
分享 [ 村內互動 ]:漫談審美與文化--------讀千年等一回兄《中國的文藝復興》有感 ...
Aboriginal 2013-2-17 08:19
前兩天讀網友千年等一回的文章《中國的文藝復興》覺得很有啟發,就跟帖湊熱鬧,沒想到互動后得到千年兄的首肯並建議把回帖貼到我的日誌里和大家一起討論,恭敬不如從命,第一次在院子里晾探討貼,鄉親們拍磚的時候看準了往我腦袋上招呼就可以了,別砸壞傢具啊,我一個窮書生沒什麼家當,嘿嘿。千年兄囑咐我不要改一個字,兄 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
49 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:I love you because ...
Aboriginal 2013-2-15 11:12
I love you because you understand dearEvery single thing I try to doYou』re always there to lend a helping hand dearI love you most of all because you』re you No matter what the world may say about meI know your love will always see me throughI love you for the way you never doubt me, But most of a [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:Forever and ever(地老天荒)
Aboriginal 2012-9-19 12:10
... You may think that I'm talking foolish You've heard that I'm wild and I'm free You may wonder how I can promise you now This love that I feel for you Always will be But you're not just time that I'm killing I'm no longer one of those guys As sure as I live This love that I give Is gonna [ ...閱讀全文 ]
4 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:I wanna grow old with you (相守終老)
Aboriginal 2012-8-28 21:16
... Another day Without your smile Another day just passes by But now I know How much it means For you to stay Right here with me The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer I wanna grow old with you I wanna die lying in your arms I wan [ ...閱讀全文 ]
2 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:La Via en Rose
Aboriginal 2012-7-28 13:57
... ... La Via en Rose Hold me close and hold me fast The magic spell you cast This is la vie en rose When you kiss me heaven sighs And tho I close my eyes I see la vie en rose When you press me to your heart I'm in a world apart A world where roses bloom And when y [ ...閱讀全文 ]
4 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:Till the rivers all run dry(海枯心依然)
Aboriginal 2012-2-14 10:39
各位父老鄉親,兄弟姐妹,值Valentine's Day之季,我代表12345祝大家情人節。。好象有點那個,就祝已婚人士「情侶」節快樂,相濡以沫,白頭偕老;未婚人士「望連情」節快樂,望 結連理,情永駐;祝各位「網連情」節快樂,網連深情,心獲真愛。 致辭完畢,下面聽歌,呵呵 ... Don Williams Till the rivers all run dry [ ...閱讀全文 ]
5 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:The Rose
Aboriginal 2011-9-24 20:14
... Some say love, it is a river That drowns the tender reed Some say love, it is a razor That leaves your soul to bleed Some say love, it is a hunger An endless aching need I say love, it is a flower And you, its only seed It's the heart, afraid of breaking That never [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:California dreaming
Aboriginal 2011-3-14 15:25
... [ ...閱讀全文 ]
2 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:心牌的花色
Aboriginal 2011-3-11 10:18
... 牌中的哲學 He deals the cards as a meditation   他若有所思地玩牌   And those he plays never suspect   他打牌從不遲疑   He doesn't play for the money he wins   他打牌不是為了贏錢   He doesn't play for the respect   也不為贏得尊重   He de [ ...閱讀全文 ]
5 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:Soldier of fortune
Aboriginal 2011-2-26 13:03
... 沒有視頻,閉目養神吧 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
3 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:維也納森林圓舞曲
Aboriginal 2011-2-18 11:27
... 比較喜歡這種來自自然的感覺 ... [ ...閱讀全文 ]
2 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:Blowing in the wind
Aboriginal 2011-2-3 13:25
... How many roads must a man walk downBefore you call him a man?Yes, 'n' how many seas must a white dove sailBefore she sleeps in the sand?Yes, 'n' how many times must the cannon balls flyBefore they're forever banned?The answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,The answer is blowin' in the wind. [ ...閱讀全文 ]
3 個評論
分享 [ 音樂欣賞 ]:大風起兮雲飛揚
Aboriginal 2010-11-29 02:14
... 涇水清 渭水黃 是誰泛舟五湖上 挽起女兒一抹霞 挽不住西山墜斜陽 天蒼蒼 地茫茫 是誰暗夜唱秦腔 花旦跟著老生走 一半嫵媚一半悲涼 狼煙邊關起 上馬披戰衣 今生無緣今生變 來生老槐樹下還等你 大風起兮雲飛揚 四海縱橫奔無疆 大風起兮雲飛揚 四海縱橫奔無疆 懸崖勒馬的是將 懸崖不勒馬的是王 懸崖不勒馬的是王 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Coronation Street
Aboriginal 2009-3-20 11:25
這兩天在看一部超級肥皂劇 Coronation Street,超級到什麼程度呢,這麼說吧,這部劇的第一集是從1960年12月開始播放的,除了周末每天一集。第一集我是看不上了,就從第幾千集里隨便挑了一集。裡邊的演員不知是不是從進演藝圈就在這裡邊混,反正在一條傳說中的小街里,大家在真實和虛幻中生活著。印象比較深的是一位老人家的 [ ...閱讀全文 ]
11 個評論

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