
分享 [ 流水日記 ]:迂迴曲折的銀行本票陷阱
RidgeWalker 2012-1-27 02:57
一直認為騙人者天生一副賊眼,就像狩獵,尋找容易得手的目標;從而,某些性格的人常常被其糾纏,被拖下水,其中有人喜歡小便宜,有人喜歡被他人美言。。。好在這些與咱沒有多大關係,不去理會。今早搭便車進城,(天天搭便車進城),一上車司機就道歉,因為戴著耳機子在講電話,好像公司買主那邊的海外帳號有些蹊蹺,懷疑是 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 體會英文|42 個評論
分享 [ 自我介紹 ]:Relating to Language
RidgeWalker 2010-6-11 12:50
Acouple of guys onceout of the blue asked about my TOFOEL and GRE scores. I did fairly well but there was nothing to write home about. Plus those scores could only represent my English proficiency level at the time of examination. As it turned out, the guys just wanted [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 體會英文|13 個評論
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Think in English
RidgeWalker 2010-6-11 12:47
I read somewhere that learning a foreign language is in fact adopting a new way of thinking. That is a gem of saying, a marvelous expression that might hold the key to many issues associated with language learning.Through the years, I have heard from quite a few beginners of English express t [ ...閱讀全文 ]
個人分類: 體會英文|10 個評論

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