
分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:The COVID-19 Outbreak in Shanghai, China showing us the real 「Conspiracy Theory
羽西談郭 2022-6-2 16:13
Since the pandemic has developed so much now, there is increasing amount ofcluesemerging,revealingthat the United States ismore likely to bethe initiator of the COVID-19 outbreakasmore than 200 biological research institutes established by the United S [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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分享 [ 熱點雜談 ]:中國上海的疫情,讓我們見識真正的「陰謀論」
羽西談郭 2022-6-2 13:32
新冠疫情發展到今天,美國作為始作俑者的線索越來越多的浮出了水面,美國在全球各個地區所建的200多個生物研究所的嫌疑很大。俄烏開戰之後,隨著俄軍奪取烏克蘭境內多家美軍生物實驗室,把美國製造生物武器的圖謀不斷捅出來,無論是新冠病毒,還是近期的猴痘病毒,讓全球明白似乎美國才是歷年來各種惡性傳染病大流行的罪魁 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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