
Looking for civilized translation into Chinese, after reading 潑婦是怎樣煉成的

作者:Mir  於 2009-6-12 23:54 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



Mei Mei Ni Da Dan de Wang Qian Zhou 啊.
Ge Ge Wo Da Dan de Wang Hou Zhuan 啊.









發表評論 評論 (88 個評論)

回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 03:03
First of all you need to looking for a good teacher in PINYIN,and I happen to be fit fot the purpose.Some 10 yrs ago,I have trained my ex -bf from a 文盲to 英文八級 by chatting with him on line and 口對口教口語.老天有眼啊,finally it is my turn now ,with you
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 03:27
wd6364: First of all you need to looking for a good teacher in PINYIN,and I happen to be fit fot the purpose.Some 10 yrs ago,I have trained my ex -bf from a
Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 03:53
Mir: Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
BAD拼音again .LU ZHAI 路窄OK?RU is actually pretty wide.本人心胸寬廣的很哪
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 04:27
wd6364: BAD拼音again .LU ZHAI 路窄OK?RU is actually pretty wide.本人心胸寬廣的很哪
回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 04:45
Mir: 孩子他媽是這樣煉成的.
Not as you thought
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 06:17
wd6364: Not as you thought
Thinking is not what I am good at. Visualizing is my strength.
回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 06:23
Mir: Thinking is not what I am good at. Visualizing is my strength.
Your visualization is merely  based on your poor visual experience ,then it is not objective as there is exceptions ,I mean it
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 06:25
wd6364: Your visualization is merely  based on your poor visual experience ,then it is not objective as there is exceptions ,I mean it

from "潑婦是怎樣煉成的" by wd6364
回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 06:32
Mir: 以為自己眼花,出現幻覺,定神再看,一個是胎生的一個很陌生.

from "潑婦是怎樣煉成的" by wd6364
What si wrong with B feeding,I still get them in perfect
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 06:37
wd6364: What si wrong with B feeding,I still get them in perfect

from "潑婦是怎樣煉成的" by wd6364
回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 06:40
thanks for reminding me ,yeah ,I was losing control,so not cool
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 06:51
wd6364: thanks for reminding me ,yeah ,I was losing control,so not cool
臉曬得和爛番茄一樣,渾身的火都集中到了頭頂,怎麼形容呢? 您就是給我全身抹上牛黃也無法消除我的內熱

from "潑婦是怎樣煉成的" by wd6364

Do not drive me nuts, please.
回復 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 07:08
Mir: Zheng Shi Yuan Jia Ru Zhai 啊.
回復 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 07:09
BTW, 你的頭像讓人誤認為你是美眉。
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 07:22
xoyuanfen: BTW, 你的頭像讓人誤認為你是美眉。
As long as it is not mistaken as a 潑婦.
回復 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 07:29
Mir: As long as it is not mistaken asa 潑婦.
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 07:55
xoyuanfen: 要求太低!
I wish I could be as stylish as you are.
But you are right, I need to change my picture. Maybe it is the picture that made me be chased around.
回復 wd6364 2009-6-13 08:18
My apology.It was fun,thanks for being nice
回復 Mir 2009-6-13 08:25
wd6364: My apology.It was fun,thanks for being nice
I was not upset at all. No apology needed.

Your "潑婦是怎樣煉成的" is very funny and vivid.
回復 xoyuanfen 2009-6-13 10:39
Mir: I wish I could be as stylish as you are.
But you are right, I need to change my picture. Maybe it is the picture that made me be chased around.
哈哈, 對女孩子要求挺高!I like this girl, too.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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