
作者:redbud  于 2009-5-25 00:10 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村







这次再回到B&B,我索性一家一家旅馆的门口敲开,对他们讲我的车钥匙丢了,有没有看见。问了三家,都没有看到,有一家的主人应该是经常看到我跑步,告诉我说他看见我过马路的时候系鞋带,好搞笑啊。我决定放弃了,这时有家人的门口突然打开了,一个穿着艳红色睡衣的老太太出来了,她看起来有80岁了,我决定去问问她,她的耳朵有些聋,我趴在她耳朵上才将事情讲清楚,她很遗憾地说没看见,不过,又加了一句话,my darling, if somebody pick up your key, they may put it somewhere in the pillar。I really want to help you but I can't help you more. 带着沮丧,我真的准备放弃了。

这次拐了弯,离开了海边的大道,心里面充满了失望,失落!昨天教会里的祷告上面,神还给我一句话说,don't let your heart be troubled! god's calling brings joy. Do not fear!我对神说,bring that joy back to me。fulfill your word。那个老太太说的那句话突然涌上心头,my darling, if somebody pick up your key, they may put it somewhere in the pillar。如果有人捡到你的钥匙,他们可能会放在柱子上面这样的地方。


有很多感受,寻找的,就遇见!另外就是,出了问题,不要分析,self-introspection,self-blame,不放弃,执着地走下去,尤其是祷告当中出现B&B的画面,回头几次都找不到,如果放弃的话,就是半途而废了。另外,我们祷告当中说,if God didn't answer your pray, just keep on kocking at the door! just pray, do not let your heart be troubled! 就一定可以找到答案!









发表评论 评论 (23 个评论)

1 回复 homepeace 2009-5-25 01:11
1 回复 晓渡 2009-5-25 01:24
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 02:17
晓渡: 很好的经历!神总是不断地让我们经历祂,让我们知道祂与我们同在!谢谢你的分享。
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 02:17
homepeace: 感谢上帝,感谢老太太
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-25 02:37
very dramatic....

what the old lady told you, obviously, was the local custom, a very noble custom. where my house is, neighbors would come to greet each other, especially for new comers. also watch out neighborhood...
1 回复 彩舟云淡 2009-5-25 02:55
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 03:13
snortbsd: very dramatic....

what the old lady told you, obviously, was the local custom, a very noble custom. where my house is, neighbors would come t
My house is in city center, it's very hard to have that kind of neighborhood as yours. I have been robbed and stolen not long ago in front of my house.  You must live in a good area.
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-25 03:24
well, i don't live in the city. i live in suburb. the concept of "city" here is a bit different from europe and china.

yes, even for now, the areas around here, still have very low crime rate. maybe because we have NRA here?
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 03:26
snortbsd: well, i don't live in the city. i live in suburb. the concept of "city" here is a bit different from europe and china.

yes, even for now,
what's NRA?
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-25 03:30
national rifle association....

be serious, where i live, as for an area, the richest of the states. average household income here was almost $130,000
1 回复 xoyuanfen 2009-5-25 05:16
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 05:17
snortbsd: national rifle association....be serious, where i live, as for an area, the richest of the states. average household income here was almost $1
What's the purpose of NRA?

where is the richest area of the states? New York or SF or LA? Based on my knowledge, I can only guess these several places.
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 05:17
彩舟云淡: 你的精神很可贵,永不放弃,当然还有贵人相助.以后的路会越来越顺的
1 回复 snortbsd 2009-5-25 05:45
redbud: What's the purpose of NRA?

where is the richest area of the states? New York or SF or LA? Based on my knowledge, I can only guess this several plac
national rifle association; according to the constitution of the states, people have right to bear arms, to defend his/he personal property, and so on... we call it "gun rights", which is a big topic for every president election in last 30 years. virginia is the state where NRA headquarter is located.

i guess you meant for new york city, not new your state...

nyc, sf and la are not really rich areas. they are in the spotlight all the time and there are some really rich folks living there. yes there are few rich pockets in those cities, but in average, those three metro areas are known for high cost of living, relative low wages/salaries and high crime rate. one of reasons for this is huge number of poor people living in those three metro areas.

fairfax county, loudoun county of northern virginia are two richest counties in the states. i am not aware of any super rich tycoons living around here but certainly a lot of rich people living around here, and average household income around here is on the top of all counties in the states.

the way of structure of society, the formation of businesses and communities make those less fortunate people very difficult to live around here. also most of federal agencies are actually located in northern virginia, instead of dc, so a lot of federal agents, a lot of cops around here. so it is not disirable area for criminals.
1 回复 槐花柳叶榆钱 2009-5-25 05:49
1 回复 borninheaven 2009-5-25 10:40
1 回复 618o382 2009-5-25 11:23
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 17:19
xoyuanfen: 有意思!
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 17:23
618o382: 老外的习惯和你的神一点关系没有,别什么好事都归于你们的神。
1 回复 redbud 2009-5-25 17:24
槐花柳叶榆钱: 恩典够用,寻找就能寻得见,叩门就可见开门

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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