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回復 舉報 [ 41樓 遊客 (110.165.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:56
中國壞就壞在那幫只會嘴上說的知識分子,特別是大學的教授和專家學者看看大學畢業的學生就知道了在這些知識分子教授教出來的學生有幾個有出息的,這些教授拿了稅金有幾個能搞出項目的。一當美歐的封鎖馬上舉手投降。有點出息自己搞出一個能讓世界刮目相看的項目了,還有對於那些說寫中文,吃中歺的反華不良分子,樂意充當汗奸走狗的垃圾也要清理乾淨。一日不清,家無寧日。 不要去嘲笑華為,華為為了自己擺脫歐美的封鎖搞出自已的手機操作系統。相比之下那些只會舉手投降的像狗一樣的沒有學術的知識分子能不能做一回堂堂正正的中國人。
回復 舉報 [ 39樓 遊客 (174.215.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:34
回復 舉報 [ 37樓 遊客 (69.114.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:26
  When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.   When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.   When we build our industries, you call us polluters.   When we sell you goods, you blame us for global warming.   When we buy oil, you call it exploitation and genocide.   When you go to war for oil, you call it liberation.   When we were lost in chaos and rampage, you demanded rules of law.   When we uphold law and order against violence, you call it violating human rights.   When we were silent, you said you wanted us to have free speech.   When we are silent no more, you say we are brainwashed-xenophobes.   「Why do you hate us so much﹖」we asked.   「No,」 you answered, 「we don』t hate you.」   We don』t hate you either, but, do you understand us?   「Of course we do, 」you said, 「We have AFP, CNN and BBC』s ……」   What do you really want from us?   Think hard first, then answer, Because you only get so many chances.   Enough is enou
回復 舉報 [ 36樓 遊客 (69.114.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:24
What Do You Really Want from Us? Duo-liang Lin   When we were the sick man of Asia, we were called the yellow peril.   When we are billed to be the next superpower, we are called the threat.   When we closed our doors, you smuggled drugs to open markets.   When we embrace free trade, you blame us for taking away your jobs.   When we were falling apart, you marched in your troops and wanted your fair share.   When we tried to put the broken pieces back together again,   free Tibet you screamed, It was an invasion!   When tried communism, you hated us for being communist.   When we embrace capitalism, you hate us for being capitalist.   When we have a billion people, you said we were destroying the planet.   When we tried limiting our numbers, you said we abused human rights.   When we were poor, you thought we were dogs.   When we loan you cash, you blame us for your national debts.   When we build our industries, you call us polluters.   When we sell you g
回復 舉報 [ 35樓 遊客 (73.115.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:22
回復 舉報 [ 34樓 遊客 (72.143.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:18
回復 舉報 [ 33樓 卡拉歐開 ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:16
網路工程師: 魯比奧說得一點沒錯,華為的專利大部分都不是核心專利,類似紅芯瀏覽器之類的比較低級的專利,問一下華為海思的人就知道了,這對通信領域的人來說根本就是常識,只有五毛和大外宣之類的弱智不清楚
回復 舉報 [ 32樓 遊客 (73.200.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:13
回復 舉報 [ 31樓 卡拉歐開 ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:09
30樓 遊客(74.64.x.x): 美國不承認中國的專利。
回復 舉報 [ 30樓 遊客 (74.64.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:06
回復 舉報 [ 29樓 遊客 (205.250.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 11:00
回復 舉報 [ 28樓 遊客 (108.237.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 10:45
回復 舉報 [ 27樓 網路工程師 ] 發表於 2019-6-16 10:44
回復 舉報 [ 26樓 遊客 (126.247.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 10:39
回復 舉報 [ 25樓 遊客 (126.247.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 10:36
回復 舉報 [ 24樓 遊客 (47.156.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 10:33
回復 舉報 [ 23樓 遊客 (76.90.x.x) ] 發表於 2019-6-16 10:26

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