

作者:seamandh  於 2010-12-11 06:12 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村



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回復 cherryblossom 2010-12-12 08:09
回復 seamandh 2010-12-12 08:16
九九天使: 非常讚賞現在的中國教育,因為它正在培養一代腦殘和白痴,加速傻逼國的滅亡速度。
回復 seamandh 2010-12-12 08:26
cherryblossom: 贊成!感謝中國填鴨式的教育,才讓我在現在的工作中如魚得水。這是真心話。
回復 nika 2010-12-12 08:28
回復 seamandh 2010-12-12 08:31
nika: 中西教育各有所長,應該取長補短!
回復 nika 2010-12-12 08:32
九九天使: 非常讚賞現在的中國教育,因為它正在培養一代腦殘和白痴,加速傻逼國的滅亡速度。
回復 九九天使 2010-12-12 09:00
nika: 天使在哪受的教育啊?說話沒有一點人味啊
回復 黑山老貓 2010-12-12 09:24
九九天使: 不是我沒人情味,你看看這個本來美麗無比的國家被糟蹋強姦成啥樣了?!傻逼教育是罪魁禍首。表面光鮮遮擋不住敗絮其中。
回復 黑山老貓 2010-12-12 09:24
九九天使: 非常讚賞現在的中國教育,因為它正在培養一代腦殘和白痴,加速傻逼國的滅亡速度。
回復 九九天使 2010-12-12 09:30
回復 黑山老貓 2010-12-12 09:33
九九天使: 哥們,你就會傻笑啊?
呵呵, 看你的貼和別人的回帖, 就樂唄. 很好玩啊
回復 billhuangtx 2010-12-12 10:35
snortbsd: ok, not sure what exactly you were trying to say:

1) so the level of the teaching in the class was wrapped around that mentally challenged kid?
2) so ...
The funny thing is, the local school district trys to make change -- the solution, to let student who has better math (top 2 %), group them together to have a deep/fast contents and let US Olympic math team coach to develop the material. My son is in it now, a lot more difficult and son loves it.  So, in China every one hats Olympic math, here in Texas, some one want to try  
回復 billhuangtx 2010-12-12 10:47
滑稽的是,中國每人恨歐數。這裡的學校開始辦歐數班(每天90 分鐘,不是課後)。小兒被挑上很高興. So, kids in Shanghai, look out  
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 10:50
nika: 天使在哪受的教育啊?說話沒有一點人味啊
to some trashes, you just ignore them. life has a lot to live for, why waste your time on garbage...
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 10:56
billhuangtx: The funny thing is, the local school district trys to make change -- the solution, to let student who has better math (top 2 %), group them together t ...
well, usa needs changes, especially for the topics of math, physics and other sciences. almost 60% of professors in the fields of science and engineering are foreign born (well i am not sure about that. data from the internet, so have to treat that data with a grain of salt).
回復 billhuangtx 2010-12-12 11:02
seamandh: 說實話,大多數人還是希望中西合璧,洋為中用。
美國的系統是負擔越大越重,小孩不易過早恨學習。Let kids be kids. Not bad. 美國大學學風大多比國內好可能有關。美國比大陸更注重人文,更注重全面。老中通常在小學,小孩弄體育,音樂,打好基礎
回復 billhuangtx 2010-12-12 11:07
snortbsd: well, usa needs changes, especially for the topics of math, physics and other sciences. almost 60% of professors in the fields of science and engineer ...
That is a huge potential issue.  The smartest people are become doctors, lawyerd, MBA. But, US need a lot of engineer too to get State-of-Art technologies -- if the US standard of living is way higher than others, it can attract more talents from other countries, but, it will be more and more difficulty.
回復 seamandh 2010-12-12 11:20
billhuangtx: 美國的系統是負擔越大越重,小孩不易過早恨學習。Let kids be kids. Not bad. 美國大學學風大多比國內好可能有關。美國比大陸更注重人文,更注重全面。老中通常在 ...
回復 snortbsd 2010-12-12 11:31
billhuangtx: That is a huge potential issue.  The smartest people are become doctors, lawyerd, MBA. But, US need a lot of engineer too to get State-of-Art technolo ...
not necessarily for those top talents, even in the mid level, like us, not that many americans. well, good for us, but usa can't go on like that with another 50 years...
回復 nika 2010-12-12 21:06
九九天使: 不是我沒人情味,你看看這個本來美麗無比的國家被糟蹋強姦成啥樣了?!傻逼教育是罪魁禍首。表面光鮮遮擋不住敗絮其中。

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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