'm so happy to have you as " mon amie" or "une amie" ;-)
回復 千里之外 2008-7-11 10:51
同往錫安: I' ¡VE aprende que un amigo verdadero hace siempre su corazón que sonríe… apenas como usted! (西班牙語,卡卡~:) I' ve學會一個真實的
回復 千里之外 2008-7-11 10:53
人間的盒子: 來看千里,別抱怨我呀,你總發鬼文的東西,氣我啊。 評論一句吧,making a "living" is not the same thing as "making a life."
這鬼文比印度英文還優美點吧,呵呵, 等著阿,等我找到鬼文送給你~~~

Let's make a life ~~~
回復 千里之外 2008-7-11 10:55
MapleTree: 最後一段比較強!
So you will send it to all your freinds , right :-))
回復 散落的雪 2008-7-11 11:08
hihi, teach me , teach me, which one for male, which one for female?
回復 千里之外 2008-7-11 11:13
散落的雪: hihi, teach me , teach me, which one for male, which one for female?
guess: un ami // une amie :-))
回復 同往錫安 2008-7-11 11:17
散落的雪: 我笑,不由地笑出聲啦。。。錫安,真有你的!
回復 同往錫安 2008-7-11 11:19
千里之外: 調皮的丫頭,哈哈 有一次我有個法國朋友生孩子,大家都發email祝賀,她老公朋友遍天下,先是英語,法語,後來有個傢伙開始寫西班牙文,阿拉伯文,中文,日文
這是我的經歷啊~ 以後你不開心的時候,就弄上一段,比喜劇片還好笑呢:)
回復 芳草 2008-7-11 11:30
很欣賞Maya Angelou ,讀過她的I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings。她是那種可以微笑著講自己最真實和痛苦的事的人 。謝謝千里分享她的智慧。
回復 散落的雪 2008-7-11 11:34
千里之外: guess: un ami // une amie :-))
un ami for male, une amie for female? yeah?

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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