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  • 真實姓名與神同行的人
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  • 生日1952 年
  • 出生地中國 北京
  • 居住地美國 佛羅里達
  • 畢業學校None
  • 學歷本科


  • pidy 發表了新日誌 9-2 01:29
    最可怕的是「為你好」的論述,道德綁架讓你的任何反駁與反抗都變成不知好歹。 就算你想心平氣和坐下來和父母溝通,你會發現父母沒有一次能夠完整聽完你的話,
  • pidy 發表了新日誌 7-27 02:54
    這是 從 隔壁偷的菜。只給自己看的。要看去鄰居院子里看去。 通俗地說就是生活起居要有規律,時間久了就會養成習慣形成生物鐘,想改變都難.


跨界泰斗的合影 2023-11-08
1936年,卓別林來華旅遊,路過上海時探望老友梅蘭芳。梅蘭芳在「梅華詩屋」, 備香茗美點,迎接這位國際知名的藝術大師。 這一年,林語堂落腳美國,開始
最有禮數的合影 2023-11-08
我在中國92-99年拚命打工,拚命省錢,也沒存到錢 2023-03-10
我在中國92-99年拚命打工,拚命省錢,也沒存到錢 作者: qwxqwsean   於 2023-3-9 01:06 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路
專業思考--計算機類 2022-12-04
我有個在美國讀計算機科學的經歷。就接觸了這樣一個博士。當時他還在念博士。 美國人。他本科在一所美國名牌大學讀計算機信息管理,成績優異。但是自從上了
game programming patterns 2022-11-22
berkly computer prof 2022-11-22
main web https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/ book https://people.eecs.berkeley.edu/~bh/pdf/


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pidy 2024-4-24 09:03
Insurance does not cover neurolens directly, but you can often use your frame allowance to cover some of the cost. A discount vision plan, a health savings account (HSA) or other health care spending account, and financing options can also help you to offset the cost of neurolens. Headaches, eye strain and irritation, and neck and shoulder tension can significantly impact your daily life. Neurolenses may be more expensive, but the price is often worth the results. References ...
pidy 2024-4-6 00:59
How much does IPL eye treatment cost? Precision Eye - Cataract and Laser Eye Surgery - Optometrist ... On average, IPL treatment costs between $800 -1200 for the recommended treatments of three to four sessions split two weeks apart. If you heard of IPL therapy and would like to learn more about this innovative treatment, schedule your consultation at Precision Eye Care. Lumenis, the inventor of IPL, presents the first and only IPL FDA-approved for the management of dry eye disease d ...
pidy 2024-4-6 00:57
作者:灰姑娘 鏈接: https://www.zhihu.com/question/25392121/answer/311951521 來源:知乎 著作權歸作者所有。商業轉載請聯繫作者獲得授權,非商業轉載請註明出處。 假如想在任何一個職業做出比較高水平的效果,都需求你所羅列的這些實質,而且我還要加上一條,就是高度的責任感和事業心。只要把作業當成生命的一部分,你才有熱情和精力儘力發明出更好的成績。 一、單選題(每題2分,共20題) 1、以下哪項關於技能學習進程對安排產生的影響,描繪是錯的(C)           A、安排性 ...
pidy 2024-4-6 00:18
CANADA B.C. https://www.180optometry.com/ortho-k-versus-misight-costs Cost of MiSight 1-Day Contact Lenses *Range:  $1,300-$1,500 (for the first year) includes initial consultation fee, a year supply of contacts, insertion/removal training, and 6 follow-up care appointments. *cost range does not change with higher myopic pres**tions. Costs for the second year and following years of MiSight use are about $850/yr. This covers the price for:     *6 month c ...
pidy 2024-2-14 00:39
華人第一家族之女 喪偶再嫁成臉書老闆娘  趙安吉  Angerla A. Chao
www.*** | 2017-05-18
2024 FEB 12.  die 50 yo
pidy 2023-11-17 05:57

pidy 2023-11-8 01:59

pidy 2023-7-19 02:12
spelling Bee
https://spellingandvocabularyinstruction.weebly dot com/spelling-skills.html
pidy 2023-5-8 02:42
VBA Veteran 60s now
pidy 2023-1-16 10:37
https://evershineoptical.com.sg/2021/05/22/hoya-miyosmart-review-is-it-effective/#:~:text=The%20cost%20of%20Hoya%20MiYOSMART ,the%20lens%20to%20be%20thinner). Is Hoya MiYOSMART worth it? Myopia control lenses usually cost more than normal single vision lenses. The cost of Hoya MiYOSMART is $530 per pair with features of impact resistant material and high index lens (allows the lens to be thinner). It also comes with a complimentary pair of Hoya single vision lenses worth up to $240 for y ...
pidy 2023-1-16 10:17
https://eye-bar.ca/miyosmart-eyeglass-lenses-for-myopia-control-treatment-in-kids How Much Do MiyoSmart Eyeglasses Cost? MiyoSmart lenses are a premium lens design similar to digitally surfaced progressive lenses. They go through a unique state-of-the-art manufacturing process to create the proprietary honeycomb reading pattern on the lens, creating the myopia control design. The MiyoSmart is a cost-effective alternative when you compare the cost to regular eyeglasses & pres**tion ...
pidy 2023-1-2 05:31
sep 2022

They discussed the Future Vision Leaders Forgivable Loan Program, a geographically based loan program through FYi. ODs matched to a rural area in Canada will receive $100,000 for five years at the location.

The Scholars Program at NECO will provide these students with a forgivable loan of $100,000 USD to cover 3rd and 4th-year tuition to work at FYi after graduation for five years based on where demand is and a ranking system.
pidy 2023-1-2 05:16
Aesthetic Optometry: 6 Pointers for Making It Part of Your Practice
pidy 2023-1-2 00:50
Essilor Stellest vs Hoya Miyosmart – What Is the Difference? https://progressive-glasses.com/essilor-stellest-vs-hoya-miyosmart-what-is-the-difference/ 如何從另一家眼鏡商轉到我們進行隱形眼鏡驗配 https://die-brillenmacher-wallstadt.de/wie-sie-fuer-eine-kontaktlinsenanpassung-von-einem-anderen-optiker-zu-uns-wechseln/ ...
pidy 2022-12-20 00:58
Vision beyond eyesight https://www.mindseyeoptometry.com/ With our expanded practice in neuro-visual optometry, we can impact the lives of many more patients.  We can uncover underlying visual system issues between the eyes and the brain that can have physical, mental and emotional effects. We can improve those underlying issues with our specialized vision training and expertise.  We can enhance mental and physical performance, rebuild confidence, and positivel ...
pidy 2022-12-20 00:55
https://www.mindseyeoptometry.com/ Beyond evaluating and improving eyesight, Neuro-Visual Optometry also considers the functional relationship between the eyes and the brain. The eyes are part of an intricate visual system, in which they work to retrieve and send visual information to the brain. Because we rely heavily on visual information to process so much of the world around us, our visual system supports many of our physical and mental tasks and plays an integral role in our dai ...


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