


分享 [ 英文分享 ]:「暴力美學」是個偽命題
楊立勇 2019-8-4 09:36
(楊老師翻譯筆記)「暴力美學」是個偽命題乍聽到「暴力美學」這個詞語,本能地認定它是個oxymoron(矛盾修飾法),即由兩個自相矛盾的詞(「暴力」與「美學」)組成的片語。後來去查了它的英文原文,卻原來是:Aestheticization of violence(「對暴力的美化」)。恍然大悟:原來「暴力美學」不是一個美學概念,而是一種社 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 楊立勇的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:you are the best
天國蜜女 2019-5-10 06:42
To my Wonderful husbandYou are the bestyou are the bestmaybeOthers don』t knowYou don』t knowBut,God knows!You are born for a missionYou are born for a callingTell the worldWho Christian isWe need a heroWho we love to followO.You are the on [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:I ENJOY WRITING
天國蜜女 2019-5-10 05:48
I enjoy writingWriting is one of my part in my life, No matter using Chinese or English, I love writing.When I was a very young girl, My dream was someday I could be a writer.The life with no joy, no happiness, no faith, nothing but tear.he life with no joy, no happiness, no faith, nothing but tear. [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:好的國王是這樣教育百姓的(英文故事寫作一)
天國蜜女 2019-4-28 04:00
不會寫作,英語就無法真正深入流利?有人這樣說。但是,有個問題,我不明白。有些歐洲人在二戰期間來到中國農村,他們講一口流利的當地方言,如何解釋?有些沒有上過學的東北農民,可以講一口流利的日語。寫作是必須的。今天開始,自我練習,從學校學到的寫作技巧:和大家一起學英文。還在練習,一定很多錯誤,請多指教,尊 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:搏擊俱樂部經典台詞
青龍峽 2019-4-11 09:28
 1、That old saying,how you always hurt the one you love? Well,it works both ways.  俗話說,人們總會傷害他所愛的人,其實人們也會愛上他所傷害的人。  2、Between those huge,sweating tits that hung enormous the way you'd think of god's as big.  頭被埋在這麼大的奶子中間,不禁認為上帝的胸部也很壯觀 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 青龍峽的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:經典勵志英文短句
青龍峽 2019-4-10 10:08
While there is life there is hope.  一息若存,希望不滅。  I am a slow walker,but I never walk backwards. (Abraham.Lincoln America)  我走得很慢,但是我從來不會後退。(亞伯拉罕.林肯美國)  Never underestimate your power to change yourself!  永遠不要低估你改變自我的能力!  Nothing is impossibl [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 青龍峽的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Looking for a Time of Health(指望痊癒的時候)
重返伊甸 2019-3-29 07:29
「We looked for peace, but no good came; and for a time of health, and behold trouble!」 (Jeremiah 8:15). Many students are deplorably ignorant of the fact that diet exerts a powerful influence upon the health. Some have never made a determined effort to control the appetite, or to observe pr [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:段落的描寫
天國蜜女 2019-3-10 07:15
段落組成文章:一組句子中的一個思想組成一個段落。主要有以下幾點組成1,可以表達主題思想的句子。2,細節。3,結論Anna is a good student .She is good .She is responsible .She is one of the best student in school.在這個段落中:1,一開始提出:Anna 是個好學生。(主題思想)2,她很有責任心。(細節)3,她是我們 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:How to learn English in my way 我學英文的方法。
天國蜜女 2019-3-10 04:14
一,選中一個演講。盲聽二,記錄自己能聽懂的詞語與句子。三,用自己的方法寫出記錄下的詞語與句子成為段落。四,用自己已經擁有的能力講述給懂英文的朋友聽。五,比較自己與原講述者的區別。字詞與語法的運用怎樣的正確與錯誤。單片語織成句子,句子組織成段落,段落組織成文章。中英文都一樣。句子:正確運用形容詞和副詞 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:經典語錄
hhksxbkxv 2019-3-7 17:18
Yesterdayisaninvalidcheque.Tomorrowisapromissorynoteandtodayistheonlycashyouhave.昨天是一張作廢的支票,明天是一張期票,而今天則是你唯一擁有的現金。​Justbecause&n [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ hhksxbkxv的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:世界英語學院課程錯誤改正記錄
天國蜜女 2019-3-2 05:43
13. What have you learned in this lesson that is especially meaningful to you?MARGARET (DARLENE) HINDSLEY COMMENTED HEREYour Answer:After learning this lesson, I know that God is the almighty, intelligence creator. God made us as his own image. and He loves us. Because he made us and we belong to hi [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:免費學英語有文憑的好消息-https://www.worldenglishinstitute.org
天國蜜女 2019-3-2 00:53
無意中找到一個免費學習英文的好網站。https://www.worldenglishinstitute.org這些課程能幫我準備托福考試嗎?是的,世界英語學院課程專門設計用於幫助學生提高托福考試的英語技能。聽說讀寫,全部齊全課程需要多長時間才能完成?這取決於您目前的英語技能水平。對於一些人來說,每節課不會超過一個小時。對於 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 天國蜜女的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:領路人耶穌
