
作者:milu  于 2012-10-15 08:09 发表于 最热闹的华人社交网络--贝壳村


关键词:国际, 生活

最近几天,我不断收到来自国内外好友的电话,内容都是一样,问我现在在哪里?我说还在老地方新泽西。可是他们都收到一封我发自西班牙马德里的邮件,大意说说是我们全家那里去旅游,在旅馆的停车场被人抢劫,钱包和信用卡被盗,幸好护照还在,我也曾求助于当地的警方和大使馆,人家都帮不上忙。由于飞机很快就要起飞,可旅馆还没结帐,是否可以帮忙几点钱过来以解燃眉之急。我的一个朋友还真很快给对方回了一封信,对方(也就是那个假“我”很快就回信了,说不多就1500欧元,用联邦快递就可以。朋友们纷纷求证,结果我一一解答,我的邮箱被黑客入侵盗走了我的帐号,我的所有邮件不管是sent, inbox,spam, contacts,全部清空,还好我及时更改了密码,盗贼没办法再进来,结果在我的邮箱sent的发现的一封并不是我发的邮件,如下:

 Hello Good Morning

  I'm writing with tears in my eyes,my family and I came down here to (Madrid) Spain, for a short vacation unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel we stayed,all cash credit cards and cell were stolen off  but luckily for us we still have our passports with us.

 I have been to the embassy and the Police here but they're not helping issues at all and our flight leaves pretty soon from now but we're having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills. Please be so kind to reply back so I can tell you what to do and how to get some cash to us.

 I'm freaked out at the moment.


title Sad News(Help Needed).......Raya Bidaye

发信人是:  "Raya Bidaye" rbidaye@yahoo.com

我不知道这个Raya Bidaye就是盗贼还是另外一个受害人。我把我的故事讲给朋友听,结果很多人有类似的经历,幸好我的朋友们多了几个心眼,首先第一时间求证,其次可回信问对方的家庭成员,姓什么叫什么。。。。这些骗子是无法回答的。


Sad Trip...(Help Needed)

I am writing this with tears in my eyes, My family and I made a trip to Jakarta (Indonesia),unfortunately we were mugged at the park of the hotel where we stayed all cash,credit card and cell were stolen off us but luckily we still have our passports with us, Ben was traumatized at this incident, He's presently at the hospital receiving treatments.
I have been to the Embassy and the Police here but their response was too casual, the bad news is our flight will be leaving in less than 8-hrs from now but we are having problems settling the hotel bills and the hotel manager won't let us leave until we settle the bills, I will need your help (LOAN $1,900) financially, I promise to make the refund once we get back home. Please let me know if i can count on you and i need you to keep checking your email because it's the only way i can reach you.

Serious news!

Help! I'm sorry to be emailing you like this, but I am in need of some urgent assistance. As you have know, I've been traveling through Europe. But last night in Scotland, my worst fears came true. As we were headed back to the hotel, we were robbed but a crazy man with a GUN. He took our bags, wallets, and phones. We have no credit cards or cash. Thankfully, we had left our passports in the safe at the hotel. We need to get back home, but we have no way to get to our flight in Germany that leaves for home today

Right now our only option is to fly home from here. We need some money so we can purchase tickets to get to JFK, and then fly home from there. As soon as we get back home, I can repay you, I just need to get some cash to get there. If you can help, send me an email back, we have internet access from the lobby in the hotel. I'm sorry to bother you, I just didn't know how else to contact you quickly. Thanks!










刚表态过的朋友 (11 人)

发表评论 评论 (15 个评论)

5 回复 hr8888hr 2012-10-15 10:51
打个电话联系核实也不会花很多钱吧! 如果这样都会被骗到, 那真让人无话可说
5 回复 milu 2012-10-15 11:04
5 回复 秋收冬藏 2012-10-15 11:29
5 回复 小皮狗 2012-10-15 15:13
5 回复 雪的烟花 2012-10-15 22:07
另外, 我曾经在本地网上发过广告寻找租客, 结果一堆的回信要租我的房子,让我给我的地址和照片给他们付定金,但可笑的是很多都是欧洲非洲等外地的, 怎么可能呢,于是知道是骗子不理啦。
6 回复 白露为霜 2012-10-15 22:32

6 回复 foxxfam 2012-10-16 00:57
7 回复 milu 2012-10-16 07:09
秋收冬藏: 这种电邮铺天盖地到处都是,我还收到过朋友卖药的信,以为他改行了,结果说邮箱被绑架,他自己都进不去了,后来也不知怎么解决的。 ...
5 回复 milu 2012-10-16 07:10
小皮狗: 同样的事情刚刚发生在老公身上,美国朋友有免疫力,但我们却收到不少国内朋友的国际长途,焦急地询问情况,看来国内朋友不太知道这是骗局,让我们伤脑筋。。。 ...
4 回复 milu 2012-10-16 07:11
雪的烟花: 我收到太多了,一概不理。
另外, 我曾经在本地网上发过广告寻找租客, 结果一堆的回信要租我的房子,让我给我的地址和照片给他们付定金,但可笑的是很多都是欧 ...
3 回复 milu 2012-10-16 07:11
白露为霜: “我的邮箱被黑客入侵盗走了我的帐号”

4 回复 milu 2012-10-16 07:12
foxxfam:    有过。用我的名义向他们借钱。。。
4 回复 雪的烟花 2012-10-16 10:56
milu: 看来全世界的人都对你的房子感兴趣,呵呵呵
这是不可能的, 所以鉴定为骗子了
5 回复 milu 2012-10-16 11:05
雪的烟花: 这是不可能的, 所以鉴定为骗子了
火眼金睛, 晚安!
4 回复 雪的烟花 2012-10-16 11:14
milu: 火眼金睛, 晚安!
wan an

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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