
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:李敖 vs方舟子
BBC22 2008-11-5 01:15
Both of them are very popular intellectuals among Chinese people, although Li, as a writer and social commentator in Taiwan, enjoys his popularity among the general public, whereas Fang, a Postdoc Biochemist turned popular science writer residing in the US, is more well known in the scientific r [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:China VS US government cabnet
BBC22 2008-10-31 06:48
Normal 0 Do you know why the current Chinese government cabinet is more efficient than the current US government cabinet in handling the current economic crisis? Because Premier Wen Jiabao ( Warmth-plus-stuffedness) alone can do the j [ ...閱讀全文 ]
2 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:氣功 or 氣攻?
BBC22 2008-10-30 23:29
Normal 0 If you are, like me, a fanatic Qigong practitioner, you might be aware that when you are concentrating on practising Qigong , very embarrassing and even annoying things can happen. Most noticeably, if you have reached the stage where you can clearly [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:No ordinary driver
BBC22 2008-10-22 21:42
It would be an overstatement to claim that her husband has single-handedly masterminded the success of the eatery(e.g. 上個周六、周日,我的營業額過了100元). Nevertheless, it's fair to say he is no ordinary driver and in fact he』s the driving force behind the project. He has a st [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|2 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:A hospitable northerner
BBC22 2008-10-21 04:09
It is said that Northerners are generally more hospitable and cordial than Southerners. My personal experiences, in China or UK, have basically convinced me that there』s some truth in that claim. While we Southerners very much appreciate the Northerners』 warm-hearted receptions, occasion [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|2 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Is it fair?
BBC22 2008-10-15 18:41
Have you ever wondered 「what the hell is going on with this world? Do they really deserve such a media hype?」 I』m talking about the unique phenomenon of Chinese blog or media culture, which has produced a crop of Blog Idols, such as the likes of her, Mu Zi Mei and Fu Rong. OK, these tab [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|2 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Is scholar-bashing the way forward?
BBC22 2008-10-15 05:52
我想,一個學者「學」到需要安保人員保護的程度,一個賣書的「賣」到見讀者如臨大敵的地步,那麼這個學者「學」的東西一定有問題,這個書「賣」得也就沒有多大意思了。This is sheer bullshit! Where do you normally find writers or scholars being attacked or even threatened with death because of their p [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:A Talented Cock
BBC22 2008-10-13 20:18
Definitely, the benefits this cock can bring to the factory in question are numerous, including : n enhancing the bravery and agility of the female workers in the factory, keeping them on their toes once they step into the workplace. n of [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Did they have a choice?
BBC22 2008-10-13 05:12
Normal 0 當日,在青海省海北藏族自治州門源回族自治縣境內,一輛滿載秸稈的拖拉機行駛在一條公路上,幾乎看不到司機,頂上還坐著兩個人,實在太危險了。 I don't think the reporter's comments did justice to the wisdom of the tractor driver at all. Put yourself in the driv [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|4 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Puppy Love?
BBC22 2008-10-2 23:14
Normal 0 My first 「puppy love」 started when I was studying in grade 5 of my primary school in a tiny town in South China in 70s. At that time, I was a shy but good-looking boy with average academic attainment. As I was&nb [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|4 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:the Shop and the Chinese
BBC22 2008-9-30 23:42
Talking of a shop specialised in Buddhist artefacts, many people tend to assume that it must be run and mainly frequented by the Chinese. But in this case, nothing is further from the truth. I'm the only Chinese who is working, in fact, has ever worked at this shop, where I've only seen le [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|4 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Volunteering at a shop
BBC22 2008-9-27 04:48
I』ve been working as a volunteer for a local charity shop for nearly one year and I』d like to touch on some of my experiences and observations during the period. No, there have been no dramatic or spooky events or incidents, in fact, most young people would find it a bit boring to [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|5 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:An unwanted phone call
BBC22 2008-9-18 21:38
I just received a phone call a few minutes ago. It was from a sales lady trying to promote a company』s windows and doors business. She obviously didn't know my name, but somehow she managed to get my wife's surname. I realised that only when I answered the call and was addressed Mr Chen [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: Random Thoughts|3 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:None of your business
BBC22 2008-9-18 19:19
My Comments on this articles as below: What was the moral of the story you wanted to tell us, Mr reporter? Don't you think wearing an inexpensive shirt is just to Mr Yuan's personal liking? There's absolutely nothing more than that. Even though you might hope that the rea [ ...閱讀全文 ]

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