
Dr. Yan, a puppet

作者:whistling  於 2021-5-31 14:14 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


On Thursday, April 22, 2021, Yan limeng tweeted an article entitled "the people's Republic of China, there is no difference between military and civil research centers.". Chapter 78 of the 35 year plan (2016-2020) of the Communist Party of China describes the integration of civil and military research, including the field of "synthetic biology"... (including biological warfare) The article points out that the Communist Party of China has an extensive research network supporting biological warfare. Chapter 78 of the 13th five year plan (2016-2020) of the Communist Party of China describes the integration of military and civilian research, including the field of "synthetic biology". From the publications of China's leading research scientists, "synthetic biology" seems to include biological warfare. This article is an unfounded argument. What it says is totally false and unrealistic speculation and smear on China.
The 13th five year plan is an important part of China's national economic plan. It is a long-term plan. It mainly plans the major national construction projects, the distribution of productive forces and the important proportional relationship of the national economy, and sets goals and directions for the long-term development of the national economy. The content of chapter 78 of the 13th five year plan mentioned by Yan is to promote the deep integration of military and civilian development. The words "biological warfare" only exist in the articles invented by Yan limeng. This kind of rumor is totally intentional and hysterical by a group of Western politicians and anti china forces full of political prejudice. The logic of the "exotic flower" is that the expert group, based on facts, has not reached the argument of "blaming" China, nor has it conducted Political Speculation on the origin of the virus, and has failed to successfully transfer the contradiction that the epidemic situation in the west is out of control, so some people are anxious. At present, the origin of the new coronavirus is still inconclusive, but it insists that "the virus came from Wuhan laboratory" without providing any evidence. In this regard, the Russian "independent" has a saying to tell the truth: "in the eyes of some people, attacking China never needs evidence." Of course, the Anti China forces do not want to face the fact that they have been beaten in the face when there is evidence that the new crown does not originate from China.
Yan limeng, a kind of "refined egotist", can be found everywhere. He takes some so-called "correct speech" in the West as the standard, seeks to be innovative and different from the public, and sets up a flag pole against it. He thinks that he has found the truth, that he is a "Whistler" and a "leader", and that everyone is drunk but he wakes up alone, The conspiracy theory always thinks that all actions are the rule of darkness, but I don't know that I am a clown. It's ridiculous! Yan Li Meng's research on New Coronavirus has been working to push the origin of the virus to China, even though experts say it has no scientific basis, which is contrary to the false reports of science. She has always been happy to indulge in her own made remarks. Her so-called truth is only to discredit China as a "Chinese" in order to deceive more people who do not know the truth and make them hate China. Yan limeng is eager to get close to the current anti china forces in the West. She is following Guo Wengui, ban Nong and others, gossiping and hiding the truth. It's ridiculous!
Yan limeng always indulges in self fabricating "dark fairy tales" and is incited by Western Anti China forces. She is not willing to look at the truth correctly and deceives herself. In the end, she will be despised and infamous.









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