

作者:leahzhang  於 2011-7-25 06:55 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 smartman 2011-7-26 01:59
i would condemn Mei, who is the culprit.  She should have stopped her sexual relationship with Zhao after she stayed with Li.
回復 天涯看客 2011-7-26 02:22
雪的煙花: 女人移民為了什麼,沒有工作怎麼生活呀
回復 leahzhang 2011-7-26 02:59
smartman: i would condemn Mei, who is the culprit.  She should have stopped her sexual relationship with Zhao after she stayed with Li.
I agree with u
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-26 03:48
天涯看客: 女人沒工作可以男人養啊,嘻嘻。。男人要是工作就懸了,因那碗軟飯可不是好吃的。。。
回復 天涯看客 2011-7-26 03:50
雪的煙花: 指望男人養的日子一定淪落為寵物了。有那麼漂亮嗎,有那麼溫順嗎,最重要的,有那樣的心境嗎
還是自家掙錢自己花吧,踏實,   就是掙得少也沒壓力。。。
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-26 03:51
leahzhang: 嫁漢嫁漢,穿衣吃飯!她夢想有人供她吃穿一輩子!
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-26 03:52
天涯看客: 還是自家掙錢自己花吧,踏實,    就是掙得少也沒壓力。。。
回復 天涯看客 2011-7-26 03:56
雪的煙花: 戒是這意思。想偷懶了也可自由一下
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-26 03:56
smartman: i guess, primarily for her daughter.
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-26 04:00
天涯看客: 9494!
回復 jc0473 2011-7-26 12:26
回復 smartman 2011-7-26 16:28
雪的煙花: 借口吧。如果母親自強女兒不會差到哪去
do you really think so?  I am not quite sure.

generally speaking, i get a feeling that there is little upward mobility in China for a person, especially for a woman, who strives hard to aim high.  instead they will tend to seek opportunity outside the country to get a chance for development.  this mother (Mei) is trying to 自強 but her method of being 自強 is totally wrong.
回復 暗夜行路 2011-7-26 16:49
回復 leahzhang 2011-7-26 22:04
暗夜行路: 節奏真快!按這麼多的內容,邊喝咖啡邊慢慢地寫,該能讓讀者消磨一個長長的雨夜。
Thanks lingling!
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-26 23:41
smartman: do you really think so?  I am not quite sure.

generally speaking, i get a feeling that there is little upward mobility in China for a person, especia ...
回復 smartman 2011-7-27 00:08
雪的煙花: 那就是智慧啦。我不覺得文中的女人聰明
what is the "wisdom" (智慧) you meant?  Don't quite understand.

i agree with you that Mei is not smart at all.  so, her only assets is her beauty.  She wanted to make full use of her assets to change her personal life, but unfortunately, she used it the wrong way.

In China, she could be worse than in the US -- I guess she could only become a 3rd party (adultry) attached to a government officer or a rich business man.  What else could she become in China?

In US, she at least has a chance to change her life through marriage.  But she screwed it up.  Her own fault.
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-27 00:19
smartman: what is the "wisdom" (智慧) you meant?  Don't quite understand.

i agree with you that Mei is not smart at all.  so, her only assets is  ...
In US, she at least has a chance to change her life through marriage.  But she screwed it up.  Her own fault. -- 這就是她的不智慧。好不容易找到了跳板卻自己去破壞了。如果真是為了女兒就要老老實實的對吧。如果還想要愛情,就是看自己的能力如何,不然一樣也得不到。
回復 smartman 2011-7-27 00:51
雪的煙花: In US, she at least has a chance to change her life through marriage.  But she screwed it up.  Her own fault. -- 這就是她的不智慧。好不容易找到了跳板卻 ...
yes, you are right.  her own fault.  now, she needs to deal with her survivalship first.  affection takes low priority.

hope LZ could follow up her story in 3 months and we'll be able to see her trials and outcome. :-)
回復 雪的煙花 2011-7-27 09:06
smartman: yes, you are right.  her own fault.  now, she needs to deal with her survivalship first.  affection takes low priority.

hope LZ could follow up her s ...
回復 隨意隨緣 2011-7-27 10:59

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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