
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Which one you want to choose 李湘 or 老師
tangseng 2007-11-5 06:21
李湘又出醜了? 未必 這不過是國內的「書獃子」英語的又一體現罷了 其實李湘這麼說完全正確(當然,很可能是她「歪打正著」,但是語言本身就是沒有絕對的rule,約定俗成就是出口成章) which one do you want to choose? 這麼說太「累贅」,太「學究」,書面語會比較適合,但是口語中絕對是更簡單的 which one you wan [ ...閱讀全文 ]
分享 [ 其它日誌 ]:Daylight savings time is no use 兼談中國為什麼停止實行夏令時
tangseng 2007-11-5 06:11
1. It doesn't WORK! Itsaveseletricity but NOT OVERALL ENERGY! not tomention the added COST (new schedule/timetable, human body disorder)it requires to adjust to new time see here for detailed explanation to summerize:daylightsavingstime only works in a simplisti [ ...閱讀全文 ]
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