重返伊甸 2019-1-19 07:34
如果你不知道從哪裡來,那麼你就不知道到哪裡去;如果你不知道到哪裡去,那麼你就不能持久的走在一條正確的道路上。耶穌知道他從天國來,也知道要到天國去,所以一直走正路,從未犯罪。耶穌是我們的好榜樣。Jesus leads the wayIf you do not know where you come from, you will not know where to go;If you do not know [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Chopin's Nocturne
重返伊甸 2019-1-17 08:06
And when the Chopin Nocturne ends And the last note says: "Goodbye" . . . Where does the golden beauty go? Does it really ever die? And when the pianist lifts his hands And the music is no more, Do others hear the afterglow Of what was heard before? If the soul thirsts after beauty And [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Song Of The Soul
重返伊甸 2019-1-16 07:25
The Song Of The Soul
Daniel Mergler If I could trace a melody of Mozart to its source, I'm sure that I would find my own soul. Of what Utopia does Mozart speak? He turns me into a dreamer of golden dreams That reach out to the very universe itself, Joining my heart with the very stars, Bringing ecstasy to my s [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Silence
重返伊甸 2019-1-15 08:43
And when the Chopin Nocturne ends And the last note says: "Goodbye" . . . Where does the golden beauty go? Does it really ever die? And when the pianist lifts his hands And the music is no more, Do others hear the afterglow Of what was heard before? If the soul thirsts after beauty And [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:布滿星斗的音樂
重返伊甸 2019-1-12 09:20
The starry notes of music The starry notes of music play And beauty opens up the vistas of the mind, Leading to the jewelled, golden door, The sanctuary of the sublime. And those who seek will find, When the starry notes of music play, A garden of so [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:簡單的生活,謙卑的做人,溫馨的友愛
重返伊甸 2019-1-10 08:55
Sometimes you areunsatisfied with your life,while many people inthis world are dreamingof living your life..A child on a farm seesa plane fly overhead dreams of flying.But, a pilot on the plane seesthe farmhouse dreamsof returning home.That's life!! Enjoy yours...If wealth is the secret tohappine [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Pro. Dajiong Lu said: Xubin Chen is a false historical 「bricklayer」 ......
前兆 2019-1-1 23:00
Pro. Dajiong Lu said: Xubin Chen is a false historical 「bricklayer」 ......
Professor Dajiong Lu said: Xubin Chen,a false historical 「bricklayer」, scolded the ancestors of Chinese people There are detailed records about earthquake cloud in homeland and abroad, especially in ancient and modern China there are valuable historical data which maybe as the re [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 前兆的博文列表 ]
34 個評論
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:The Man Who Loved Music
重返伊甸 2018-12-12 07:27
In 2001, I moved to Montreal from China with my eight-year-old daughter and my wife. On Saturdays our family always went to church. My daughter, Xin Ben, liked church music and wanted to learn to play piano. We bought a piano in July 2002, but neither my wife nor I knew how to play. One beauti [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 重返伊甸的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:Netflix and Chill什麼意思?2018最流行實用的俚語(雙語字幕)
帶你湖 2018-11-29 06:04
家長有時候真聽不明白現在的孩子英語在說些什麼? 今天給大家分享今年最流行實用的美式俚語,俗稱地方習慣用語,方言,大白話。看完這10個最常用的俚語不要落伍了。 考考大家Chill這個俚語是什麼意思? 還有Netflix and chill有什麼隱身含義?看完我的視頻就明白了。 記得給我們視頻留言評論,或者給我們分享你常 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 帶你湖的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:留學生是如何學好英語口語,技巧純乾貨
帶你湖 2018-11-16 09:48
今天,我想通過分享我留學旅程和學習英語取得一些成功表達我的感激之情。另外,我也想提一些減少口音的技巧。當我16歲時第一次來到加拿大時,我不得不從頭開始學習英語,因為大家都知道學生在中國學習英語的方式是非常不同的。我學習英語是為了通過考試並取得好成績。我在課堂上幾乎不說英語,而且我的辭彙量很可憐。 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 帶你湖的博文列表 ]
分享 [ 英文分享 ]:我用中文教英文(2)
楊立勇 2018-6-10 10:22
(楊老師教學筆記)我用中文教英文(2)上次提到英語閱讀過程中根據中文思維習慣對英語複雜句進行抽絲剝繭式的分析的好處。現在讓我們來看看已經帶有中文習慣的學生在英語寫作方面會碰到什麼問題。1. 機械的對應辭彙捆綁 :比如:漢語思維習慣的學生,慣於把中文的「有」與英文的「have」固定捆綁在一起,例如:「獲得知識 [ ...閱讀全文 ] [ 楊立勇的博文列表 ]
1 個評論

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