

作者:ChineseInvest88  於 2016-12-8 05:27 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


果然,今天新聞證實了預感正確!當然,不坐游輪的美國遊客美國法律還是禁止去古巴旅遊做生意的,需等禁商禁運(trade and travel bans)法除去后~
Norwegian Cruise Line, Royal Caribbean Win Approval to Sail to Cuba--Update
12/7/16, 4:08 PM

WASHINGTON -- Two American cruise lines said Wednesday that they have received permission from the Cuban government to begin trips to Cuba next year, expanding the scope of business ties between the U.S. and its longtime adversary.

The announcements by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. and Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. come as the Obama administration is pushing for completion of a number of business deals in Cuba before President-elect Donald Trump takes office . The Obama administration sees such deals as key to making the diplomatic and commercial opening to the island permanent.

General Electric Co. and Alphabet Inc.'s Google unit, among other companies, are expected to make announcements in the coming weeks, officials have said. A third cruise line, Pearl Seas Cruises also is expected to obtain approval. Carnival Cruise Line began trips to the island earlier this year.

Royal Caribbean and Norwegian said the Cuba stops would comply with regulations enforced by the Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control and that the trips would involve activities that fall under the U.S. government's "people-to-people" exchange license.

"Our guests have expressed real interest in having the opportunity to experience Cuba, and we look forward to bringing them there," said Richard Fain, chairman and chief executive of Royal Caribbean. Royal Caribbean said it would announce additional details about the trips in the coming days.

Norwegian said all three of its cruise brands -- Norwegian Cruise Line, Oceania Cruises and Regent Seven Seas Cruises -- will offer service to Cuba next year. Its first trip to Cuba will be in March.

Frank Del Rio, president and CEO of Norwegian, said that as a Cuban-American he was especially excited to start service to the island.

"This is truly a dream come true for me and I cannot wait for our loyal guests to experience the sights and sounds of my hometown of Havana," he said.

Regular tourist travel to Cuba remains prohibited in the U.S. and Congress must act to fully lift the trade and travel bans. Since announcing in 2014 that the U.S. would move to normalize ties, President Barack Obama has taken steps to loosen trade and allow for certain types of travel, prompting a flood of American travel to the island as well as a flurry of initial business deals. Commercial flights to the island began in September to smaller cities, and the first airline flights to Havana began last week.









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回復 法道濟 2016-12-8 06:19
回復 法道濟 2016-12-8 09:42
回復 ChineseInvest88 2016-12-8 10:15
法道濟: 為什麼要去古巴?這個旅遊地有什麼特殊的嗎?美國人做夢都想去古巴嗎?太過了吧?
回復 ChineseInvest88 2016-12-8 10:18
法道濟: 好像去古巴旅行的禁令早被奧巴馬解除了
Regular tourist travel to Cuba remains prohibited in the U.S. and Congress must act to fully lift the trade and travel bans。
回復 法道濟 2016-12-8 10:41
ChineseInvest88: 不讓去的地方都有吸引力。加勒比海許多國家比古巴遠的都有游輪航線,就差古巴了。
回復 法道濟 2016-12-8 10:50
ChineseInvest88: 歐8沒有權力取消,要國會通過才行。現在還沒取消呢~
Regular tourist travel to Cuba remains prohibited in the U.S. and Congress must act to fully lift th
回復 ChineseInvest88 2016-12-9 03:00
法道濟: http://m.cn.nytimes.com/usa/20160316/c16sanctions/


facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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