

作者:Mir  於 2009-6-1 02:17 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


Shanghai again. No bricks please.
I am looking for her. Again. If you know her, please call me at 1-800-天鵝肉. Thank you for reading.
It was Shanghai, F university, summer, rainning. Under the umbrella, there were me and a beautiful girl. It also happened that my umbrella was tiny, so to keep our heads dry, we had no choice but to make a physical contact with each other. Until this day,  I have never bought any big umbrella, and I always get excited when rainy season starts, in case she wants to share my umbrella again.
Late that day, after taking GRE review course, we started the discussion about who 吃到天鵝肉了. She said that I intentiionally moved my arm against her chest. Of course, that has never happened. I told her that the woolen hair from her sweater stucked on my shirt was the evidence that she was the one who 吃到 my 天鵝肉了. The discussion got hot, so were both of us, and later steamy.
After cooling down a little, we continued with the discussion in a more scientic way. I told her that according to Newton's 3rd law, if I touched her, she for sure would have done the same to me. She is not of science major therefore did not quite know what the Newton's 3rd law was.
Who could beat Newton? Are you Einstein or what? 
Before I giggled, she looked at me for a second or two, and said, I did not move in the reference of your frame according to Einstein's special relativity. To blame me of moving the arm was simply meanless without a valid reference, she continued.
For next 6 months, I read extensively on relativity (which of course made my GRE score less than hers). Finally I got an answer against her argument.The Einstein's special relativity is only true in the uniform motion. When she put her chest against my arm, I was 100% sure that she was in an acceralated motion therefore her augment was invalid.
Before I had a chance to tell her about that, we had already gone on with different life path. We both left the college, the city, the country. She initially came here, D city, Colorado. I am here, talking about her, and actually hoping she reads this and giggles about it.
Do I wish her to give me a chance to finish the argument? You bet. If it could be in a rainy day, F university, Shanghai, that would be even better.









發表評論 評論 (38 個評論)

回復 putongren10 2009-6-1 02:23
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 02:24
SF, waiting for the call.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 02:26
putongren10: 非常好
Oh, I just missed the SF. Moving to basement, let me know if there is a call.
回復 snortbsd 2009-6-1 02:48
i spot one on the corner of the nowhere street, where a 7-11 located (the one with dirty front door), looked like her, i rushed to the 7-11 and called the number of 1-800-天鵝肉 from the public payphone but couldn't get through...are you sure it is the correct number? maybe it should be 1-800-天鵝肉-toad?
回復 catch22 2009-6-1 06:00
Mir: Oh, I just missed the SF. Moving to basement, let me know if there is a call.
Hi. Your story reminded me of the song below.  Try it.
回復 marnifan 2009-6-1 10:22
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 12:46
snortbsd: i spot one on the corner of the nowhere street, where a 7-11 located (the one with dirty front door), looked like her, i rushed to the 7-11 and calle
Thanks for your help, but please do not go to those street corners again. Your parents will be worried about you. The payphone there won't work either.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 12:56
catch22: Hi. Your story reminded me of the song below.  Try it.
Wow, thank you. First time to hear this song, and I liked it immediately. Especially the sentence, " Above our umbrella, bless you with a endless blue sky".

Umbrella, sometimes, is the only  thing to fend off rain, wind in a chilly stomy night, just as love.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 12:59
marnifan: 天鵝肉天天吃也變成鴨子肉,只有吃不到的才永遠是天鵝肉
鴨子 has its very specific meaning, for your info, therefore be very careful to lable anything 鴨子肉.

The other difference is that 鴨子肉 is something you can buy with Master card, but 天鵝肉 is priceless.
回復 marnifan 2009-6-1 13:03
Mir: 鴨子 has its very specific meaning, for your info, therefore be very careful to lable anything 鴨子肉.

The other difference is that 鴨子肉 is someth
說鴨子時沒想那麼多...nevertheless, if you eat 天鵝肉 everyday, it does not matter if it's priceless.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 13:20
marnifan: 說鴨子時沒想那麼多...nevertheless, if you eat 天鵝肉 everyday, it does not matter if it's priceless.
Marni is still Marni even you wear everyday, it is not going to be Kirkland, is it?

"說鴨子時沒想那麼多." You are fine this time, but it may get you trouble other times.
回復 marnifan 2009-6-1 14:27
what is kirkland?
回復 已夜 2009-6-1 15:48
回復 catch22 2009-6-1 18:55
Mir: Wow, thank you. First time to hear this song, and I liked it immediately. Especially the sentence, " Above our umbrella, bless you with a endles
回復 水影兒 2009-6-1 20:59
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 23:21
marnifan: what is kirkland?
A low end brand. I thought everybody knew.
You are an absolute Marnifan then.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 23:25
已夜: 很美,讀起來很順暢
Have not seen you for a while. Glad you are here. I go with flow, therefore it is 順暢, though the love story itself was not without terburance.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 23:28
catch22: 其實傘只是一個道具,重要的是傘下兩顆易感的心,要是話不投機半句多,再擠在一個小傘下,看看那有多受罪了。
No question about it, but I still love a place where there is rain all day long, all year long.
回復 Mir 2009-6-1 23:32
水影兒: 用英文寫的這麼流暢,佩服~、
I only wish I could use Chinese. I am sure I would make more friends here, since I am really a nice person.  Unbelievably nice.
回復 marnifan 2009-6-1 23:39
Mir: A low end brand. I thought everybody knew.
You are an absolute Marnifan then.
where can you get it? yes, i'm a true marnifan. i can't understand why anybody would pick kirkland over marni. just kidding.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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