

作者:海攀  於 2011-11-1 04:47 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 海攀 2011-11-1 08:53
TCM: 滾,滾回美國去
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 08:58
maryuvic: smartman, I have to make a comment that I disagree with you about this. I know you have a very strong opinion about Yang Xiaojing, which I disagree, b ...

回復 海攀 2011-11-1 08:59
活水湧泉: 大衛比劉娟優秀。
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:00
生於70『S: 鄭衛是犯了眾怒了,不過是比較甜蜜的那種。
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:00
生於70『S: 拜託,下面多給點劉娟的鏡頭。
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:00
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:01
rongrongrong: 為純潔的人流淚
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:02
rongrongrong: 為純潔的感情流淚
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:03
smartman: that is a too idea situation.  i can hardly believe these two men fell into the same situation at the same time and most importantly are willing to co ...
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 09:04
德州龍: "願不願意,跟我湊合", 哈哈,這樣求愛啊,暈倒啊
回復 TCM 2011-11-1 09:23
海攀: 俺想滾回中國,實在沒人要呀
回復 smartman 2011-11-1 10:06
海攀: 是,坐在板凳上了:)
not bad!  
回復 羽化成蝶 2011-11-1 10:25
海攀: 謝謝!明天就是結局了,他們都會幸福的。
回復 smartman 2011-11-1 10:41
海攀: 俺想滾回中國,實在沒人要呀
there is an age discrimination there for "senior" citizens aged 35 or above.  
回復 smartman 2011-11-1 10:43
羽化成蝶: 太快了吧?怎麼也要花點篇幅寫吧,儘管是有情人總成眷屬的老套套,可是,還是多寫點吧?不要草草停筆,警告哦!
LZ has to come to a full stop quickly because maryvuic needs to fully concentrate herself on the qualifying exams, right?   

how about you pick up a pen to continue writing for LZ, as Gao Er continued writing <<Red Mansion>> for Cao Xueqin :-)
回復 羽化成蝶 2011-11-1 11:05
smartman: LZ has to come to a full stop quickly because maryvuic needs to fully concentrate herself on the qualifying exams, right?   

how about you pic ...
你能折磨死我,我拼了半天,是gao e(高鶚)不是gao er(高二) 。看來樓主和那mary啥的關係滿鐵哈,ta說要快就要快哈。你讓我續寫啊,你幹嘛不?我又沒有那個留學經歷咯,我也沒有那個膿包咯 。how about you?you can do this job! that's it! I bet!
回復 smartman 2011-11-1 11:14
羽化成蝶: 你能折磨死我,我拼了半天,是gao e(高鶚)不是gao er(高二) 。看來樓主和那mary啥的關係滿鐵哈,ta說要快就要快哈。你讓我續寫啊,你幹嘛不?我又沒有 ...
sorry about my pinyin.  based on my poor pinyin, you know i am unable to 續寫啊.  besides, have no time to write one section every day.  i think i might be able to at best write 2 sections one week.  so, let me give up.

maryvuic so far is the best student who really learned from this novel.  Confucius had 72 qualified students while Jesus had 12.  so, i hope LZ can identify another 71 or at least 11 qualified students.      do you wanna be counted among them?
回復 羽化成蝶 2011-11-1 11:39
smartman: sorry about my pinyin.  based on my poor pinyin, you know i am unable to 續寫啊.  besides, have no time to write one section every day.  i think i mig ...
no!I don't want。
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 12:04
回復 海攀 2011-11-1 12:04
smartman: not bad!   

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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