

作者:peipeilotto  於 2009-8-6 01:15 發表於 最熱鬧的華人社交網路--貝殼村




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回復 peipeilotto 2009-8-7 03:32
ifcss: 真好。多來些類似的帖子。
回復 nierdaye 2009-9-26 06:13
peipeilotto: 喜歡就好,這是我多次被教育的經典案例呢。還有幾個,還在猶豫要不要貼
Sorry for the comments:
some things you can do and think about why.
1. 雞胸肉切1cm大小的丁,加入鹽(1/2茶匙),料酒和干澱粉攪拌均勻后: add a little more cold oil.
2. 鍋燒熱,倒入油,再添加少許香油: no. add a little bit sesame oil when it is almost ready.
3. 趁油冷時放入花椒,待花椒出香味,顏色略變深后,放入干辣椒爆香wrong.do not "fry" the peper. it should be added during the stir fry , not to oil directly.

0: 五花肉切成2厘米大小的塊兒:thiis is for fast food, not cuisine.
1. 然後倒入開水: bad choice. use pork leg soup.
2. 然後倒入開水: add a little bit clove (Ding1 Xiang1)
3. 不夠時添加少許開水。: wrong. all the soup should go into the pot in one go.
4: 水量要沒過肉面,煮開后撇去浮: wrong. not too much soup, u r not going to drink all the thing.
1 ...234

facelist doodle 塗鴉板

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