
Rodeo, Rodeo

作者:散落的雪  於 2008-3-2 02:32 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村


天氣: 晴朗
心情: 平靜

(The logo from my jacket and the pin I got from the party)

The rodeo season is coming, in order to catch the fun; six of us went to this huge rodeo kick off even at the Reliant Stadium last night. Actually, the even was held outside at the Reliant Park, with the carnival and a giant stage setting up.

As soon as getting in the main entrance, we went straight to look for our tent Ram & Lamb with free tickets for all the food and drinks. The whole park was packed and so did our little party place. People were in line for all kind of drinks including soft drinks, beer, and mixed alcohol drinks. I never like beer, well, don』t really know about drinks, then just got vodka mixed with orange juice, didn』t like it anyway. The food was pretty good; everybody got ribs, steak, and sausages. Two guys found us the seats, so we all could sit down enjoyed the meal as well as the life band. Crowd of people dressed up as cow boys, cow girls were singing and dancing, of cause they did the traditional line-dance. After the first round of food and drinks, we went up for the second round of drinks and decided to walk around of the park.

Got out of the tent, the first thing we looked for was Turkey Leg, it took us more then ten minutes to located the turkey legs, they also had really big sausages and corn dogs. Everything was so jumbo; we went for the turkey leg eventually. However, it failed, the taste was alright, but it burned too much and we barely finished it,  we all wanted to save room for dessert—the popular Funnel Cake, Yeah, Funnel Cake! Therefore, we had gotten two of them: one regular and one with strawberry. Wow, that was the best, we seemed couldn』t have enough.

We were walking, talking, laughing and drinking all night, went back to our tent to get more drinks, and even went to another tent for drinks. There were country music all over the place, we jointed the crowd sang a little bit, shake our bodies along the music. It was hell of the fun in this leap day!

I seem just realized that I am in Texas. Wow, am I turning into a cow girl? Guess not, well, I did wear a rodeo jacket to match this great even and had a wonderful time. 

No pictures? Of cause not, I just described pretty much the whole thing for you, try to picture it in your mind if you will. Besides, with all the drinks on hand, no one wanted to go through trouble to be a photographer that night, trust me!










發表評論 評論 (3 個評論)

回復 kickbird 2008-3-2 08:06
回復 散落的雪 2008-3-2 08:20
回復 kickbird 2008-3-2 08:56

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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