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阿妹 聽海 2009-05-05
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ooqDc0Ig174   聽海 寫信告訴我今天 海是什麼顏色 夜夜陪著你的海 心情又如何 灰色是不想說 藍色是
I don't want to get over you -- 給我最好的朋友 my "luxury" 2009-05-04
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JK3V5jPFLGs   I'm not here to forget you I'm here to recall the things we used to say and do I don't wann
唐詩伴你過周末 2009-03-01
這詩出自唐 元稹的《離思五首(其四)》 曾經滄海難為水, 除卻巫山不是雲。 取次花叢懶回顧, 半緣修道半緣君。



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kylelong 2010-3-8 13:06

笑談紅塵 2009-12-3 18:09
追求永生 2009-11-26 05:34
marnifan 2009-6-19 12:47
snortbsd 2009-5-1 09:38
紫金花: Then tell me which one that is
wow, ok, i would take ct...:)
snortbsd 2009-5-1 08:42
紫金花: New England by the coastline.  I can't be more specific.  Go figure
can't be rhode island, my guess would be either massachusetts or connecticut ...
snortbsd 2009-4-24 09:59
so where is the "the 5th or 3rd (I forgot which one) smallest state" of the states?
丹奇 2009-3-1 10:08
紫金花: 我得說您二十年前的黑白照比這張強多了。
qionghua 2009-3-1 01:54
紫金花: where are you based in U.K.
snortbsd 2009-2-28 12:34
btw,  i didn't mean my english is better. after all, english isn't my mother tone and i found it is a bit hard to grasp the essence of lingoes...

where r you at?
snortbsd 2009-2-28 09:27
紫金花 : Of course, I have figured out you are a "dude", just from the way that you openly voiced your opinion on the web.  Your liberal side is def nope. i am not into chatting rooms that much. life is short and no need to waste more....:) honestly i thought you were teen...:). i am not into lingoes that much, actually i usually make sure i don't use them except with few of my close friends for being funny or so... ...
rtc4rtc 2009-2-28 07:57
snortbsd 2009-2-28 02:20
紫金花: How about you guess?  Can't you tell from the way I wrote?  Cheerio, sis.
i am serious....:). i am a guy, may be on the liberal side.

i think you picked up the lingoes via chatting online
marnifan 2009-2-28 00:57
妹妹你惜字如金那,怎麼不寫博克了? 還想看呢
marnifan 2009-2-28 00:40
紫金花: Yeah
北大? 清華? 呵呵
marnifan 2009-2-27 22:22
紫金花: Yeah

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