
Is it fair?

作者:BBC22  於 2008-10-15 18:41 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村

作者分類:Random Thoughts|通用分類:其它日誌|已有2評論

Have you ever wondered what the hell is going on with this world? Do they really deserve such a media hype? Im talking about the unique phenomenon of Chinese blog or media culture, which has produced a crop of Blog Idols, such as the likes of her, Mu Zi Mei and Fu Rong.

OK, these tabloid celebrities are probably more diligent than most of us lazybones who blog only when were in the blog mood, so naturally theyve accumulated a larger stock of articles. As far as their writing techniques are concerned, they might be better than average amateur writers, but still nowhere near what is required of a professional writer.


However, their blogs are arguably among the most popular ones in the Chinese blogsphere. I think, the trick lies in the fact that they are absolutely super saleswomen. Apparently, they have been clear about their best selling points, such as, nudity, a never failing recipe for a best seller; they have been very direct or even aggressive in promoting their products , by means of posting the scantily clad or even topless photos of their own or insetting graphic descriptions of their passionate sessions in their blog articles.


More importantly, they have acquired a profound understanding of the psyche of Chinese media consumers and the governments censorship policies to ensure that their blogs can generate the maximum controversy and attract the broadest reader interest without being blocked by the internet watchdog in China.


So in the face of these expert rivals, can we ordinary bloggers do something to compete with them in raising our profiles in the ever-enlarging blog community ? No, probably not, not for the male bloggers anyway. After all, as men, we are a bit short on bodily features that we could show off on the web and lack the ability to cause a great sensation without breaking the governments Great Firewall. Until some of our genius fellow male bloggers have come up with a better idea, we might just have to come to terms with the unfair situation and keep churning out more blogs through our bleary eyes - or even manage to develop some appreciation of our rivals' masterpieces.

(This is one of my earlier blogs. Obviously, times have moved on and the heroines highlighted in this blog have, indignantly, given way to the reigning  "Chinese post 90's  generation" ).









發表評論 評論 (2 個評論)

回復 綠水潭 2008-10-15 19:17
I don』t care about those ladies.  However, regardless of fairness, it might be reasonable if it exists.
回復 BBC22 2008-10-15 19:29
Surely, they don't both you a bit because theeir blogs are no match for your blog, which is full of mouthwatering dishes and proves to have a bigger pulling power, at least for some  overseas Chinese people with an open access to the  internet and a limited access to authentic Chinese food.

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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