

作者:德州龍  於 2010-8-4 12:28 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村





3 children, 1 teacher killed in China attack

BEIJING – A knife-wielding man went on a slashing rampage in a kindergarten in eastern China, leaving three children and one teacher dead, area residents reported Wednesday.

The unidentified assailant entered the school in a suburb of Zibo in Shandong province at about 4 p.m. Tuesday as parents were picking up their children, according to people living nearby contacted by telephone.

About 20 children and staff were injured, two of the children seriously, they said.

China this year has suffered a spate of gory rampage attacks on schools and in public spaces, leaving dozens of people dead and scores wounded.

A woman who works in a restaurant opposite the Boshan District Experimental Kindergarten's Jinfengyuan branch said the attacker was a man aged 27 or 28 who had gained entry to the school by posing as a parent.

Police rushed to the kindergarten soon after the attack and officers transported some injured children to hospital before ambulances had time to arrive, said the woman, who would give only her surname, Zhang.

"The kindergarten has been sealed off until now. There're still police officers there," Zhang said.

Zhang and other area residents said the teacher died of her injuries Wednesday morning.

The Zibo killings came just two days after a man in Hebei province to the west went on a rampage at the wheel of his earthmover, smashing vehicles and buildings and leaving 17 dead.

Other recent mass killings include a May 12 attack on a kindergarten in the northern province of Shaanxi that left seven children and two adults dead and the wounding of 29 children at a kindergarten in Jiangsu province in April.

The seemingly unrelated attacks have prompted calls for more attention to diagnosing serious mental illnesses and ignited fears over the toll stress is taking on the nation's emotional health.

Authorities have responded with increased security at schools and orders to limit media coverage of the attacks to discourage copycats.

Local officials in Zibo hung up the phone when reporters called for information on the attack.









發表評論 評論 (5 個評論)

回復 sujie_alex 2010-8-4 13:13
回復 shipuliu 2010-8-4 14:22
回復 wazhh 2010-8-4 15:40
回復 torpedo1 2010-8-4 20:48
回復 穿鞋的蜻蜓 2010-8-5 00:35
The seemingly unrelated attacks have prompted calls for more attention to diagnosing serious mental illnesses and ignited fears over the toll stress is taking on the nation's emotional health

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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