

作者:天國蜜女  於 2020-10-15 05:25 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

作者分類:English Diary|通用分類:流水日記



What about this one .Professor
 10月13日 14:22
Your journal was very earnest. I appreciate and understand your points.
Elaine Weiss 10月14日 11:35

When Will The Novel Coronavirus Pandemic Be Over? 

 What is the Novel Coronavirus Pandemic? If you asked this question one year ago in America, I believe no one could have understood. Today  all the world knows it . 

Where did the Novel Coronavirus came from ? All the world knows it came from China Wuhan where I had engaged with my husband. Now all the Chinese people and world people know that There is a virus laboratory in Wuhan and the scientist was not careful to let the virus came out of  the laboratory .

A scientist ran away from China two months ago told the Foxnews and other media that the CCP purposely  hurt the West world . China wants to be the world leader to  replace the US for many many years .No matter how the US treat good to China ,IN China's eyes America is the biggest enemy ,I do not know if the report from the scientist is true or not .Someday we will know .But I will be not surprised that the CCP can do anything to harm the West . 

Since the Coronavirus came out and I have been staying at home for few months and lost my job .

So my question is "When  Will The Novel Coronavirus Pandemic Be Over?" I can go work again .









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