
MY battle buddy Spc Conners

作者:powellcolin  於 2010-6-13 01:13 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


     「With my promotion and birthday, I don』t need anything except candy for Iraqi kids」.」」I really wish Iraqi kids live a same beautiful place as my hometown Washington state.」…Specialist Conners told me and other peers.
     Almost American teens like candy very much and grow up with it. Actually the candy is a part of their life. Also Specialist Conners is and the candy is still her favorite till now. As her battle buddy,I know her much.she really didn』t like others share candy with her. But it』s water under bridge while she deployed to Kirkuk base, Iraq on Nov last year with me. She gives up enjoying candy and collects it for Iraqi kids.
      Specialist Conners was researching as a ESU soldier at a checkpoint outside of Kirkuk, Iraq when she noticed a little girl waved at her. She waved back and she began to think about the Iraqi children. She thought –the kids –they』re in a bad situation, It』s not their fault  they』re in a war torn country and they lack the basic necessities. 
      She memorized American teens like candy very much and she found out the Iraqi kids like it too. So made decision to help Iraqi kids and make them happy.give up candy for herself, buy it from PX,ask it from her comrades, get it from her mail package which her family sends.etc.two month ago she told her comrades when she got promotion to Specialist 「nothing for me except some candy for Iraqi lids. 「she did exactly what she said in both thoughts, and in taking action. she is used to pass the candy to Iraqi kids through their parents. Many local nations said they loved her and were proud of taking photos with her.
      「she is doing something good for the community, and that』s always a good thing. 「said SSGT who is the NCO in charge in our section.
      Specialist Conners also work at warehouse as a provider. 「when everybody else worried about security, Specialist Conners noticed the children and started this operation to help.」FSC Raber who is in charge in our platoon said.
(thank you for taking time to read the text)                                                                                           
Powell  June10th,2010                                                                                                                                                                                    in FOB Warrior Kirkuk,Iraq









發表評論 評論 (6 個評論)

回復 Blue Ivy 2010-6-14 03:51
回復 naturelover 2010-6-14 06:52
She is a kind person.
回復 powellcolin 2010-6-15 01:34
of course.she  got marriage four weeks ago  and she is planing to have wedding after depolyment. you are cute too.
回復 powellcolin 2010-6-15 02:14
Blue Ivy: 樓主現在Iraq?
yes Ma'am.and you?
回復 Blue Ivy 2010-6-15 04:08
I'm in switzerland.
回復 powellcolin 2010-6-15 04:12
Blue Ivy: I'm in switzerland.
wow,beautiful country.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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  1. MY battle buddy Spc Conners [2010/06]
  2. OIF(Operation Iraqi Freedom)之親歷 [2010/06]
  3. OIF [2010/06]
  4. OIF [2010/06]
  5. 海外紀事 [2010/03]

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