

作者:海攀  於 2011-7-27 22:39 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 BL_518 2011-7-29 13:37
smartman: he has to.  no other choice except that he accepts his failure and drops out of school.
回復 smartman 2011-7-29 14:20
BL_518: 相信鄭衛不是才知道這個利害關係和後果~~~~~~~
yes, i agree.  he knews it long time ago.  but now he should have the determination to carry it forward.  he is cornered without exit.
回復 BL_518 2011-7-29 23:29
smartman: yes, i agree.  he knews it long time ago.  but now he should have the determination to carry it forward.  he is cornered without exit.
回復 smartman 2011-7-30 01:20
BL_518: 希望他突變~~~~
you have a nice and gentle heart with full sympathy.  i am sharing with you the same wish or expectation for zheng.  i believe he should.  it is high time for him to wake up and catch up.
回復 BL_518 2011-7-30 02:19
smartman: you have a nice and gentle heart with full sympathy.  i am sharing with you the same wish or expectation for zheng.  i believe he should.  it is high  ...
回復 smartman 2011-7-30 02:29
BL_518: 謝謝。他基礎差底子薄,至少要用常人120%的努力才行~~~~~~
the other way around.  he passed qualifying exams already and should have already made up most, if not all, his background.  plus, he is smart.  he should be able to produce 100% with 80% efforts, compared to peers.
回復 BL_518 2011-7-30 03:47
smartman: the other way around.  he passed qualifying exams already and should have already made up most, if not all, his background.  plus, he is smart.  he sh ...
1 ...456

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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